Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Modify your Crusader Kings III experience by checking out the many mods created and shared by the community, including tweaks to almost any aspect of the game.
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Collection by 夏月夜
汉化的寻找。 已经收录快一年,打算近日划分合集内容,让大家能够好的选择所需模组(后续并将持续收录)。 本合集不适合直接全部订阅,按个人所需去订阅相关模组!!! 本合集不适合直接全部订阅,按个人所需去订阅相关模组!!! 合集内容适用的大伙们麻烦给个“十恶不赦”的评分呗,谢谢大家啦qwq。
Able and Stable - 1.9.2 [Lance] [Updated 01/July/2023]
Collection by Jordan
Able and Stable I created this for my own use and happy to share it. Feel free to add me if you have any suggestions for the collection. I won’t be helping with bugs simply because I didn't make the mods and can’t offer support. All I know is this collecti
Collection by 牛奶大魔王
适配1.11.1版本 请根据排序来进行排序 否则崩溃 建议8G内存以上使用 详细信息看这里 点我 | 获得播放集 点我
Gambo's CK3 Collection
Collection by cuomo860
*The information on the collection is not currently updated and incomplete. There is a JSON file in the Super Compatch mod you should use, otherwise the collection will not work properly. If you are using thiese mods, in general, follow this load order. 1
The Fallen Eagle Extended Collection
Collection by Askil
Compatible with CK3 Legends of the Dead & 1.12 "Scythe" Update and The Fallen Eagle - 'The Last of the Romans' Update Removed: Cat's Coat of Arms Emblem 1.11 (Due to reports of breaking playsets) Replaced: Knight Manager (M
CK3小奸小恶 自用MOD推荐介绍
Collection by 特莉丝·梅莉葛德
1. 奶皇汉化-无需多言 2.事件包模组此MOD加入了大量日常事件 有中文介绍具体不再赘述 3.(手动怀孕汉化)手动右键跟妻子睡觉 4.(手动怀孕本体)手动右键跟妻子睡觉 5.更改标准头衔称号例如“公爵”、“女王”、“苏丹”等 但有个BUG该模组会把整条宗族领主线上的所有人都改成该头衔 例如你将头衔改成“至高王”而某曾祖父是伯爵 并以伯爵身份逝去 但曾祖父头衔显示“至高王”就很怪 不介意这一点的可添加 6.先天特质外貌修改与调整 7.该模组允许玩家(和AI)花费金钱请求军事同盟(在战争中),提出军事合同(如
无二次元从中世纪到文艺复兴纯享版合集 1.125已更新6/6Updated
Collection by 砂糖多多です
6.6更新内容 修复莎孚之女无法获得灵魂的Bug,删减长期未更新的模组, 推荐低配电脑额外订阅精简地图模组 4.9更新内容 新增指挥官特质,已添加之前关闭未更新的模组 1.24更新内容 移除领地管理器以修复bug,新增伟大征服者、旅行者、艺术集等 12.21更新内容 新增御前会议,力荐搭配神级AI食用(游戏难度规则处调整) 我已尝试,当场去世 12.16更新内容 新增困难模式和之前更新的更好的战斗 12.5更新内容 添加平衡mod和之前已更新的mod 12.1更新内容 删减大量未更新的模组确保稳定性 11.
Collection by 李丞相
按下列排序可完美运行(应该) 原版 Chaos's CK3 Mod (通用精简版) 内置修改器 Anti4iteR's Cheat Menu 内置修改器 Advanced Cheat Menu 内置修改器 Better Barbershop 理发店 Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE) 区域沉浸和文化丰富 More Game Rules 更多游戏规则 Historic Invasions 历史入侵 More Traditions V2 更多传统
[1.12.5] Fritz's Mod List
Collection by Fritz von Toese
This List is aimed to improve and completely overhaul your vanilla gaming experience in every way possible. Tested extensively on 1.12.4 Still works fine on recent update 1.12.5 All game mechanical DLC's are required. For the correct Load Order download th
AKTUBE 악령쿤 동아시아 모드 모음집 230602 AEP CFP UBP 역사적침공 등
Collection by AKTUBE
6월 2일 기준 동아시아 모드 모음집 - 전세계 원더 추가모드 - 전세계 복색 살리는 모드 - 전세계 현실 위대한 영웅 등장하거나 - 야심찬 등 위대한 영웅 특성 가진 영웅이 더 강해지는 모드 - ai 결혼 시스템을 좀더 혈통강화쪽으로 : 위의 영웅 등장 , 특징 모드와 더불어 ai 강화효과 - 역사적 침공 지배 이벤트 등장 모드 - 아이템 제작시 조금더 좋아지고 + 거래 가능 모드 (영감있는 사람들이 만드는 것보다는 나쁨, AI가 더 잘만들어 쓰게 하기
Collection by AI(NORMAL)
我的所有推荐mod都是有汉化的,而且除了日落入侵,其他mod基本都是100%汉化完成的。 这里是将那些对原版内容进行扩展,具有高度兼容性的历史向或者CK2内容搬运的mod,另外还有一个剧本合集和一个魔幻扩展合集大家自己在我的分享里找找。
[1.12] CKUMC - Crusader Kings 3 Ultimate Mod Collection
Collection by ZenFlakes56
Not related to the Hoi4 UMC. About CKUMC, short for Crusader Kings III Ultimate Mod Collection is a heavily modded kitchen sink for CK3. The goal of this collection is to try to expand on what makes CK3 so fun by incorporating a large amount of mods. Load
[DLCs] The Holy Grail: a 1.9 Vanilla++ Collection
Collection by Vincent Van Vega (Thomas)
Requires: Royal Court and Northern Lords (However, I wouldn't play without Tours & Tournaments as well) A collection for those looking for an enhanced experience without changing the game completely. Most of these mods feels like stuff that is missing from
Friends & Foes Build as of Oct.07.2022
Collection by blazeknave
I've got a house of cards built with some of the coolest mods that shouldn't work together. Folks have asked how I'm doing it, so here you go. I'll try to keep this up to date but no promises. Most people are here to learn about the Character UI Overhall +
