Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "Ploppable oil loading terminal"
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Showing 1-30 of 339 entries
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Industrial parks
Collection by Avanya
I've had some requests for some of my growables as ploppables, so I figured it would be nice to have a collection for that. I'll use it for other industrial ploppables, that are purely decorative. Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colos
Springwood 1987 - mods & assets -
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
The official mods and assets list for the city of Springwood. What city of Springwood? This one - Massive thanks to the modders and creators. You're all champions and deserve medals. Thank you for ma
MAYA | Assets Collection [PART TWO]
Collection by Palm'sTime
It's Asia city project inspired by some parts in Kobe, Japan. Made for MAYA series on YouTube! Palm'sTime
Gasoline/Petrol Stations Vehicles and Industry
Collection by IrresponsibleCaptNathan
A collection of gasoline (petrol) stations! I will make sure to update this collection as more assets are released. Some are low commericial, one is a police station (Fuel depot), some are industrial (oil loading terminals/tanks) others are parks or unique
Honorable Mentions
Collection by Leo Mystic Magic
All the assets that I had to cut from my game because of computer capacity. These are all assets that I would subscribe to if I had more ram / computer capability. You may enjoy some of these more than my other top picks. Enjoy!
Reimont Collection (Mods/Assets #1)
Collection by Tazer
Here is the Offical Reimont Collection for mods and assets. This is a Collection that contains mods/assets I'm using in my YouTube Series "Reimont". Reimont is a European Region with a lot of farms, small towns and also a main town. If you are interested i
Aussie Assets
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
G'day I have searched this workshop far and wide for the best Aussie assets. And here they are! To see these assets in action visit my Youtube channel and hit that bloody subscribe button like and mosquito on a Sun burnt shoulder, mate.
Buenos Aires Asset Collection
Collection by tentman
A collection of assets for Buenos Aires
TheMunk's Subscriptions
Collection by TheMunk
My mod/asset list
HomineK1 - Assets
Collection by Homine
Coleção completa com todos os assets que uso ou já usei nas minhas séries no YouTube. Conheça meu trabalho no YouTube: Canal HomineK1 Torne-se apoiador: Projeto HomineK1 Redes sociais: Instagram: @GuiNogueiraYT Twitter: @GuiNogueiraYT Melhores séries do ca
Moog's assets for UK cities
Collection by Moog®
A list of buildings, maps and mods for building UK-themed cities
iSevenSimmer's Collection: The Republic Of Starburg
Collection by iSevenSimmer
This is all my mods, assets, and stuff that i have in my game and series: The Republic of Starburg, an island nation established on November 6th 1818, known for its intersting architecture, urban planning, and environmental caring, since 1979.
Biffa2001's Mods and Assets list
Collection by pukinja72
Biffa2001's mods and assets list used in Skylines Mods MASS TRANSIT DLC Sipatea city (Activated ones from
Yoyo Collection - US style and Mods.
Collection by Theyoyokill68
Yoyo Collection - US style, Mods, Addons and More... New biggest Update available now ! 1.6 NEW ! 21/02/2018 ! WARNING ! Pls use : Roads United: US Edition / Roads United: Core+ / Network Extensions 2. Old version this mods not working with the Natural Dis
Los Cryloss Assets
Collection by лд чонгука
Coruña A Nova - Assets List part 1
Collection by funchenstein
Assets used for the Coruña A Nova YouTube series at
Mesogea Assets
Collection by SkGr
Biffa Plays Cities Skylines with the RUSH HOUR / REAL TIME Mod
Collection by gastrosquirrel
This is a full collection of every activated asset and mod Biffa uses in his new Let's Play. Biffa Plays Indie Games Channel: First episode of his new series:
US City Collection 1.0
Collection by Ludolf
First version of all the mods I use for my city. My Mod Settings: Roads United Core +: Select Road United: US Edition - Reworked theme. This needs to be reset every time you restart the game unfortunately. Auto Line Color: Color Strategy set to Categorised
Collection by rick_hochmuth
Collection by Dr.Decibelius
Provincia Calvino - Industrial Buildings
Collection by funchenstein
Verkehr/Traffic - PKW, LKW, Bus, Bahn, Straßen, Parkhäuser, Hafen
Collection by claurech
Verkehr/Traffic - PKW, LKW, Bus, Bahn, Straßen, Parkhäuser, Hafen
cities skylines
Collection by Black WiDoW
Gotham City Assets and Mods
Collection by Duke of Darkness
This is a collection of my favourite mods and assets. Complements too all the amazing modders out there, keep doing what you are doing to keep the modding community great ;) <3 <3
2023 Amherst Series
Collection by old-bore
These are the mods and assets I am using in Series 07 called "Amherst" This is the link to the YouTube Series
Swedish City Collection
Collection by erikssonolle02
A nice set off assets for my swedish city
Collection China Project HL - tested
Collection by LAA
This is the one not the other one !!
NBB Assets List
Collection by SonTyp
DEUTSCH Alle Assets sollten mit der aktuellen Version von Cities: Skylines kompatibel sein. Sollte der Loading Screen Mod irgendwelche Objekte nicht finden, dann wurden diese entgültig aus dem Workshop entfernt. Das Spiel lässt sich trotzdem problemlos spi
RICO & Other Great Stuff
Collection by Octanen
This is a simple compilation of all the stuff i personally use while playing. ENJOY!
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