Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "100m Highrise Condo"
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Modern Condo Collection
Collection by Smilies
Contains the optional props used to decorate modern condos. None of them are needed for functionality, pick and choose what you want. Sets with shared textures; must use Loading Screen Mod Set 1: Highrise, Midrise, Lowrise, Midrise no props Set 2: 16m, 57m
Modern Buildings
Collection by Hafiz
Modern/contemporary buildings that I'm currently subscribed to. Part two:
扬州小婷婷 自用 现代化漂亮高层建筑资产合集
Collection by 扬州小婷婷
扬州小婷婷 自用 现代化漂亮高层建筑资产合集,建议四格分开放!! 使用中没有问题,如果有需要, 建议一键订阅所有,所有附加资产全部补齐 QQ群717757452欢迎大家进群探讨 如果觉得这个合集还可以,希望帮忙点个赞👍 2022实用MOD合集 资产 推荐!点击这里
Collection by 数合天际
本合集包含由数合天际出品的《都市天际线资产推荐:高密度属性自长住宅建筑》中介绍的所有资产。 具体展示与评分细节,请移步哔哩哔哩观看。 重要提醒 本合集已取消“一键订阅全部”功能。 请按照自己的需求,以及电脑的配置,适量选择订阅。 经数合天际的实际测试,截止2022年6月1日为止,此合集中的所有资产均可用。 订阅前请先仔细阅读每个资产的详情描述。 鉴于不同玩家的电脑配置与游戏参数不尽相同,因订阅资产所出现的任何问题,我们概不负责。
High Density Residential Buildings
Collection by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: This collection contains HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS to create your city. RELATED: Follow this link to go to the LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS collection in case you are looking for smaller buildings for suburbs or villages.
Collection by EatThePorg
American Collection
Collection by 孟凡5742
虽然开启一键订阅,但是请大家根据自己的内存量力而行 本合集需要,孟凡懒人包合集当中的dspe配合结合建学视频观看
Cabrillo Buildings
Collection by Pres
This is the building collection for my Cabrillo YouTube series. Full Cabrillo Steam Workshop library: Savegame: support me on Patreon to get the updated savegame for every episode - Map:
Bowser Bay Assets
Collection by James
Assets I'm using in Bowser Bay Mods: Roads:
Greenhope City (2021) | Assets Collection #1
Collection by Palm'sTime
Asset collection for my brand new series "Greenhope". It's the project that I intend to create and wanted to be a mountain surrounded and river flowing through the city. There are a variety of resources. Abundance of forests, water sources and wildlife. Wi
Collection by 那年18狙不过壮妈
Collection by YUMBL
I'd live there!
Modern 2
Collection by AquilaSol
Part 2 of the Modern collection. See here for part 1:
Slay's 2023 Asset List
Collection by Slay3K
CORNELIA - MODS & ASSETS - 10/06/2023
Collection by OctopolisGaming
Coleção de assets e mods na minha série de YouTube, CORNELIA. Recomendo o uso do mod Skyve para buscar por categorias. Mods and Assets used on my YouTube series CORNELIA. I sugest using Skyve to browse through categories.
Gold Coast Collection [Loading Screen MOD still broken]
Collection by Kv Vortex
Collection of assets I'm using for my gold coast map. Collection still has old Loading screen MOD so you will need to unsubscribe and subscribe to the newer one here:
~ YELLOW HILL 2.0 - Part 1 ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection belongs to my YELLOW HILL 2.0 Youtube Series
New Nate - All Required Mods/Assets
Collection by Chris6d
All required mods and assets for the New Nate city. You can watch a showcase/tour video of the city here, and download the savegame for yourself here!
New York by Web250
Collection by ithinkyouknow
All New York Assets
Collection by 核桃蛋
Vancouver District Style Collection
Collection by qualicum5
This the collection of assets used for the cities skyline Vancouver District Styles
Buildings Modern
Collection by Iskender Pendragon
Modern Buildings
Airports Global Build Off - Assets
Collection by MrMiyagi
All the custom assets used in the Airports Global Build-Off city
Buildings and Skyscrapers
Collection by Teo.Tomas
Here is a group of my favourite buildings and skyscrapers in the workshop. Mainly ploppable unique buildings, with some growable.
Collection by 笔墨藏龙
本合集会不定时增加新内容🔶如需要模组~MOD,请到我本合集最下面链接的合集里订阅 合集内容包括高密度和低密度自生长建筑,订阅后可自行随机生长,也可手动放置。 此合集内所有建筑不存在放置大小与实际大小不匹配,不会有穿模情况。 Building, Residential, Residential High🟢高密度住宅 Building, Residential, Residential Low🟢低密度住宅
Collection by Eys.北山
此合集包含世界各式高密度住宅模型,其中有大量欧式、中式建筑,请大家取用。 This collection contains all kinds of high-density residential models in the world, including a large number of European and Chinese buildings, please take them.
Assets for London
Collection by Jack Boston
This is a list of assets I have compiled for rebuilding London.
Omaha Collection #1
Collection by ByrnesViceVersa
This Is the 1st Set of Omaha Second Set Here: City in the United States Midwest region. On the Nebraska and Iowa border. Near the city of Omaha. This city has a huge history wi
Highrise Buildings
Collection by snowflitzer
Highrise Buildings In this collection there are just high rise buildings for your city. Be careful if you add them, as they are big sizes (in MB!) - don't load these if you don't have at least 32GB RAM. I do add buildings on a weekly base and this is the b
Human Centered Design (Walkable Cities)
Collection by Wizard
A collection of roads, buildings and other assets gathered for the express purpose of simulating what a mixed-use, modern, human-centric city in the US might look like.
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