Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "Taiwanese Commercial Building L3 3x3 Corner #2 台灣商業大樓"
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Taiwanese Commercial Buildings 台灣商店/商業大樓
Collection by Emperor Li
台灣商店/商業大樓合集 A collection of my Taiwanese commercial buildings. Recommended mods: - Find it! (keywords: "Taiwan") - Plop the Growables - Building Themes If you want to make it RICO ploppable, you can go to RICO setting panel, find it under high density comm
FLUXtrance's [Avalon] Mod/Asset List (1/2)
Collection by Flux
This is a collection of all the mods and assets used to build Avalon, a YouTube project of mine. Check the project out here:
中国城市 Chinese city
Collection by midori
中式城市资产合集,一点点完善中。 part 2:
Collection by m4gic
Representing the future is a tricky business. This envisions a cybernetic and tech-heavy (possibly dystopian) view of the future. Make SURE to get the linked Collections below!
Sichuan Province
Collection by Two Dollars Twenty
All the mods and assets I am using in my Cities Skylines series: Sichuan Province. PLEASE NOTES - This collection is constantly updating and changing as this is the collection I use for my series. Cities Skylines: Sichuan Province
CityWokCityWall's KOBAYASHI ISLAND Assets
Collection by citywokcitywall
Welcome to the Kobayashi Island Collection! In this collection, you'll find everything you need in order to open and run CityWokCityWall's Kobayashi Island! How to Set Up: Click "Subscribe to all", then head over to the Essential Mods & Assets Collection a
Collection by 抖音帆帆
中式小区楼房资产推荐 注意:使用这些资产之前请先订阅前三个mod
台灣風造景派套件(Taiwan's Assets)
Collection by sanyu321
該收藏是日本風造景派在閒暇之餘,為了造出台灣風格的城市建築,因此特別找出來的。基本上都是用原有的(日本風造景派的收藏)去額外加上必需品。 所以還是建議去看指南與其他的收藏。 日本風造景派指南: 由於這是從日本風造景演變而來,開啟時請務必注意! 由於這只是在建築日本風太累的時候可以玩一下台灣的產物,所以會動的車輛請參考最下方的連結收藏。建築物也非常少,大多都是從日本 建物類、日本
Collection by m4gic
Chinese immigrants brought this rich culture into enclaves in major cities throughout the world. Recreate a historic late 19th / early 20th Century "Chinatown" district in your large city, complete with modern buildings that continue to celebrate and honor
Collection by liujiaxin285628
My Favourite Asset--中国特色包
Collection by Alanbai
中国特色社会主义合集 合辑里面有基础mod和中国风格的建筑/小区/prop等等,作为一个初级造景党或者想还原祖国大好河山的同志,你可以订阅! I think these assets have "Chinese Style",so if you want to build a real Chinese city,you can sub them! These are the symbol of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the China with
Japanese collection [ JAPAN ]
Collection by Johnny Hobo
-Growable buildings for every district type. -Japanese themed vehicles(car,van,train,tram,lorry,truck). -Japanese road marks,walls,signs,lights,sounds. -Japanese themed Unique buildings. -Essential mods and probs. -Map and a theme. This collection is somew
中式风格现代派 Chinese style modern/中国风格现代主义 Seres style modernismi
简约的中式风格现代派(中国风格现代主义),以少量的资产描绘鲜明的中式风格现代派城建。The minimalist Chinese style modernist, with a small amount of assets depicting the distinctive Chinese style modernist urban construction.
Japanese City Set
Collection by Spence!
Complete set of buildings and networks for modeling a Japanese city or region. Props and vehicles are included in linked collections. There are enough assets to build anything from rural farms and fishing towns, mountain villages, or a dense, urban metropo
Asian Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of buildings from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Hongkong and some other (mainly east) asian countries. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM. Otherwise your game might not work
Mega City One
Collection by MjolnirRecon
A near-future Cyberpunk inspired collection. Assets and tall buildings appropriate to build your own dystopian slice of heaven. This collection is inspired by the author William Gibson's written observations of Singapore. Also included are a selection of o
Japanese City Style
Collection by Rissyer
Malaysia 1
Collection by Hafiz
Collection of Malaysian assets as well as other assets from Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Latin America, Southern Europe, Japan, China/Taiwan, Korea etc. that fit a Malaysian city.
Collection by 一只咸鱼
Southern California
Collection by matthiaspowerbomb
The best assets on the workshop, curated to fit into a realistic coastal Southern California metropolis filled with the new and the old, the rich and the poor, the flourishing and the destitute, the gentrified and the decaying, and everything in between.
Kebi | Assets Collection [#2]
Collection by Palm'sTime
The official collection. Made for "Kebi" project on YouTube! Palm'sTime Updated #1: September 6, 2019
Collection by 9527☭
Old World
Collection by m4gic
A collection of old city buildings from the Mid East, North Africa, Central Asia, Mediterranean, Colonial etc. with a few more modern buildings mixed-in. District Style:
Collection by 帕梅罗2017
帕梅罗小镇目前3000资产合集,上传时间2019-7-25 b站连载地址移动版: PC版:
CityWokCityWall's Asian Architecture
Collection by citywokcitywall
Collection by Pak_Satrio
Modern Japanese & Chinese Urban Architecture with a Splash of Soviet Brutalism
Collection by KinGG
Endless high rises, stark concrete molds, cozy low-density housing and glitzy commercial buildings, endless banners and streamers advertising scores of products, and a nighttime glow to die for. This collection brings together mods I use to get cities that
Japanese Theme
Collection by InfiniteDeer
Set of mods and assets to create a Japanese city
Jap 2
Collection by Sakura
Asian style dense wall to wall buildings (w2w)
Collection by exothermic
All the assets that I can find that would fit in a low rise / high density city somewhere in east Asia. Includes many Japanese and Taiwanese style buildings, plus some that are ambiguous enough to fit in any setting. Everything is w2w or very close. This c
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