Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Penguin's Eye Candy
Collection by BloodyPenguin
Eye candy mods by BloodyPenguin Become a patron or donate in PayPal (using a card or your paypal balance)
Cedar Valley (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
Welcome to the official collection of mods and assets for my "Let's Design Cities Skylines (Cedar Valley)" series on YouTube. Disclaimer I highly encourage you to not subscribe to the whole asset list, you will need a pretty powerful PC in order to be able
FLUXtrance's [Rhinestone Island] Mod/Asset List
Collection by Flux
This is a collection of all the mods & assets used in my "Rhinestone Island" series on YouTube! Please Note: While I'm currently running all of these mods/assets at once without issue - I can't guarantee the same for you. This is only intended to be a list
Keralis Used Mods
Collection by Keralis
Arrowhead Junction (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
What is Arrowhead Junction? Arrowhead Junction is a Cities: Skylines collaboration project that aims to bring a new type of series to the city building community. The series features a totally custom map and map theme featuring 100% unique textures and a h
Essential Mods 'n' Assets
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
Every mod and asset I can't live without. Enjoy!
Dylan's Season 5 Collection
Collection by ConflictNerd
Every mod, tool, and asset that Dylan's using in Season 5 of Cities: Skylines!
FLUXtrance's [Avalon] Mod/Asset List (1/2)
Collection by Flux
This is a collection of all the mods and assets used to build Avalon, a YouTube project of mine. Check the project out here:
Collection by Blunix
Strictoaster's Mods (No Assets)
Collection by Strictoaster
These are some of the mods I generally use in my Cities Skylines projects.
Marble Mountain -Mods & Assets-
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
Mods de Bill : Mass Transit
Collection by Bill Silverlight
Par demande populaire, voici tous les mods que j'utilise pour ma série sur Mass Transit ! Pas sûr d'intégrer les assets si je me mets à les utiliser parce qu'il risque d'y en avoir beaucoup, on verra, mais je mettrai la collection à jour lorsque j'ajoutera
Mods de Bill : Industry
Collection by Bill Silverlight
Mods de Bill Silverlight pour sa série sur Cities Skylines : Industry
Mods de Bill Silverlight - Sunset Harbor
Collection by Bill Silverlight
Tous les mods et assets centraux que j'utilise pour ma série Youtube
Beam Basis Mods (Grafik & Werkzeuge)
Collection by Beam
Skye's London Collection
Collection by xskyestormex
All the mods used in my Building London series plus misc. London related assets
Poo Lagoon
Collection by Angor
The Mods I use while playing!
【降雪DLC可用/实用mod集合】sorted by AOPika
Collection by Attack.On.Pika[AFK]
一本道,订阅就好。 玩这个游戏不用mod,和咸鱼有什么区别 更新于2016.3.7 蓝色字体标注的都是非常好用和极其推荐的mod 喜欢哪个,直接鼠标一划,然后ctrl+f搜索就好了 游戏愉快 ------------------ 几个推荐订阅的mod: 81 Tiles (Fixed for C:S 1.2+) 可购买81个地块(与下面那个25的不兼容) Automatic Bulldoze 自动清理废弃建筑。可自由开启关闭,对内存有一定需求。还是比较推荐的MOD All 25 Areas purchasa
Clearwater County Mod Collection
Collection by City Planner Plays
This is a collection of the primary mods used to create Clearwater County. This list will not change throughout the series.
New Windsor - Mods Collection
Collection by Pres
New Windsor Mods Collection
Keralis - Main Game Collection
Collection by Keralis
-CHICAGO/Illinois- No's all in one
Collection by Captain-No
All praise goes to the maker of the mods and assets, I have compiled this lists only! But by a thumbs up for those list you help also that these assets do not be lost in the workshop. Most comprehensive Collection of Assets from CHICAGOS and Illdois landma
Titan's christmas special
Collection by Titan
This collection includes all the assets and props of my christmas special. I also added all stuff by other creators that's works well with my christmas market things and the recommended/required mods.
Gramercy Mod and Asset Collection #1
Collection by bsquiklehausen
Here is the official asset and mod collection for Gramercy! Watch here at
Cities Skylines Mejores Mods 2017
Collection by El Escoces Gamer
Los mejores mods hasta la fecha
Brunswald Asset & Mods Collection
Collection by Tazer
The asset and mods collection for my European YouTube series called Brunswald. Watch the series here:
NeguchiMaroyama MOD
Collection by Neguchi
Les differents mod que j'utilise dans mon let's play < mise a jour réguliere >
New Toulouse Collection
Collection by Tazer
Welcome to the city of New Toulouse which is a city based in the Southeast United States, more specifically inspired by New Orleans Louisiana. I don't recommend that you download everything at the same time because it'll probably give you an error.
FBS Airport Project (Jay's Picks)
Collection by bsquiklehausen
An asset amalgamation assembled allowing airport advancements.
Collection by LENNONISH
This collection has all the mods and assets from my popular Cities: Skylines - Project Dubai series on youtube! PLease feel free to download any mod or assest and try recreating Dubai just as I did!
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