Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Collection by Blunix
City Streets... and Rail
Collection by Populous
City street improvements
After Dark
Collection by Populous
The After Dark collection is designed to bring light to assets designed before After Dark was released and to allow you to place lights in an otherwise dark new world.
Flabaliki Asset & Mod List (City 4)
Collection by James
Here's a list of all the assets and mods that are currently used in my fourth let's play city.
City of Thando Assets
Collection by Sanctum Gamer
A collection of builds, parks, roads, etc, used in City of Thando
Blunix S3
Collection by Blunix
Lista modów używanych na 3. serii z Cities: Skylines!
Assets List I
Collection by agusingnavy
Sorted by author. Peace out.
- LakeValley -
Collection by SimoG
Electricity Assets & Props
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collections contains Electricity building giving power to your cities, electricity poles, assets and props.
Serie GREEN CITIES - Rapela
Collection by Rapela
By Populous
Collection by Populous
I have been modding for many years and of all the games and gamers… there is no better community or more positive influence then the folks who play Cities Skylines.
Collection by Ingenium
White Cape City
Collection by creativeDEX
Hi, everyone, this is my complete mod and asset collection for my city White Cape City. Don't forget to rate and leave a comment if you like my work. enjoy!
Simog - Radena
Collection by SimoG
City of the Future - Assets
Collection by LordDeimosIV
Skye's Building Wonderland Collection - Assets
Collection by xskyestormex
New Town
Collection by creativeDEX
Hi everyone, this is my complete mod and asset collection for my city New Town. Don't forget to rate and leave a comment if you like my work. enjoy!
Blunix Lista Modów Sezon 6 Cities: Skylines
Collection by Blunix
~ Bermen ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection has all the assets and mods used for BERMEN SERIES! Here you can find the entire playlist of this series: This series will be a collaboration series between me and YOU
The Capitol
Collection by Matthew
A collections of assets for a Hunger Games Capitol Style city.
Assets | Building
Collection by agusingnavy
50 Mods / Balanced
Collection by X [SGaming]
All mods are working correctly and updated. If you like what you see, please leave a like :) - Thank you for all Modders and Devs making this possible and contributing to Cities Skyline community.
Utilities and Services
Collection by YUMBL
Stuff that does stuff!
Ezilii's Mods
Collection by Ezilii
A collection of mods used on Stream at This list is maintained however mods sometimes develop conflicts with others in this list. Subscribe to a handful of mods in each siting to check for compatability issues.
Meri-Pori, Finland Collection
Collection by prepo
Assets used in Meri-Pori map.
SG - Staffel 2 Mods von Memphises
Collection by Memphises
Die Zusammenstellung der Mods aus der 2ten Staffel des Lets Plays Cities Skylines von Memphises mit Savegame
Electric, Water, Sewage, Garbage, Fire, Police, Health and Education
Collection by LemonsterOG
This collection contains service related items. (Electric, Water, Sewage, Garbage, Fire, Police and Education, etc.) You can see my full list of collections by Clicking Here Note: I did not create any of these items. The artists (and they truly are artists
Old World
Collection by m4gic
A collection of old city buildings from the Mid East, North Africa, Central Asia, Mediterranean, Colonial etc. with a few more modern buildings mixed-in. District Style:
Malaysia dan sekelilingnya
Collection by Ryzarez018
Aset untuk projek Malaysia ku
Soviet style
Collection by Streiff
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