Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Showing 1-30 of 587 entries
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Collection by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: This collection contains SKYSCRAPERS to create your downtown area. RELATED: Follow this link to go to the OFFICE BUILDINGS (small) collection.
Collection by AquilaSol
Part 1 is full, see here for part 2:
扬州小婷婷 自用 现代化漂亮高层建筑资产合集
Collection by 扬州小婷婷
扬州小婷婷 自用 现代化漂亮高层建筑资产合集,建议四格分开放!! 使用中没有问题,如果有需要, 建议一键订阅所有,所有附加资产全部补齐 QQ群717757452欢迎大家进群探讨 如果觉得这个合集还可以,希望帮忙点个赞👍 2022实用MOD合集 资产 推荐!点击这里
-Arabia- No's all in one
Collection by Captain-No
It will be continually expanded ,have a look off and on! All praise goes to the maker of the mods and assets, I have compiled this lists only! But by a thumbs up for those list you help also that these assets do not be lost in the workshop. Most comprehens
Collection by RadRoveR
Custom Tall Buildings
Leno Asset list
Collection by KingLeno
Project Dubai
Collection by IHXAI
Future & SciFi
Collection by AquilaSol
Futuristic and Scifi stuff
GK skyscraper collection 摩天大樓
Collection by calvin311222913
This collection include a large amount of skyscraper on steam which I think look good. Update by myself constantly. 這個收藏包括大部份在工坊上能找到的(我認為好看的)摩天大樓。 已停止更新。
Skyscraper Collection
Collection by Vincent
Hotels / Motels
Collection by Skibitth.YT
A collection with different type of Hotels and Motels
Assets for downtown
Collection by Gothikel
Collection of skyscrapers (mostly) perfectly fit for city business center/downtown
Collection by 冽凛ccc
抖音楠方所用资产包 更新于2021-01-13 一只啥也不知道的小冰 (依据电脑配置挑选订阅,留意所需DLC支持以及所需MOD支持)
Futuristic Metropolis
Collection by peteriscool
This is the list of assets and mods I use for my tropical futuristic metropolis. Here is a video flyover of many of the assets -
DareLite's Essentials
Collection by DareLite
small collection of updated mods (as of 15th january 2023) ,cause few friends have problems with their installs :) UPDATE: 6th february - added lots of assets ,mostly intersections , grid patterns,some unique buildings, parks, solar panel (aesthetic imo) ,
Awesome Buildings
Collection by CaddyShack
A showcase of my favorite buildings from Cities: Skylines, most of them tied to my Cadmium Theme and/or related to it. This collection mostly includes Unique Buildings, but also parks and service buildings as well! Props not included.
Collection by 东青
Collection by 爱德华游戏解说
(1)本合集推荐配置【内存:16g-32g+】电脑内存32G+以上可以【订阅所有】; (2)闲散德华(抖音UP)推荐最常用mod合集; (3)请根据电脑配置或需要进行部分订阅!亦或一键【订阅所有】; (4)玩家交流QQ群:694127811(答:闲散德华) TB店铺:小郑游戏卡 这是本人在直播常用的资产集合,您有什么问题可以在抖音搜索:闲散德华可以和我交流 本人会定期更新,周更新 发现好的资产会在放在这集合中
Custom Unique Buildings
Collection by Four Elements
This is a collection of Unique Buildings created by some wonderful asset creators. I use them a lot in almost every city I build
Collection by 扶摇而上
祝大家新年快乐~ 感谢各位小伙伴们的支持~ 感谢这些辛勤的资产创作者们~ Bilibili@珠江学者
AtlantisOne Future: Skyscrapers & Towers
Collection by AtlantisOne
Skyscrapers & towers.
Collection by 核桃蛋
轩总 自用 独特建筑+商业建筑-Unique Building Commercial Building
Collection by Mr. Xuan 独特建筑+商业建筑-Unique Building Commercial Building 请不要一键订阅!! 交流Q群:640841678 请务查看每一个建筑是否有,前置物品 关注我,第一时间获取更新内容 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍 点点收藏⭐ 你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 Unique Building+Commercial Building - Unique Building Commercial Building Please do
Assetliste Dl.2
Collection by core79
Collection by TheWaif
Collection by Czardus
A collection of great tourism buildings and props. Look through the list and pick out ones you like!
优中选优的资产////my finest asserts
Collection by LIN-CHN
这些资产是我玩游戏3000+小时的收藏,我曾经尝试过过很多资产,但这些是我最喜欢的,简约明亮的现代风格,不只是纹理和造型漂亮,而且资产占用不大,加载也很少报错,大部分可以放心订阅,如果喜欢,请记得给原作者点赞,希望你和我一样喜欢分享,帮这个合集投票吧,让更多的人发现这个合计. 虎牙直播20704821 QQ群:154787527 谢谢,祝你游戏愉快。 These assets are my 3000 + hours of game playing collection. I have tried many
Collection by 阿虎九月
New Dutch City Assets
Collection by Silv
new assets 'n stuff, bit better and more organized.
Collection by SBNNEWS
B站ID“CTN天际线新闻”,这是目前本人整理的地标建筑合集(就数地标建筑数量多),用Ploppable RICO可以转换为其他类型建筑,不定期更新合集。
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