Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Modern Condo Collection
Collection by Smilies
Contains the optional props used to decorate modern condos. None of them are needed for functionality, pick and choose what you want. Sets with shared textures; must use Loading Screen Mod Set 1: Highrise, Midrise, Lowrise, Midrise no props Set 2: 16m, 57m
European Suburbia - Decorated
Collection by Avanya
A collection of the European Suburbia houses redecorated with workshop trees, props and decals. They are set to randomize to add a little extra variation to the buildings. Additionally I tweaked a few of the color variations to get some more realistic opti
American Rowhouses
Collection by Smilies
All props are OPTIONAL and can safely be ignored, pick and choose what you like
Modern Eco Homes
Collection by Smilies
All OPTIONAL props used for Eco Homes
CityWokCityWall's MARS Assets
Collection by citywokcitywall
Welcome to Cities Skylines: MARS! This is the complete asset & mod list used in CityWokCityWall's Cities Skylines: MARS YouTube Series. Every single thing that I subscribe to before I open up the MARS save game can be found here. How to Set Up: DLCs used i
扬州小婷婷 自用 现代化漂亮高层建筑资产合集
Collection by 扬州小婷婷
扬州小婷婷 自用 现代化漂亮高层建筑资产合集,建议四格分开放!! 使用中没有问题,如果有需要, 建议一键订阅所有,所有附加资产全部补齐 QQ群717757452欢迎大家进群探讨 如果觉得这个合集还可以,希望帮忙点个赞👍 2022实用MOD合集 资产 推荐!点击这里
Brunswald Asset & Mods Collection
Collection by Tazer
The asset and mods collection for my European YouTube series called Brunswald. Watch the series here:
Modern Low and Mid Rise
Collection by m4gic
Modern Buildings of all types (residential, commercial, industrial). Low density is mostly 1-3 stories and high density is up to 10+ stories, but no higher than 15 or so.
Collection by kamibito❀
Decorative items
Collection by Gruny
All these little things I made with love to enhance your city. More stuff to come…
Good Side of Town
Collection by m4gic
Meant for a "small town" build. This is the collection of buildings (including District Style of the same name) that embody the Chamber of Commerce's vision for the town... ...but there's another side of the tracks: See my Collection "Bad Side of Town" for
Clearwater County One-Click, Part 1
Collection by City Planner Plays, CWC
New Windsor - Assets Collection [2/2]
Collection by Pres
This is the second of two asset collections for my New Windsor YouTube series. COLLECTION 1/2: NOTE: If you don't have a great computer and 24GB+ of RAM, I recommend that you pick and choose
~ Arndorf Collection Part 1 ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection was created for ARNDORF youtube series The entire series is created as a story about a village that will became a big city! I will take lots of inspiration from 4 big cities at this point: Berlin, Munich, Bremen, Nuremberg. Even though thes
European Suburbia
Collection by Titan
This collection includes a whole bunch of props and assets I used to preassemble suburban houses in a German/Central European context. All I did was to put them together in asset editor, credit goes to the original creators. Collection is structured as fol
FewCandy's Auridon Asset List
Collection by FewCandy
Little France - Collection 1
Collection by Skibitth 2
This Collection is being used in my Youtube Series LITTLE FRANCE
Vedastein - Props
Collection by Titan
This collection contains all the props I use in my Project "Vedastein". Not included in this collection are props that are only prop versions of vehicles. All the collections of my project help me to keep my game clean and my assets organized. I published
Columbia City: Assets Collection #1
Collection by Pres
This is the first of two asset collections for my Columbia City YouTube series. Asset collection #2: Mods collection: Asset
Asset list 5
Collection by Sparks
Vogelstad Assets
Collection by jeremy.thunder
Assets for Vogelstad
Bowser Bay Assets
Collection by James
Assets I'm using in Bowser Bay Mods: Roads:
Streaming City Traubenstein (Collection 1)
Collection by Titan
This collection includes all the mods and asset I regularly use in my YouTube Streaming City Traubenstein. This is collection 1/2 as a new one had to be created onse this one grew too large and reached capacity. The other collection can be found here: http
Greenhope City (2021) | Assets Collection #1
Collection by Palm'sTime
Asset collection for my brand new series "Greenhope". It's the project that I intend to create and wanted to be a mountain surrounded and river flowing through the city. There are a variety of resources. Abundance of forests, water sources and wildlife. Wi
Collection by liujiaxin285628
Calavera Beach - Assets Collection
Collection by Pres
This is the assets collection for my Calavera Beach YouTube series. I recommend not hitting "subscribe to all" and instead choosing individual assets you want to use unless you have a very powerful computer.
The Netherlands Assets
Collection by Pres
If you're new, The Netherlands is a Cities: Skylines series where I'm making a small city inspired by Groningen in, you guessed it, The Netherlands. The city I'm building in this series is called "Fietsstad," which translates to "bike city." I'll be focusi
New Russia
Collection by NightGrowing
City of Thando Props
Collection by Sanctum Gamer
A collection of the props used in City of Thando
Boston Assets & Mods
Collection by Redtherobot
Collection of required Assets and Mods needed to run my Boston recreation city. First time doing this so if I messed up somewhere, sorry!
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