Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "Bordeaux Corner 1"
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Showing 1-30 of 585 entries
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French Architecture
Collection by Gèze
Bonjour! Good day! In this collection you can find every single French asset that I've created so far. Here you will find everything from advertisement columns, through typical Parisian flats to the most known monuments of France. Please rate and comment!
Project Aquitania
Collection by Gruny
Bordeaux city
Collection by Gruny
Assets from the city of Bordeaux
Collection by Cityburg
This collection of mods and assets i use to build my city from medieval ages to modern times
Little France - Collection 1
Collection by Skibitth 2
This Collection is being used in my Youtube Series LITTLE FRANCE
Asset list 5
Collection by Sparks
Vogelstad Assets
Collection by jeremy.thunder
Assets for Vogelstad
Theme Style - French
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains french style assets
Arndorf Collection Part 2
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection was created for ARNDORF youtube series The entire series is created as a story about a village that will became a big city! I will take lots of inspiration from 4 big cities at this point: Berlin, Munich, Bremen, Nuremberg. Even though thes
Collection by lifefordance
Slatchs German-City-Collection (in progress)
Collection by Slatch_Hammer
Hi Cities skylines fans, would you like build/create a german city, then look at my collection. Here found you all the "assets" do you need/want. ...i hope... its under constraction
Non-90° Angled and non-90° Corner Buildings
Collection by alborzka
Buildings (usually houses and commercial) that you can put into corners and funny angles. You can use these instead of MoveIt! to avoid bad-looking rooftops and get smooth transitions instead.
Imperial Russia -- Императорская Россия
Collection by m4gic
В России в 1800-х годах города росли вдоль обширной сети дорог и рельсов от Санкт-Петербурга до Владивостока. Коллекция, вдохновленная дореволюционной Россией. In Russia in the 1800s cities sprouted along the vast network of roads and rails from Saint Pete
🏗️ NO.MAD's Collection🔥
Collection by NO.MAD
Bonjour tout le monde ! Vous trouverez tous les objets dont je suis abonné sur le workshop! Si vous voulez voir les objets de cette collection en action, n'hésitez pas à venir voir ça sur twitch ! ! Bon amusement et à bientôt! Hel
Tamelia ultimate collection
Collection by
Collection by trist14222
Rural France - Part 1
Collection by Pariskachu
32gb ram & more I strongly suggest to use it with the part 2 to ensure the full experience. However this could work alone if of course you have all the mods required. #FrenchCityBuilder
Old European buildings
Collection by fly.tie.guy
Old European buildings from the medieval centuries to the 1950s
Ploppable City
Collection by Raymond Reddington
More usable buildings for plopping than zoning
Varen Assets Collection #1
Collection by Rolly
Provincia Calvino - Buildings
Collection by funchenstein
Collection by Robal
Robal` stuff
Rheinburg Part I
Collection by MarleEvans
Collection by n00t_NAFO
1939-2021 alternate history of Warsaw, community-written, visualised in Cities: Skylines! JOIN THE DISCORD:
Archangel's Collection of Wall-to-Wall
Collection by Archangel
CITY - Vayrolles (French Town)
Collection by Krimssone
Assets list for my french town Vayrolles MAP Maine Bay (vanilla) WIP (lacks residentials, commercials, LUT and Theme) Streaming it on
(Mostly) European City Style
Collection by Master Baiter
Do you want your city to be more of Paris, Rome, or perhaps Edinburgh, and less of one flowing with brutalistic and functionalistic architecture? This list will be an important addition in making your city look more real, alive, and most important; beautif
European Buildings
Collection by Bizzfresh
Montreal, Quebec-styled cities
Collection by elbevarde
Assets for a Quebecois city
European Buildings Collection
Collection by trixsterdo
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