Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Showing 1-30 of 466 entries
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Traditional architecture - France
Collection by Lost Gecko
Collection of traditional buildings from France. Mostly growables with some other building types. Various styles. note: As adapting wall-to-wall buildings to the game tile system results in more work and less diversity, some of these buildings have uneven
Best of British: UK Residential Collection
Collection by Macwelshman
Best of British: UK Residential Collection This is collection of the best residential assets to use in a UK city. Many are specific to the UK but also other assets will work well in a British town despite having been created for other countries. If you hav
New Toulouse Collection
Collection by Tazer
Welcome to the city of New Toulouse which is a city based in the Southeast United States, more specifically inspired by New Orleans Louisiana. I don't recommend that you download everything at the same time because it'll probably give you an error.
~ Arndorf Collection Part 1 ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection was created for ARNDORF youtube series The entire series is created as a story about a village that will became a big city! I will take lots of inspiration from 4 big cities at this point: Berlin, Munich, Bremen, Nuremberg. Even though thes
Avanya's favorite European assets
Collection by Avanya
A collection of my favorite assets to use in an European styled city. This is a constant work in progress and does not contain buildings I use for all sorts of cities. Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my
Collection by 东青
Nesga - Medieval Style Assets
Collection by AntonioBernal
List of medieval style assets used for my medieval project Nesga. This is not meant to be a realistic or historically accurate collection. Videos of my build:
Theme Style - French
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection contains french style assets
Campus Global Build-off Assets
Collection by MrMiyagi
~ Bermen ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection has all the assets and mods used for BERMEN SERIES! Here you can find the entire playlist of this series: This series will be a collaboration series between me and YOU
Asset list 4
Collection by Sparks
Neguchi Maroyama LP Asset and MOD partie 2
Collection by Neguchi
Deuxieme partie des Assets de mon LP suite aux limitations de Steam
Santa Palma : mods, assets and graphic settings
Collection by emochet
This collection lists all the assets and mods used in my "Santa Palma" screenshots. Up to date as of 2021.01.25 Graphic settings used in my screenshots: The LUT is Relight.RelightAverage (was "Real Neutral.Relight Colorless" before mid January 2021) The Cu
Campus Global Build Off Less DLCs Save Game
Collection by MrMiyagi
The version of the Campus Global Buildoff that doesn't require Campus DLC and has a few other DLC taken off. You will have some different buildings from what you see on the streams, but it's almost unnoticeable except for the suburbs.
~ YELLOW HILL 2.0 - Part 1 ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This collection belongs to my YELLOW HILL 2.0 Youtube Series
British City Set
Collection by Spence!
Buildings and networks for building British cities and regions. Props and vehicles are included as linked collections. This is not a complete, 'one-click' collection of assets for building a complete city. Generic assets (which work in almost any city) are
Isle Of Wight Collection - UK series 1/2
Collection by PuggamingIOW
Isle of Wight Uk Series Mods Assets - 1/2 2/2 Macwelshman’
Assetliste Dl.2
Collection by core79
C17 (Eastern Europe) Set
Collection by Spence!
Buildings and networks for creating a city with an Eastern European / Half-Life 2 theme. Props and vehicles are included in linked collections. This is not a complete, 'one-click' collection of assets for building a complete city. Generic assets (which wor
Coruña A Nova - Assets List part 1
Collection by funchenstein
Assets used for the Coruña A Nova YouTube series at
Paris - Wr Télévision
Collection by Wr Télévision
🏗️ NO.MAD's Collection🔥
Collection by NO.MAD
Bonjour tout le monde ! Vous trouverez tous les objets dont je suis abonné sur le workshop! Si vous voulez voir les objets de cette collection en action, n'hésitez pas à venir voir ça sur twitch ! ! Bon amusement et à bientôt! Hel
Heimstadt Buildings
Collection by w_jkoopman
A collection of buildings used in the Heimstadt series. Make sure to check out the linked collections at the bottom!
Tamelia ultimate collection
Collection by
Central European Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of buildings from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Poland and north of Italy. There's a seperate collection with buildings from Germany, because there are so many of them in the workshop. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in t
Old European buildings
Collection by fly.tie.guy
Old European buildings from the medieval centuries to the 1950s
Provincia Calvino - Buildings
Collection by funchenstein
Central Europe: Rural (South)
Collection by hadece
Rural Buildings of Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland and eastern neighbours.
All things British
Collection by bbrks
A collection of mods to make your game feel a little more homely. Includes British themed buildings, intersections and others. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, UK, United Kingdom.
Varen Assets Collection #2
Collection by Rolly
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