Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "UK Pub - The London House"
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Showing 1-30 of 304 entries
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All My Assets
Collection by rik4000
This collection contains every single asset i've made for Cities: Skylines. If you like what i make then this will make it easier to see if you have everything.
Best of British: UK Asset & Prop Collection
Collection by Macwelshman
Best of British: UK Asset & Prop Collection This is collection of the best assets and props to use in a UK city. Many are specific to the UK but also other assets will work well in a British town despite having been created for other countries. If you have
Restaurants / Bars / Pubs
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains Restaurants, Bars and Pubs.
Best of British: UK Commercial Collection
Collection by Macwelshman
Best of British: UK Commercial Collection This is collection of the best commercial assets to use in a UK city. Many are specific to the UK but also other assets will work well in a British town despite having been created for other countries. If you have
Theme Style - UK
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains UK Theme style buildings and assets
Nesga - Medieval Style Assets
Collection by AntonioBernal
List of medieval style assets used for my medieval project Nesga. This is not meant to be a realistic or historically accurate collection. Videos of my build:
Collection by AquilaSol
Asset list 4
Collection by Sparks
British City Set
Collection by Spence!
Buildings and networks for building British cities and regions. Props and vehicles are included as linked collections. This is not a complete, 'one-click' collection of assets for building a complete city. Generic assets (which work in almost any city) are
Assetliste Dl.2
Collection by core79
COMMERCIAL | Restaurants
Collection by MikeSkylines
Collection of restaraunts, cafes, pubs, bars and nightclubs. I do not recommend to subsrcibe them all, just find the most suitable ones for your build. All my other collections can be found here: MikeSkylines | MASTER COLLECTION PS. Big thumps up for all a
Paris - Wr Télévision
Collection by Wr Télévision
Cork Buildings #2
Collection by AntonioBernal
Second collection of buildings used for my Cork recreation. Link to the Official Savegame Videos of this build
Heimstadt Buildings
Collection by w_jkoopman
A collection of buildings used in the Heimstadt series. Make sure to check out the linked collections at the bottom!
Assets for London
Collection by Jack Boston
This is a list of assets I have compiled for rebuilding London.
ONE-CLICK | United Kingdom
Collection by MikeSkylines
Collection of assets for United Kingdom themed city build. This collection includes a basic set of all kinds of assets (buildings, services, props, roads, vehicles...) for a certain theme. Collection can be used as an one-click subscription (Subscribe to a
Collection by Endoraan
Old European buildings
Collection by fly.tie.guy
Old European buildings from the medieval centuries to the 1950s
Collection by blg393
[315] comerz+
Collection by maciov
22 battery street (Lvl 3 commercial 3x4) American "1900" : LaFayette Building (2) : The Cossutta Building : The Devon Building : The Hoffmann Building : The Morgan Building : The Suffern Building : the Aldiss Building Americana Promenade Garden Restaurant
All things British
Collection by bbrks
A collection of mods to make your game feel a little more homely. Includes British themed buildings, intersections and others. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, UK, United Kingdom.
British Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of UK Buildings. You will need the Rico mod in order for some of those buildings to grow. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM. Otherwise your game might not work anymore.
Collection by vanSimon
Canada Assets
Collection by Levith
For when I want to build London
New England / Northeast city
Collection by Lamar
Wicklow & Cork Ireland Collection 1
Collection by thomasobrien213
Europe - Greece V1
Collection by DirtyH
All assets and mods for Greece
UK Style
Collection by TyIsRedacted
Collection by EatThePorg
British collection of British things
British + Irish buildings
Collection by layara
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