Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "Plattenbau 2POS TS69 Erfurt No.1"
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Showing 1-30 of 162 entries
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MeisterMonis' Plattenbau
Collection by MeisterMonis
All my Plattenbau assets in one place. Make sure to use the Loading Screen Mod to save on RAM between my assets. Also using Move IT! is greatly advised, to get the most out of my assets. Make sure to check that you are not subscribed to any of my OBSOLETE
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains all assets related to Education (schools, universities, college, highschools etc)
Theme Style - German
Collection by Skibitth.YT
A collection that contains German style buildings and other collections as well.
Avanya's favorite European assets
Collection by Avanya
A collection of my favorite assets to use in an European styled city. This is a constant work in progress and does not contain buildings I use for all sorts of cities. Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my
1960s and 1970s
Collection by electric leo
anything made in the 1960s and 1970s
Streaming City Traubenstein (Collection 2)
Collection by Titan
This collection includes all the mods and asset I regularly use in my YouTube Streaming City Traubenstein. This is collection 2/2 as the first one grew too large and reached capacity. The other collection can be found here:
imperatur - German Theme (assets) 2
Collection by imperstar
Tropical Colonial
Collection by blg393
Spanish and Caribbean inspired assets.
Dennis´s Kollektion DDR
Collection by DENNiS
Meine ganze Liste findet ihr unter
GDR / East Germany
Collection by crypticpresage
The German Democratic Republic (GDR), commonly called East Germany (German: Ostdeutschland), was founded on 7 October 1949, after World War II. It was formed from part of the Soviet occupation zone of Germany, including part of the city of Berlin. It is no
german buildings collection
Collection by Robconstrictor
My collection of the best german buildings for CS
Collection by itsxmo_
German City Set
Collection by Spence!
Assets for building a German city in the late 80s, or early 90s, at a time period near reunification. Includes props, buildings, and networks. I wanted to focus on this time period because an inner border (and the dismantling thereof) can present a variety
Misc buildings - Health/School/Services
Collection by RubyRobbins
A collection of my favourite things.
Eastern Bloc
Collection by crypticpresage
Buildings, vehicles, props, etc. associated with the Soviet Union and other SSRs 1965-1985
Cities:Skylines - Mods I'm currently using
Collection by Klara_UwU
All of the mods for Cities:Skylines that I'm currently using
Fennpfuhl Collection
Collection by Teddy Radko
Collection of workshop mods and assets for the Fennpfuhl, Berlin 1:1, collaboration.
Collection by _Enter_
My Berlin Buildings
Collection by Mbryo
Collection by blg393
Collection of northern european inspired buildings.
Collection by Samppaa :D
KTM base
Collection by ZiY-682 KVR Krsk
Collection by Delicioso
PUBLIC SERVICES | Education - High school
Collection by MikeSkylines
Collection of high schools and other second grade educational buildings. I do not recommend to subsrcibe them all, just find the most suitable ones for your build. All my other collections can be found here: MikeSkylines | MASTER COLLECTION Looking for ele
Germany (3/3)
Collection by ⭐Kaiser⭐
Services - Education
Collection by mcflizzy
Eastern block
Collection by cheems
Usti Nad Labem, Czech Republic 2
Collection by Strvinafrcan
based on Usti Nad Labem in the Czech Republic, or Czechia, this collection features all assets and mods used in my recreation of Dayz's Chernogorsk as a more developed, Czech-based city. It also has a mixture of Stalinist and Soviet architecture and apartm
assets for Largow
Collection by Strvinafrcan
dafi favor
Collection by dafirenze
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