Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "DDR IFA Barkas-Ambulance No.1-2"
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Showing 1-30 of 39 entries
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MeisterMonis' vehicles
Collection by MeisterMonis
All my vehicles in one place. Make sure to use the Loading Screen Mod to save on RAM between my assets. I also strongly advise using Tree and Vehicle Props Mod plus its Patch if you need prop versions of my vehicles Improved Public Transport to assign my t
Soviet Universe
Collection by CelsiuZ
Just a personal collection of USSR "fitting" assets.
Dennis´s Kollektion DDR
Collection by DENNiS
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GDR / East Germany
Collection by crypticpresage
The German Democratic Republic (GDR), commonly called East Germany (German: Ostdeutschland), was founded on 7 October 1949, after World War II. It was formed from part of the Soviet occupation zone of Germany, including part of the city of Berlin. It is no
Collection by MikeSkylines
Collection of healthcare assets. Includes clinics, hospitals, ambulance stations, pharmacies, ambulances etc. I do not recommend to subscribe them all, just find the most suitable ones for your build. All my other collections can be found here: MikeSkyline
Realistic Mod Collection by ProfessorHen
Collection by ProfessorHen
Einige Assets kann man nicht in Kollektionen hinzufügen. Die folgenden Sachen müsst ihr noch zusätzlich abonnieren: Nursing Homes with Eldercare Pack: Die Kollektion ist noch in Arbeit und w
Collection by Dr. Intercourse, PhD
My cs collection
Collection by Orange
LD Vehicles Old Style
Collection by LDtailor
Old vehicles
Collection by Enczak
Mods and assets for communist skylines
Collection by Lwvus
Collection of mods and assets to create a socialist city of the soviet era
Collection by Vegirskiy_Lord
Collection by にきたつ
Collection by retkimuna
Collection by doshi_neko
America I love so much America
Eastern Europe Communism 01
Collection by Ethan1764
Socialist Vehicles Collection
Collection by Towarzysz Ujma
This is a collection of wheeled vehicles created by the modding community from various socialist countries.
Collection by Steel Rain
Collection by zonks13
All vehicles: emergency, industrial, civilian, and transportation.
East German Collection
Collection by DaddyDyatlov69
3B20 欧美类-欧美载具车辆
Collection by darcula2000
Europa Stream Mods
Collection by Nenie
Island City Vehicles
Collection by Spence!
Vehicles which match my Island City Set. There are a mix of vehicles and liveries which were chosen primarily with regards to aesthetics rather than to model any specific real-world location. Prop versions aren't included. Use Tree & Vehicle Props mod to (
Collection by Cannabis
German Vehicles Set
Collection by Spence!
Vehicles which could be characteristic of a German city during the late 1980s/1990s. Prop versions aren't included. Use Tree & Vehicle Props mod to (optionally) create a prop version of every vehicle asset. Props are only included for specific cases where
Havendor - Vehicles
Collection by saunatonttu
Vehicles for my project
Soviet Collection
Collection by mortimer
Personal collection of Soviet-themed items
Current Mods 12/21/22 (A lot of Soviet stuff)
Collection by riesterz
bunch of CS mods you need to send to gaby, theres a lot of soviet stuff in this one
Russian Modpack 1 Click Collection
Collection by JorrisUwU
Recommanded : Temperate (without the Custom LUT, only the custom theme) Version : 1.15.0-f2
My Vehicles COllection
Collection by jray.lives
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