Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Showing 1-30 of 118 entries
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Assets & Props - Only Custom, No Recolors - Master Collection
Collection by Gr8one
****Warning**** This collection is just a master list of the custom assets I have found on the workshop, it is not a best of collection. It exists solely as a means to keep track of all the custom assets released. If you are wondering why there may be 3 di
Collection by 东青
Collection by Cudfather
This collection includes assets such as medieval buildings, many landmarks, and European maps. Best to use with Traffic ++ and the Control Building Level Up mod.
Collection by 东青
Miwi European Set
Collection by donmiwi
European building set
Airport Mods + Props
Collection by Andy-H
This is a list of mods and props that i have used for constructing a pretty epic International Airport in my City Skylines series. (This was a request so i used the opportunity to build my first ever mod collection) Thanks to all you modders out there for
Unique Buildings and Monuments
Collection by RED /(Weber)\
These are all unique buildings and monuments, something to add that flair, that uniqueness, to your city.
Jap 2
Collection by Sakura
Statues & Monuments (Custom Assets)
Collection by Gr8one
Monuments and Statues made from custom assets. These include assets that are parks and unique buildings as well if you are having trouble finding these assets in your game. This is a just small section of a much larger collection of custom assets. Check ou
Collection by 张狗蛋
Statues & Monuments
Collection by Reqruiz
Statues and monuments (some sculptures also) for your city.
Subscribed - Parks, filler and beautyfication
Collection by OlexX
Parks, filler and beautyfication incl. used assets that I use in the game.
Sammlung setzbarer Spezialgebäude (ploppable)
Collection by chromster
Interessante Spezialgebäude (setzbar),(ploppable)
Cities Skylines: Angry_CJ 2020
Collection by Angry_CJ
Raí22mk Used Mods
Collection by DarkZinZZ
My Subscribed Items Collection
Collection by Lucky Wolf
This a list of items I am subscribed to, for puposes of being able to subscribe and un subscribe for PC space when not playing.
cities skylines (snowfall) by cangaceirobr
Collection by Caio
by cangaceirobr
Collection by jlmpdx
This is basically every thing that I've downloaded so far, it's a lot, I know.
Best Of Asset Addiction: Public Art, Monuments & Memorials
Collection by napiercpt
Hi Everyone! A collection of assets that brings art to the masses, remembrance to the few and awe to all. Enjoy. Johnny Whatevah.
SyntheticEQ's Collection
Collection by SyntheticEQ[CCG]
Just a collection of stuff for me and my friends. Update!: Please remove the original Hydrogen Power Plant. It conflics with the new one. Also the Auto transport line mod has issues with this modpack. :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALSO ALL C
Collection by 扶摇而上
Kollektion die zweite
Collection by BlackCat0210
Kollektion die Erste
Collection by BlackCat0210
Kollektionen sind toll, wie du <3 KAPPA
Meus Mods
Collection by DarkZinZZ
Buildings and Assets
Collection by Simonster
Assets and buildings I use. For Better managing all the mods.
BOT Adrian´s Kollektion
Collection by BOT Adrian
Some German Cities Skyline stuff :)
Vadim's Mods
Collection by Jamiejakov
Mods that Vadim uses
Collection by tiopok
Collection by Lan.Manuel
Angry_CJ New
Collection by Angry_CJ
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