Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Cedar Valley (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
Welcome to the official collection of mods and assets for my "Let's Design Cities Skylines (Cedar Valley)" series on YouTube. Disclaimer I highly encourage you to not subscribe to the whole asset list, you will need a pretty powerful PC in order to be able
Arrowhead Junction (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
What is Arrowhead Junction? Arrowhead Junction is a Cities: Skylines collaboration project that aims to bring a new type of series to the city building community. The series features a totally custom map and map theme featuring 100% unique textures and a h
Prop Library
Collection by Leo Mystic Magic
An Organized Collection of Props! I've gone through and inspected every single one of these props for quality. They have a reasonable triangle count and good looking LODs. Sorry if I haven't included something of yours, most likely the LOD wasn't up to my
City 5 Assets / Mods
Collection by James
Assets and mods used in my 5th LP city.
FLUXtrance's [Avalon] Mod/Asset List (1/2)
Collection by Flux
This is a collection of all the mods and assets used to build Avalon, a YouTube project of mine. Check the project out here:
Keralis Season 3 : Assets
Collection by Keralis
Essential assets
Collection by Beardmonkey
(Common) City Assets: Props
Collection by Spence!
A library of props which I want to use across multiple 'biomes' or city themes. Historical city builders may find several anachronistic assets here, since the focus is on contemporary, 21st century builds. In such cases, you may want to create your own com
Keralis - Main Game Collection
Collection by Keralis
Props and trees for my parks
Collection by core79
Gramercy Mod and Asset Collection #1
Collection by bsquiklehausen
Here is the official asset and mod collection for Gramercy! Watch here at
Collection by Leo Mystic Magic
All the props required for the assets that I subscribe to and are in the Refined and Organized Collection.
Deek's Northern Valley Mod/Asset List
Collection by DeekFTW
The mod and asset list from the Northern Valley YouTube series.
DP's "Beautification Sets" PROPS
Collection by Do It Pruett
This set includes all of the props used in my "Beautification Sets".
Cleyra - Asset Collection
Collection by creativeDEX
Littletown Props
Collection by Sanctum Gamer
This is a collection the props used in Littletown, my series running on my YouTube channel. Check it out here:
Maltese Cherry Pick
Collection by Accapulco
TLDR: Hand picked, performance friendly, "do more with less" mentality, Malta/Gozo I started this project to provide an alternative style for playing the game. I've been through the workshop, over 1000 pages, multiple times since this game came out and hav
Neguchi Maroyama LP Asset and MOD
Collection by Neguchi
Liste des assets et MOD utiliser dans mon LP
Civil Mania! - Workshop Prop Collection
Collection by Althazar
Call me lazy, but when one builds their own stuff, they don't want to build EVERYTHING. Here's a collection of props that you should probably subscribe to if you want to be able to get the most out of my assets.
FewCandy's Auridon Asset List
Collection by FewCandy
Construction Props & Assets
Collection by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: This collection contains all the CONSTRUCTION props or assets so you can create your own construction sites or areas to make your city look more realistic. RELATED: Follow this link to go to the FENCES & WALLS collection to look for some nice
Ferrisburgh Mods/Assets
Collection by Tazer
Here are the mods and assets I'm using in my YouTube series Ferrisburgh. Link to my channel:
Reimont Collection (Mods/Assets #1)
Collection by Tazer
Here is the Offical Reimont Collection for mods and assets. This is a Collection that contains mods/assets I'm using in my YouTube Series "Reimont". Reimont is a European Region with a lot of farms, small towns and also a main town. If you are interested i
Aramore - Official Assets Collection
Collection by Pres
This is the official assets collection for Aramore, a Cities: Skylines series. As seen on YouTube: Mods collection: DISCLAIMER: Be care
- LakeValley -
Collection by SimoG
Susam Sokağı
Collection by ravenwits
Youtube serisinde kullandığım modlar!
Sjin - Novosplovo - Russian/Soviet Bundle
Collection by Sjin
Falcon Falls Collection - Assets (Part 1/2)
Collection by Pres
ASSETS PART 2/2: MODS: DISCLAIMER: Be careful when subscribing to these items. I recommend that you don't subscribe to all of th
Springwood Airport asset List
Collection by Zoki
Well here you have all assets i used to create my airport the vehicles are kinda mandotory since the savegame wont start without them. I also recomend to change the acceleration and brake values in AVO "Advanced Vehicle Options" for all the planes so that
Collection by 阿川长不大
前言:请勿一次性订阅所有资产,按照自身需求订阅! 此合集包含视频中出现的所有资产,如果发现订阅了之后,在游戏里找不到,那你一定是忘记了订阅此资产的前置资产,类似于某些模组运行必须要的前置模组一样,这一点一定要切记! 当然最好的订阅习惯,就是看到喜欢的资产,先点进去看看有没有前置资产,看前置资产是否自己能接受,如果可以一同订阅即可,大部分资产都是不需要前置资产的,个别除外,这一点同样适用于地图、主题等、、、 此合集会根据自己的使用情况,不定期更新,如想及时获得好看有趣的资产,请关注我!包括视频平台的网络账号。
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