Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Showing 1-30 of 783 entries
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Ultimate Skyscraper Collection
Collection by Cutter
An ever-growing collection of the tallest custom building assets for use in your cities! Contains both "real-life" buildings as well as fictional skyscrapers.
FLUXtrance's [Fluxburgh] Mod/Asset List
Collection by Flux
Please, only "subscribe to all" if you're dead-set on getting "Fluxburgh" to open. Half these mods/assets aren't updated anymore due to how old this list is - the only reason this list is still on the workshop is for those of you whoe would like to open th
Japan Part 2
Collection by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is part 2. There are over 1000 assets in this collection and reaching the limit on steam. Part1 ->
Planned City Assets
Collection by Silv
Delta do Francratos
Collection by Chratos
Mods utilizados na série de Delta do Francratos do canal ChratosGameplay no youtube!
Captain Soap's Assets Collection
Collection by Captain Soap
All my assets in one place. Be sure to subscribe to the linked collections as well!
Assets & Props - Only Custom, No Recolors - Master Collection
Collection by Gr8one
****Warning**** This collection is just a master list of the custom assets I have found on the workshop, it is not a best of collection. It exists solely as a means to keep track of all the custom assets released. If you are wondering why there may be 3 di
Collection by LENNONISH
This collection has all the mods and assets from my popular Cities: Skylines - Project Dubai series on youtube! PLease feel free to download any mod or assest and try recreating Dubai just as I did!
Honorable Mentions
Collection by Leo Mystic Magic
All the assets that I had to cut from my game because of computer capacity. These are all assets that I would subscribe to if I had more ram / computer capability. You may enjoy some of these more than my other top picks. Enjoy!
-DOWN UNDER- No's all in one
Collection by Captain-No
UNDER CONSTRUCTION All praise goes to the maker of the mods and assets, I have compiled this lists only! But by a thumbs up for those list you help also that these assets do not be lost in the workshop. Most comprehensive Collection of Assets from Australi
Collection by RadRoveR
Custom Tall Buildings
Collection by 阿川长不大
前言:请勿一次性订阅所有资产,按照自身需求订阅! 此合集包含视频中出现的所有资产,如果发现订阅了之后,在游戏里找不到,那你一定是忘记了订阅此资产的前置资产,类似于某些模组运行必须要的前置模组一样,这一点一定要切记! 当然最好的订阅习惯,就是看到喜欢的资产,先点进去看看有没有前置资产,看前置资产是否自己能接受,如果可以一同订阅即可,大部分资产都是不需要前置资产的,个别除外,这一点同样适用于地图、主题等、、、 此合集会根据自己的使用情况,不定期更新,如想及时获得好看有趣的资产,请关注我!包括视频平台的网络账号。
Columbia City: Assets Collection #2
Collection by Pres
This is the second of two asset collections for my Columbia City YouTube series. Asset collection #1: Mods collection: Asset
TheMunk's Subscriptions
Collection by TheMunk
My mod/asset list
ChratosGameplay - Campus
Collection by Chratos
Mods usados na série da DLC Campus do canal
Collection by RRT
A continually updating collection of quality skyscrapers for Cities: Skyline. Most of these skyscrapers are near or exceed the tallest deault "office/commercial" in the game, adding some flavor to your skyline. List contains both growable and plobable buil
Collection by 东青
Collection by ch4pi110
Collection by コンラッド
iSevenSimmer's Collection: The Republic Of Starburg
Collection by iSevenSimmer
This is all my mods, assets, and stuff that i have in my game and series: The Republic of Starburg, an island nation established on November 6th 1818, known for its intersting architecture, urban planning, and environmental caring, since 1979.
CityWokCityWall's Modern Architecture
Collection by citywokcitywall
All my mods and assets
Collection by thebigeasy66
Everything I have subsribed to as of uploading Monterey.
Buildings and Housing
Collection by JJ
BUILDINGS and HOUSING: This is a mega pack of buildings. All buildings from ploppable RICO, unique, monumental and growable buildings will be saved here. Again this is a modern or "Cutting Edge" city.
Collection by DBrum
Dariuscxz Video & Stream pack
Collection by Meistras Darius
轩总 自用 独特建筑+商业建筑-Unique Building Commercial Building
Collection by Mr. Xuan 独特建筑+商业建筑-Unique Building Commercial Building 请不要一键订阅!! 交流Q群:640841678 请务查看每一个建筑是否有,前置物品 关注我,第一时间获取更新内容 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍 点点收藏⭐ 你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 Unique Building+Commercial Building - Unique Building Commercial Building Please do
[YTIta Serie] Nuova Vega - Brake2Play
Collection by Rockbelt
Queste sono le mod che ho attivato sullo workshop alla fine della serie di Nuova Vega (Playlist: Non tutte le mod e gli assets sono attivati all'interno del gioco.
Collection by AaronShun
如完全無mod朋友,請依照前2碼順序抓取 直播間:
London by Drewpeaock
Collection by Lee Vitout
Mods for VineVille city
Collection by chesnodima
There is all mods i used in VineVille
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