Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "French Corner Pack"
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Showing 1-30 of 744 entries
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French Architecture
Collection by Gèze
Bonjour! Good day! In this collection you can find every single French asset that I've created so far. Here you will find everything from advertisement columns, through typical Parisian flats to the most known monuments of France. Please rate and comment!
Collection by Feindbold
Paris stuff Unfortunately you can not be a co-author on collections, so I had to make my own. Thx Steam. Assets will follow soon
Vedastein - Growables
Collection by Titan
This collection contains all the growable buildings I use in my Project "Vedastein". All the collections of my project help me to keep my game clean and my assets organized. I published them only because of the interest some may have in them.
Brunswald Asset & Mods Collection
Collection by Tazer
The asset and mods collection for my European YouTube series called Brunswald. Watch the series here:
Collection by AquilaSol
Collection #1 ran out of space, continues here in collection #2:
Collection by Cityburg
This collection of mods and assets i use to build my city from medieval ages to modern times
Little France - Collection 1
Collection by Skibitth 2
This Collection is being used in my Youtube Series LITTLE FRANCE
Asset list 5
Collection by Sparks
Theme Style - French
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains french style assets
Collection by AquilaSol
Growables of all types and styles. This collection contains mostly packs and linked collections. Check at the bottom for linked collections. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE PROPS REQUIRED TO MAKE THEM LOOK RIGHT! Check descriptions before you subscribe!
Residential & Commercial
Collection by 76561198830532695
Build-Off Harbor Extensions
Collection by Titan
This collection contains all additional Mods, Networks, Assets and Props I used in my Entry for the harbor-themed official Global Build-Off that took place on the 10th of April 2020. Mods that I count as essential to my game, like Find it!, are not include
Collection by Overlord
All types of GROWABLE BUILDINGS - Residential & Commercial & Industrial & Office
Biffa Kerrisdale
Collection by RoWe
All mods / assets from the excel sheet provided in the video description: Link to playlist:
-= My Big CS mods compilation =-
Collection by Colonel
Here are collected the better mods for this great game.
C17 (Eastern Europe) Set
Collection by Spence!
Buildings and networks for creating a city with an Eastern European / Half-Life 2 theme. Props and vehicles are included in linked collections. This is not a complete, 'one-click' collection of assets for building a complete city. Generic assets (which wor
🏗️ NO.MAD's Collection🔥
Collection by NO.MAD
Bonjour tout le monde ! Vous trouverez tous les objets dont je suis abonné sur le workshop! Si vous voulez voir les objets de cette collection en action, n'hésitez pas à venir voir ça sur twitch ! ! Bon amusement et à bientôt! Hel
Gotham City
Collection by nine gems
Heimstadt Buildings
Collection by w_jkoopman
A collection of buildings used in the Heimstadt series. Make sure to check out the linked collections at the bottom!
London by Drewpeaock
Collection by Lee Vitout
Assets for London
Collection by Jack Boston
This is a list of assets I have compiled for rebuilding London.
Rural France - Part 1
Collection by Pariskachu
32gb ram & more I strongly suggest to use it with the part 2 to ensure the full experience. However this could work alone if of course you have all the mods required. #FrenchCityBuilder
Old European buildings
Collection by fly.tie.guy
Old European buildings from the medieval centuries to the 1950s
Ploppable City
Collection by Raymond Reddington
More usable buildings for plopping than zoning
Varen Assets Collection #1
Collection by Rolly
Architecture Classic
Collection by Barclay
В этой коллекции собраны здания, уникальные здания и прочие элементы.
Collection by Captain Haddock
Structures with historical European architecture
Ultimate Russian Collection
Collection by racer0617
Hello! This collection contains almost all the buildings and modifications that may be needed to create a realistic Russian city! Also, this collection is suitable for many countries of the post-Soviet space! In this collection, I tried to include all the
Collection by PVB
Project Paris - Collection
Collection by Ripolax | Lukas
Asset Collection of my Youtube Project Paris
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