Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Customize your city!
Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Showing 1-30 of 619 entries
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RealCity Best List(建议)
Collection by pcfantasy
Work Best with RealCity Mod to make game reality! UserGuide: 20200930 updated 说明书/攻略: 20200930更新 If you like this mod, please press Like You can support me if you wish for further development :) 如果有兴趣可以支援我。
Susam Sokağı
Collection by ravenwits
Youtube serisinde kullandığım modlar!
시스카 플레이시 유용한 모드
Collection by Sapientia
시티즈 스카이라인을 플레이 할 때 있으면 매우 유용한 모드 모음집입니다.
TheMunk's Subscriptions
Collection by TheMunk
My mod/asset list
Wykop Mod & props 1.7.f-5 compatibile
Collection by Acrivec
Michał Białek kończył nocną wartę w serwerowni wykopu, a poznańskie koziołki stykały się częściami ciała, których Białek chciałby nie mieć. MODY DO WYŁĄCZENIA PO SUBSKRYBCJI (czekają na update bądź cośtam) na dzień 19.05.2017 15:00: Dynamic Resolution Enha
Must Have Mods - by sc
Collection by pete the dragon
These mods are, in my opinion, pretty much essential for Cities: Skylines. Listed in the order of essentialness. UPDATE: After some discussion on /r/citiesskylines, I removed PopBalanceMod from this list. While it is a must have in my own games, it changes
Compatible mods skipped from PazarCity collection
Collection by StayHungryStayFoolish
Lot of mods, with short explanations! This is not a "one-click" collection! However these mods are compatible with the latest software version (Treasure & Hunt DLC patch), and you can subscribe to them, as an alternative or as an addition, but I do not use
All Mods (updated)-2020/04/23
Collection by stmSantana
All MODs. (Notation of date in Japan : YYYY/MM/DD) Including MOD that is no longer working now . Another list All Musics I think that Music (CSL) Mods don't suit the purpose of this list so I moved them to another list.
High Quality Collection
Collection by beans
A number of high-quality assets and mods. Junk assets that have unreasonable stats, prices, or are just in the wrong categories altogether are gone. The mods in this collection are of the highest quality. The mods in this collection were downloaded en mass
Collection by Saken
Collection by Cudfather
This collection includes assets such as medieval buildings, many landmarks, and European maps. Best to use with Traffic ++ and the Control Building Level Up mod.
Mod (Wonderful) 모드 (훌륭한)
Collection by Breeze
Leno Mod List
Collection by KingLeno
Cities: Skylines MUST HAVE list
Collection by HeadStrikeR !
A selection of mods, assets and all the good stuff i think compliment the Skylines experience.
Miwi European Set
Collection by donmiwi
European building set
Absolute must-have mods
Collection by Kliekie
This collection is the the base mod package every player should have. Includes mostly just stuff to make the gameplay better.
基础功能 (必备MOD)
Collection by
此合集正在建设中。此合集可以改善游戏体验,可以实现更高的效率和更好的效果。以下MOD都是本人精挑细选的功能性MOD,如果帮助到了您还请您点个赞。 注意:如果一键订阅,请确保您的CPU核心达到4核及以上,内存大小在16G及以上。 如果您想实现更真实更顺畅的交通,请订阅CSUR2.0,本合集下方也已经连接了CSUR2.0合集。 ——————————————————————————————————— 以下为本合集出现的MOD的中文简介: 1 · Quay Anarchy (码头无碰撞) 允许在任何地方放置码头和防
Indispensable MOD's Compatible all DLC's [C:S - V1.12.1-f2]
Collection by -=[dзхкoитяol]=- Revision 22/08/2019 ( + 5 Mods ). Revision 17/08/2019 ( + 7 Mods ). Revision 15/08/2019. ( 43 Mods ) Collection for Cities Skylines V1.12.1-f2; 81 unlocked spaces!; 55 Mods; All DLC's Compat
Emory Hills Mod Collection
Collection by Leeijo
These are all my current mods!
Cities Skyline : Must Have Content
Collection by Devildog
This is a collection of Great Mods Assets an files for Cities Skylines which all work together an makes your game experience even more awesome!
Snowfall 1.3 Essential Mods (Rush Hour)
Collection by Ze l
Currently outdated mods which will be added to the collection once they are updated: Skyscape 1 Contains mods which are: - Fully updated and compatible with the latest version of the game - Compatible with the Rush Hour mod, as well as each other mod - Pro
Cities: Skylines - Season 4 Mods [Dani zockt]
Collection by [DZYT] Dani zockt [GER]
UK (British) City Assets and Mods
Collection by Speedkillsuk
These are all of the assets and mods used to create Ilcaster , my attempt at a 1:1 representation of a city that could realistically exist in Northern England. Whilst Ilcaster may be modelled after northern cities, almost all of these assets and mods could
-Cities: Skylines- オススメのアセット&Mod
Collection by Ciel-Legacy_qp【JP】
Collection by 👑CEHATOP👑
DarkPirateShea's Standard Stream Items
Collection by darkpirateshea
View my twitch stream at These are the mods and assests I use most in my cities. Includes mods to improve functionality as well as a fair number of unique buildings to enhance the appearance of your city. All mods and assets are c
Walters List: UI MODs
Collection by otrwalter
Please VOTE if you find this collection helpful. Please add a comment if you have an idea to improve it. thx. "Verified by Walter Logo - HUBS & TRANSPORT" I work hard to ensure this collection
Los Angeles Inspired
Collection by d34_n
My collection of basic essential mods
Collection by Adrikirikiki
those are the essential mods to have in my opinions dont forget to subscribe to the linked collections below
Kumejima Island (Mods&Assets)
Collection by OSTEV
Kumejima Island Mods & Assets requirement lists.
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