Steam Greenlight
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OCC's Steam Greenlight Spotlight
Colecția lui [= ClayMeow =]
Welcome to a new weekly feature at There are many great games on Steam Greenlight, but sifting through the hundreds of entries to find them isn't always a task people want to perform. Every weekend, I will pick one game I feel is dese
Awesome Games are our future
Colecția lui -GEM- Ω Childofdagon
Awesome Games are our future, a personal selection through all cetegories, with a focus on horror/sci-fi, action, shooter, adventure Games. This is our future and i love it. Game on Bro's and Sis's
Love walking simulators / exploration games
Colecția lui GrimTalin
Even if walking simulator is generally used as a bad term, I love this genre, better described as first/third person exploration games with a strong focus on immersion and narrative. This is a list of games with potential from this genre.
Graeme's votes
Colecția lui Graeme
The ~4% of games Graeme has given a yes to on Greenlight.
TruePCGaming Approved Greenlight Titles
Colecția lui ACA
The staff members of give the stamp of approval on their favorite Greenlight titles.
VR Watchlist
Colecția lui techno_destructo
Keeping an eye on new or upcoming VR experiences and games.
Colecția lui RadKit
Stuff I like on greenlight!
Knight Greenlight Selection
Colecția lui Knight
This is, simply, the list of games that called the attention of a person who have been playing all sort of games since more than 20 years and who seeks quality, originality and, above all, fun. Besides being a "veteran" gamer, I'm a member of the videogame
Big Greenlight Collection of Games
Colecția lui George_the_Crab
Collected all of the best/good games on the whole greenlight.
Till's Top Greenlight Titles
Colecția lui Liquid Lizard Ⓐ
Greenlight Collection
Colecția lui {TLM} DojoDog
Greenlight Collection Want List
Greenlight Creative
Colecția lui Seigo (勝利)
OREG: Oculus Rift Exploration Games
Colecția lui Connor Sunkeeper
First Person Exploration Games (FPEGs) that support the Oculus Rift or similar VR technology.
Colecția lui Arturburtz
trachy's Collection
Colecția lui trachy
Just a collection of games that I think look good.
Colecția lui Binco
整理用のお気に入りリスト ほぼ完成形の作品を別個で分類
Хочу чтобы выпустили I want to SEE IT
Colecția lui KIRIDAN
Ну я сам то тут не участвую в разработке, но вот пытаюсь помочь продвижению других игр.
Challak: Kickstarters
Colecția lui Challak
Games that were funded by the Kickstarter community.
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