Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "L1 1X1 Russian KebabHouse/Шаурма"
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Showing 1-30 of 213 entries
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-RUSSIA/СССР- No's all in one / все в одном
Collection by Captain-No
It will be continually expanded ,have a look off and on! All praise goes to the maker of the mods and assets, I have compiled this lists only! But by a thumbs up for those list you help also that these assets do not be lost in the workshop. Most comprehens
Российский и Советский комплект not support
Collection by 🐱Ivan # Иван🐱
В коллекции присутствует все от зданий до транспорта, а так-же в ней есть стиль для районов. Делал для себя, ничего лишнего. Добавленные модификации: -------- Service Vehicle Selector 2.2.0 - управление спавном техники из модов в служебных зданиях. http://
Soviet (USSR/Russian) Assets
Collection by xHOOLIGANx
A collection of Soviet era and Russian style buildings and props to help you build your authentic-looking Soviet style city. Constantly updating, so check back once in a while for new assets. For vehicles visit my other collection: https://steamcommunity.c
Assets & Props - Only Custom, No Recolors - Master Collection
Collection by Gr8one
****Warning**** This collection is just a master list of the custom assets I have found on the workshop, it is not a best of collection. It exists solely as a means to keep track of all the custom assets released. If you are wondering why there may be 3 di
Guvsk: A Model City
Collection by Brammered
Sjin - Novosplovo - Russian/Soviet Bundle
Collection by Sjin
The Urban Sprawl
Collection by forestfey
People squeezing into every little space available characterize this collection, may it be customers in crowded markets or squatters in self-built shacks and shantytowns... It is heavily focusing on level of detail and adaptively spawning "backyard action"
The Soviet/СССР Collection
Collection by girl named my brains out
A collection of Soviet assets and mods. Nothing unrelated here, 100% soviet and russian.
New York City - Wr Télévision
Collection by Wr Télévision
Twitchovsk assets collection №1
Collection by SM
rus: Коллекция русских/советских и не только ассетов для строительства города "Твичевск" от mob5tertv. Для более комфортной игры необходимо иметь все DLC, а также коллекцию модов. Время от времени коллекцию будут обновляться. eng: Collection of Russian / S
Eastern European Buildings Collection
Collection by Kievn
A collection of buildings that are suitable for use in a city set in eastern europe.
Food carts and Kiosks
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains all kind of food carts and vans, kiosks, and little street shops
Best of Asset Addiction: Europe
Collection by napiercpt
Hi Everyone! The other collection has got quite big for ease of use, so I'm moving some of the items to here to make it easier for myself and ya'll to search for something. I'll continue to add as always. I hope you can find something interesting or a link
C:SL Branched stuff - russian
Collection by Captain Toof
Все, что этого стиля, разделено для удобства управления.
Soviet Universe
Collection by CelsiuZ
Just a personal collection of USSR "fitting" assets.
-= My Big CS mods compilation =-
Collection by Colonel
Here are collected the better mods for this great game.
Collection by SuvoR
В этой коллекции собраны объекты которые можно встретить в России и необходимые моды для их работы. Данная коллекция будет постоянно обновляться. Приятной вам игры! This Collection contains items that can be found in Russia and the necessary mods for their
Pripyat 1986 Mods and Assets
Collection by thePhoenician
The mod and asset list for my YouTube series, Pripyat 1986, where I recreate the town of Pripyat and the Chernobyl Power Plant before disaster struck. Great for a smaller scale closed atomic city just like Pripyat. Check out my YouTube channel and Pripyat
Soviet Collection
Collection by Gabadyusha
Пак, с которым я строю свой город в советском стриле. Геймплей основан на моде RICO. Ставить стамостроящиеся районы я не рекомендую. Они работают, но портят общий вид. Буду пополнять. По большому счёту эта коллекция исключительно для себя и сейчас не имеет
Soviet/Russian Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of buildings from CIS Countries and former soviet region. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM. Otherwise your game might not work anymore.
Collection by PaperClip
Katak Town Assets 1/2 (Southeast Asia / Malaysia)
Collection by JAQREL
[315] comerz+
Collection by maciov
22 battery street (Lvl 3 commercial 3x4) American "1900" : LaFayette Building (2) : The Cossutta Building : The Devon Building : The Hoffmann Building : The Morgan Building : The Suffern Building : the Aldiss Building Americana Promenade Garden Restaurant
Константиновск. 1980.
Collection by IsDanBall
Assets for my Alternate History of Kaliningrad Oblast and its surrounding regions. Alternate History: -The year is 1980, and the city is Konstantinovsk, capital of the Prussian Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR. Named for Soviet Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsk
Company of Crashes: Cities Skylines Mods
Collection by Gamecks
список модов (сезон 4)
Collection by Maxx78rus
BG iladrion - Best of all
Collection by Zap zockt
English description: Recommended: 16GB RAM or more A collection of new buildings, some mods and lots of interesting things. Nothing in this collection was made by me, i just shared my favourites with you. This should be extra easy collection with an "i wan
Eastern Bloc
Collection by crypticpresage
Buildings, vehicles, props, etc. associated with the Soviet Union and other SSRs 1965-1985
Collection by borg2003
Коллекция для стрим-челленджа, лето 2020г.
Collection by Artems
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