Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Showing 1-30 of 867 entries
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California Love
Collection by KingLeno
Collection by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: This collection contains SKYSCRAPERS to create your downtown area. RELATED: Follow this link to go to the OFFICE BUILDINGS (small) collection.
Collection by AquilaSol
Part 1 is full, see here for part 2:
Collection by AquilaSol
Future & SciFi
Collection by AquilaSol
Futuristic and Scifi stuff
Redwood City Mod/Asset Collection
Collection by Freat
This is the official mod/asset collection from my series on Youtube #Redwood City. Enjoy!
Z Skyscrapers
Collection by RaptoR
Assets for downtown
Collection by Gothikel
Collection of skyscrapers (mostly) perfectly fit for city business center/downtown
Collection by YUMBL
I'd live there!
Awesome Buildings
Collection by CaddyShack
A showcase of my favorite buildings from Cities: Skylines, most of them tied to my Cadmium Theme and/or related to it. This collection mostly includes Unique Buildings, but also parks and service buildings as well! Props not included.
Building an American city in Cities Skylines
Collection by Ichika421
All the custom content you need to build a nice looking and elaborate American city in Cities Skylines. It includes American roads, buildings, power lines, transportation, traffic signal poles, city facilities, etc.
Collection by 东青
Custom Unique Buildings
Collection by Four Elements
This is a collection of Unique Buildings created by some wonderful asset creators. I use them a lot in almost every city I build
Foye - All Required Mods/Assets
Collection by Chris6d
All required mods and assets for my Foye city, a series on YouTube, which you can watch! The savegame for Foye is included in this collection! If you subscribe to everything here, and still have trouble loading up the city, check the city's page for more i
New Nate - All Required Mods/Assets
Collection by Chris6d
All required mods and assets for the New Nate city. You can watch a showcase/tour video of the city here, and download the savegame for yourself here!
Collection by 核桃蛋
Buildings - Large (2 of 2) - Even More Buildings
Collection by LemonsterOG
Large Buildings Continued... These are large and/or tall (skyscrapers) buildings I use in the game. Mostly "growables" and RICO, but some are standard buildings that I use with the Building Themes mod. To see my first collection of Large Buildings, contain
USA - New England / Boston / San Francisco
Collection by naydav
The collection does not imply the development of the whole city or a large area - but is intended for the development of quarters to give the city authenticity and is used with other collections.
Collection by TheWaif
Buildings and Skyscrapers
Collection by Teo.Tomas
Here is a group of my favourite buildings and skyscrapers in the workshop. Mainly ploppable unique buildings, with some growable.
Cities Skylines | Edycja 2022
Collection by Husiek
Kolekcja wszystkich modów z serii Cities Skylines Edycja 2022
Collection by 阿虎九月
Collection by HHHHan_
city skyline 大田市的mod合集 谢谢
Gotham City
Collection by nine gems
KeaLoo地标资产Unique Building
Collection by KeaLoo2
整理不易,感谢大家点赞支持。 KeaLoo地标资产Unique Building Stars of Victoria HK with led light——香港维多利亚星光璀璨 Stars of Victoria HK——香港维多利亚 XDBX精选 Best of XDBX——XDBX最佳 NEXT GENERATION X 2022——下一代X 2022 Welcome to vice city——欢迎来到副城 HK pedestrian overcrossing——香港行人天桥 Hong Kong st
Nazareth (Mods & Assets)
Collection by hockadicadie
These are the mods and assets used for my NY inspired city Nazareth
United States/American city set
Collection by ThePrince757Va
The United States/ American city set is a collection of assets intended for player who like to build massive American city projects. Within the collect are some of best Cities Skylines workshop submission of the most accomplished and skillful asset creator
Highrise Buildings
Collection by snowflitzer
Highrise Buildings In this collection there are just high rise buildings for your city. Be careful if you add them, as they are big sizes (in MB!) - don't load these if you don't have at least 32GB RAM. I do add buildings on a weekly base and this is the b
Perth 1:1 (ver3)
Collection by TurboCobra
The assets I've used to recreate Perth at a 1:1 scale in Cities Skylines, attempt 3 at a workshop collection so I can actually work on other things lol
SF Collection
Collection by DirtyH
Assets required for San Francisco
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