Collection by 社會mr.k
本集合有加强了游戏功能,没有收录乱七八糟改地图的,内置一些作弊器适合小白玩,集合最新正式版可玩 1.老爹作弊菜单 在人物详细 人物头像右键可以设置人物各种特征 2.骑士数量修改 修改不同爵位的骑士数量 原先的太少了 3.人物美化 地图美化 特征和骑士UI美化 4.权力的游戏音乐包 精品事件和加载页面油画包 5.西域红龙 汉朝文化 8xx年剧本才有 6.召集领主 宣战和被宣都可以召唤自己的领主战斗 7.其他作弊插件和其他功能增强插件
Collection by CALL_Niko
每逢乱世英豪出,问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮。。。 年轻的领导者,你是否能带领你的子民,在这片风云莫测的土地上,开拓出自己的一方政权。。。 是成为一名令后人诟病,横征暴敛的暴君,亦或是体恤爱民,创造一番丰功伟绩的令后世传颂佳话的明君。。。 东方王朝,由你解开帷幕! 暂时先这样,有空再测试添加新MOD,还未做排序上的调整,不一定要按我合集里的排序这样来。。。 暂弃了,有缘更新
Roleplay Kings (for 1.11.5)
Collection by thepixelphoenix
UPDATE PENDING it's gonna take a while for this absolute mountain of mods to be updated to current version. Highly-curated collection of mods that focus on roleplay, balance and abundance of decision-making. Constantly updated to be self-compatible and wor
CK3 Immersive Mods 1.12.4
Collection by Devtro
Mods I've been playing with, does not crash, however pretty performance heavy. If you are running a potato, play without More Provinces Expanded (Some ways to improve performance in the mods description) The mods should be in the same load order as shown b
CK3 Expanded 1.9 на русском языке
Collection by Maraniro
Сборка интересных модов. Расширяет игровые возможности для обычной версии СК3. Полностью на русском языке, но возможны небольшие ошибки и опечатки в тексте. Файл для правильной установки коллекции модов в лаунчере
My Collection with AEP
Collection by NESecretWeapon
This is my collection of mods that work with Asian Expansion Project. These mods are presented in load order. If you would like a json file, I may create a GitHub for it after the DLC drops but definitely no promises. Luckily, Paradox Launcher has this gre
CK3 [1.12.X] "Totally Not CMH"
Collection by QOMRADEQUEER
Enjoy the CMH Collection? Me too! This collection uses it as a base, makes some substiutions, and expands on potential alternative history and supernatural elements. Load order is as shown below. Enjoy!
Quality of Life, Immersion & Fun
Collection by swiftGui
Collection by KUJO埃里希
1.12更新,以东方王朝为基础的一个合集,按顺序排列mod即可 已如果遇到不兼容可以自己排除MOD,理论上它是兼容的,大多数都是功能MOD 注意: 电脑配置不好、为了避免闪退,不建议同时开一堆服装mod,即使有兼容补丁 汉藩礼制和东方风味包不兼容,二选一启动 不含有东方兵种、东方宝物等MOD(个人感觉意义不大,但MOD多了影响联机) 会随我的游玩更新的
PearPack (1.12)
Collection by Pear
A balanced collection of mods with a focus on quality of life by simplifying the boring stuff and expanding on the interesting stuff. Also included are a number of visual and customisation enhancement mods with low clutter and feature-bloat. Though there a
DJ Pack 6
Collection by DjcoolMaster
NEW COLLECTION FOR LANCE UPDATE there is a playset that ive linked here in the description ; it intricately orders and lists all of the mods properly in order to have the best experience and functionality:
Collection by YO_IN
可以一键订阅的,已经排好顺序的合集 包含人物美化,历史文化服装的扩充,和一些小功能、UI的美化 第一部分主要是各种美化、服装、建筑等等的添加,2~10尽量不要改变顺序。 Beauty Is Beauty(1.6 update) 给美貌特质的人美容 Fair Lords Expanded 男性的面部纹理美化 Fair Ladies Expanded 女性的面部纹理美化 Undress 脱掉任何人的服装 Community Flavor Pack (CFP)社区风味包,更多服装和配饰 Regional Imme
【东方王朝:Oriental Empires】自用合集
Collection by
自用 若有需要,请按我的顺序排列MOD~ 汉番和东方风华二选一,否则会很卡~ 尽量减少服饰MOD~ 进不去游戏请增加虚拟内存~ 随缘更新~ ————————————————————
Ultimate 1.5 CK3 Mod Playlist
Collection by ZenFlakes56
Your game WILL lag. Make sure to check ALL the patch mods for the load order.
Collection by ThatCozyBear
本人自用,181个mod,根据牛奶汉化以及一些自己汉化的mod整合而来,可启动无错,请下载Ivory Mod Manager中的从剪贴板中导入合集功能。 官方启动器载入时间比较慢,因为他会从steam workshop文件夹中复制到我的文档中去,这部分时间很长,建议一键订阅后用Ivory Mod Manager直接启动 从线下面开始复制 -----------------------------
Better CK3
Collection by Great Saiyanman
All the mods here work together with proper load order, so no need to fret. In future, mods will be removed and added based on it's compatibility, and whether I like it or not. Better CK3 .json file for lazy people like me. I will also update the link over
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