Steam Greenlight
Tartalmazza ezt: „Poker Smash”
E keresési lekérdezés mentése
1–5/5 bejegyzés mutatása
The Power Collection
Gyűjtemény alkotója: Palpek
One of the oldest collections on Greenlight - created among the very first 3. Games picked by gaming enthusiasts on SA forums and SA irc channel. Only the best of the best, hand-picked and voted on by the community. Living and frequently updated!
August 28th Batch of Greenlit Titles
Gyűjtemény alkotója: Spitko
This is the collection of titles Greenlit on August 28th, 2013 and offered worldwide distribution via Steam. ===================================== As we work to streamline the publishing workflow and improve the tools available to developers preparing for
Greenlight this stuff up.
Gyűjtemény alkotója: [IT]limaCAT
This collection is for games that I like. It used to be based on the public views/votes so that I could exclude games which were "too famous" at the time, but since those were taken away, now this is only based on games I'd like to see green lit... or good
The Get In My Library Collection
Gyűjtemény alkotója: FletchWazzle
I examine the Greenlight submissions for interest & ideas, checking back & re-examining others. This collection is represenative of things that I might actually buy. Some are day one gimme-gimmes, others are wishlist sitters to be honest. But these are the
Doomer's greenlight colletion
Gyűjtemény alkotója: UnknDoomer
Different games from Greenlight, that I find interesting.
Laponként: 9 18 30