Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Containing item: "Screw Building - High Density Residential Level 5 (RICO)"
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Showing 1-30 of 187 entries
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Luminou's creation
Collection by _luminou_
Complete collection of all my creations (contains another assets needed for some buildings in the collection)
Collection by Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: This collection contains SKYSCRAPERS to create your downtown area. RELATED: Follow this link to go to the OFFICE BUILDINGS (small) collection.
Residential - Architect
Collection by _luminou_
Collection de batiments "Architect", de design avancé Chaque batiment est: - RICO COMPATIBLE - Level 5 - 4x4 - 4 couleurs paramètrées Les créations sont réalisées sous blender et contiennent les fichiers LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, ColorMask
The Future
Collection by r3load3d
Everything you need to create a really futuristic city!
House package
Collection by _luminou_
Collection de maisons design et architect
Collection by AquilaSol
A collection of cyberpunk assets. Styles range from the new Cyberpunk 2077 game to Ghost In The Shell and Fifth Element. Originally party of the Dystopia|Cyberpunk collection, but I was forced to split that due to the 999 item limit on collections. You can
Rustic Future (Collection)
Collection by Vellis
Selection of Steam Workshop buildings trying to capture a 'bad' future retaining make-shift architecture of masonry and metal as shanties and slums. The world is ugly but the future is bright! This item uses an excess of custom Props. Please follow instruc
- LakeValley -
Collection by SimoG
Future & SciFi
Collection by AquilaSol
Futuristic and Scifi stuff
DebiSim Future Collection (only Assets)
Collection by Debitor
Skyscrapers 2022
Collection by Rake
KeaLoo地标资产Unique Building
Collection by KeaLoo2
整理不易,感谢大家点赞支持。 KeaLoo地标资产Unique Building Stars of Victoria HK with led light——香港维多利亚星光璀璨 Stars of Victoria HK——香港维多利亚 XDBX精选 Best of XDBX——XDBX最佳 NEXT GENERATION X 2022——下一代X 2022 Welcome to vice city——欢迎来到副城 HK pedestrian overcrossing——香港行人天桥 Hong Kong st
Cadmium Theme (growables)
Collection by CaddyShack
This collection features all the growables I use for my personalised Cadmium Theme I use for my main city, the City-State of Cadmia. First inspired by the various futuristic themes on the Workshop, I began adding these growables into my own city but with m
Buildings - Large (1 of 2) - 1,000 Buildings
Collection by LemonsterOG
These are large and/or tall (skyscrapers) buildings I use in the game. Mostly "growables" and RICO, but some are standard buildings that I use with the Building Themes mod. To see my second collection of Large Buildings, Click Here You can see my full list
Buildings > Residential
Collection by Thorburn
Collection by Bearblue
A collection of all subscribed Residential assets not included in my UK style.
Asset Futuristic
Collection by Ledocteur
Skyscrapers and Highrise Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Growable highrises and skyscrapers of all kind. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in collection if you don't have AT LEAST 32GB of RAM.
Generic Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
Collection of buildings that somehow didn't fit in any of the other collections. :) WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM. Otherwise your game might not work anymore.
One Stop Shop
Collection by SHIITAKE
This is a combined collection of mods used by my favorite Cities Skylines streamers, including Sam Bur, Nelvo, SeniacTwo, two dollars twenty and several others. With these mods your city will be very realistic and as beautiful as you endeavor to make it, w
Kinn's Buildings
Collection by marcoskhinn
AtlantisOne Future: Low-Rises & Offices
Collection by AtlantisOne
Low-rise & office building.
Generic High Dens. Residential Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collection by Filzbiber
UK Residential
Collection by Bearblue
A collection of subscribed residential assets in a UK style.
Collection by Scalex89
Collection by Ko4prsu
2D10 科幻类-住宅
Collection by darcula2000
Nope a
Collection by Trimmer
Cities Skylines: Futuristic & urban
Collection by AkaShiLoki
my fave Quad assets, & other futuristic add-ins
RICO settings
Collection by Beast
Growable with RICO settings
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