Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Showing 1-30 of 147 entries
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Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
Perth is OK
Collection by Cyber Scythe X
List of Assets inspired by things specifically from the City of Perth and Western Australia in General Bad Peanut's Train stations named accordingly: Boutellier Sunken Station = Butler Train Station Suburban Train Station = Warnbro Train Station Inner Subu
Cyberscythex's assets
Collection by Cyber Scythe X
List of assets made by me. Have any requests let me know Enjoy. want more or sneak peaks at future releases? find me on -twitter
City Beautification (planters, hedges, tables, benches,etc)
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection contains planters, hedges, trash bins, tables, benches, amusement parks for kids, etc. All kind of props that will help you to make your city detailed and beautiful.
Australia & New Zealand Assets
Collection by girlfromverona
Australia and NZ are actually quite different in terms of their environments, but they do share a few similarities, so I decided to put these assets into one collection.
Malaysia 1
Collection by Hafiz
Collection of Malaysian assets as well as other assets from Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Latin America, Southern Europe, Japan, China/Taiwan, Korea etc. that fit a Malaysian city.
Gold Coast Collection [Loading Screen MOD still broken]
Collection by Kv Vortex
Collection of assets I'm using for my gold coast map. Collection still has old Loading screen MOD so you will need to unsubscribe and subscribe to the newer one here:
Tokyo and Yokohama Collection Part 3
Collection by フェイト
Zekiarsu's Melbourne Savegame - Assets
Collection by Zekiarsu
A collection of all assets used in my Melbourne savegame. Around 16 GB of RAM is required for all assets. If you open the savegame with Loading Screen Mod, a long list of missing assets will be displayed. These aren't essential for the savegame, but feel f
Parks, Sports, Pedestrian Bridges and Stairs
Collection by LemonsterOG
These are parks, sports, pedestrian bridges and stairs. You can see my full list of collections by Clicking Here Note: I did not create any of these items. The artists (and they truly are artists) deserve all the credit. Please take the time to give your f
US City Services - Public Sector Collection
Collection by Blackfrost
Collection of all kinds of public services to fit an U.S. American theme. Included are police departments, fire stations, schools, water treatment, electricity, parks and transportation buildings. Necessary decorations (props, trees etc.) are included in t
Uniquely Australia
Collection by CydonianKnight21
So as an Australian (from Sydney) I wanted to mod the game to be like what I'm used to seeing in real life. Then I figured that others from any Aussie state might want to do the same, so I created this one stop shop for all the Aussie assets on the worksho
Yosemite Valley 2.0 - Required Assets
Collection by Snacko
These are the Required Assets for the Yosemite Valley Map 2.0. Subscribe to All!
1C80 道具-其他装饰
Collection by darcula2000
Chinook City
Collection by Canadian Moose Plays
Chinook City Asset Collection As Seen On
ONE-CLICK | Australia
Collection by MikeSkylines
Collection of assets for Australian themed city build. This collection includes a basic set of all kinds of assets (buildings, services, props, roads, vehicles...) for a certain theme. Collection can be used as an one-click subscription (Subscribe to all),
Desert (Buildings & Props)
Collection by loomax
Desert (Buildings and props)
Yosemite Map - One-Click Required Asset Collection
Collection by Snacko
Assets for the Yosemite Map One Click on 'Subscribe to All' get's you all of the Assets for my Yosemite Map. The basic things like Roads; Bridges; Parking; Rail; ect.. are required. Rocks; Trees; Decals; etc are not necessarily 'required', but needed to pr
Botch's one-click post-apocalypse starter
Collection by Botch
A curated list of compatible mods to create the most unwelcoming post-apocalyptic setting of your dreams!
Airport: Part I
Collection by NOOOOO
Collection by Gleiz
New Jersey City Assets
Collection by drum
Collection by BreezyXx_0_xX
cities skylines
Mods List
Collection by respeto 존경
My mods list, not yours.
My Trees
Collection by pbilk
My Buildings
Collection by pbilk
Collection by deadtram
Aus Modlist
Collection by skitso
Aussie stuff 4 me
Collection by MoongoKID
Collection by Canadian Moose Plays
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