Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Central Europe
Collection by Feindbold
Thoughts from the creator, updates and sneakpeaks on stuff that will come soon: -09.09. Added 16 low commercial buildings, some are reused, 8 completly new models, also this means im free, im FREE, no more one and two story buildings, god I hate doing thes
Nydal (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
This is the CORE collection of assets and mods for my YouTube series: Nydal. IMPORTANT If you want to use this, make sure you also subscribe to the linked collections at the bottom of the list. Also keep in mind that you'll need at least 32GB of RAM to loa
Collection by Blunix
Vedastein - Ploppables
Collection by Titan
This collection contains all the ploppable buildings I use in my Project "Vedastein". All the collections of my project help me to keep my game clean and my assets organized. I published them only because of the interest some may have in them.
Collection by Cityburg
This collection of mods and assets i use to build my city from medieval ages to modern times
~ Arndorf Collection Part 1 ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection was created for ARNDORF youtube series The entire series is created as a story about a village that will became a big city! I will take lots of inspiration from 4 big cities at this point: Berlin, Munich, Bremen, Nuremberg. Even though thes
Avanya's favorite European assets
Collection by Avanya
A collection of my favorite assets to use in an European styled city. This is a constant work in progress and does not contain buildings I use for all sorts of cities. Disclaimer For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my
Vogelstad Assets
Collection by jeremy.thunder
Assets for Vogelstad
Stockholm 1925
Collection by norlin.martin
Used for my Stockholm 1925 project. On YouTube: Sthlm1925
Late 19th Early 20th Century Medium_Sized City
Collection by m4gic
So...the city never became the next Chicago or New York -- it's still got some grand old buildings like the University Campus and the State Capitol!
Doorn House Collection
Collection by cbudd
Streaming City Traubenstein (Collection 1)
Collection by Titan
This collection includes all the mods and asset I regularly use in my YouTube Streaming City Traubenstein. This is collection 1/2 as a new one had to be created onse this one grew too large and reached capacity. The other collection can be found here: http
Kyiv in Miniature collection
Collection by NOVA POST
Kyiv in miniature. Киев в миниатюре - украинский город в Восточной Европе и моя первая попытка воссоздать город пост-советского времени, 21-го века с панельками и незаконными высотками, с современными стекляшками и старой архитектурой. My new city project.
The Netherlands Assets
Collection by Pres
If you're new, The Netherlands is a Cities: Skylines series where I'm making a small city inspired by Groningen in, you guessed it, The Netherlands. The city I'm building in this series is called "Fietsstad," which translates to "bike city." I'll be focusi
Collection by 东青
Global Build-Off: Berlin Edition Jens
Collection by jens
My collection for Global Build-Off: Berlin Edition
Classic European Architecture
Collection by Adler
A collection for those who want to make their city look more European Thank you for rating and adding to your favorites!
~ Bermen ~
Collection by Skibitth.YT
This Collection has all the assets and mods used for BERMEN SERIES! Here you can find the entire playlist of this series: This series will be a collaboration series between me and YOU
Asset list 4
Collection by Sparks
Berlin Noir Asset List
Collection by thePhoenician
Here are all the assets I use for my Cities: Skylines YouTube series Berlin Noir. Not every asset in this collection is being used but I plan to at some point in the series. Also, although the asset count is under 1000 in this collection, there are really
Kubo 쿠보 : 즐겨찾기
Collection by Kubo
asset, prop, decal, theme, LUT
Gambleropa Mod Liste [YT LP]
Collection by Gamble
Hier sind alle Mods und Assets aufgeführt, die ich derzeit im Let's Play auf YouTube verwende. Ich bemühe mich, diese Aktuell zu halten.
Biffa Kerrisdale
Collection by RoWe
All mods / assets from the excel sheet provided in the video description: Link to playlist:
Central Germany
Collection by Jensoo
Buildings for Central German city projects.
Electric, Water, Sewage, Garbage, Fire, Police, Health and Education
Collection by LemonsterOG
This collection contains service related items. (Electric, Water, Sewage, Garbage, Fire, Police and Education, etc.) You can see my full list of collections by Clicking Here Note: I did not create any of these items. The artists (and they truly are artists
Assetliste Dl.2
Collection by core79
Kunowice: Central European Citieshare project BASIC
Collection by n00t_NAFO
City video: Kunowice: a realistic Central European multiplayer project Major information: A realistic Central European city with an extensive tram network: a place where east meets the west. A capital of a small,
TeaWithLucas's Sublime Skylines Selection of Buildings
Collection by TeaWithLucas
imperatur - German Theme (assets) 2
Collection by imperstar
Central Europe - Juan
Collection by juanalfarobarroco
Central European Assets
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