

Modify the Galaxy
Modify your Stellaris experience by checking out the many mods created and shared by the community, including tweaks to almost any aspect of the game.
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Stellaris RP server
Collection by Inadicus
Private use only
General Mods - Not Specific Areas
Collection by Mortarch Of Blood
Something happened to my mod collection, whether it was someone or Steam just being crap, has caused me to lose all of the mods that I had added over the years but I dont know what has caused it (yet). This has seriously messed everything up as I am now ha
Collection by 站神觉皇
Collection by rad1nt
Collection by Chee
Stellaris 2.7
Collection by 🗿
My Stellaris Mods
Collection by Myst
Mods I made for Stellaris.
Stellar Kamikazes
Collection by Big Smug
Collection by Stu6
EP's Mods
Collection by Easy Pete
Collection by Kasako'小傘
PVP美化合集(排序方式见上图) 铁人可用 联机比赛推荐 仅美化,无游戏性影响
XXL Stellaris Modpack 3.12.3
Collection by Um$atz
Update v1.2.1 Modpack Patch for Stellaris Version 3.12.3 Removed A Deadly Tempest because it breaks the modpack, if this does not work try to switch to version 3.12.2 of Stellaris Bug-Fixes: -We fixed the problem with the machine appearance. Now you can pl
Collection by 饭之律者
Apperu's Retarded Mod Collection
Collection by Apperu
Stellaris version used: 3.10.4 Highlights: Species and Factions: Protoss, Terran and Zerg United Fleet, Abyssals and Star Wars Features: Co-op start in teams Performance optimization via Kasako's framework In-game difficulty customization Customizable Rule
The Ultimate Performance Multiplayer Stellaris Collection
Collection by ConfuseTheYouth
The Perfect Multiplayer Stellaris Collection Downloads You'll Need: Irony Mod Manager: Download Steps: 1. Subscribe to the entire collection. Wait for Steam to download it all. It sometimes downloads in multiple ba
Collection by Elizabeth
本合集整合了由dalao们制作的一些著名科幻作品(部分涉及科幻的也有)mod,持续更新ing 注:由于部分mod并不兼容NSC2mod,因此本合集并未采用,如您有需要,可以自行搜索订阅。 欢迎留言 交流群606062242
Collection by 世界之轴
人菜瘾大,于是改了一些比原版魔怔的东西 用的话建议加个UImod,不然显示可能出问题。
Collection by 合乎粥礼
自用 已排序 “!伞の产业革命”该mod加不进合集(“暂时不要用, 马上就要做出新版啦——by多多良小傘'Kasako”),单独订阅后置于播放集内第19号
Collection by ChagatuAlin
基于原版环境基础,包含了更多内容的基本模组合集扩展。 部分东西需要在游戏中的设置进行禁用与调整。 加载顺序需要配置文件 Based on vanilla game, included more content that not change too many parts. Some stuff need to be ban or adjust in option menu. Loading order require json files.
[3.6] [中文] 自用原版遊戲風格擴展:RSS/SS與其他模組相容性之中文整合 update-230118
Collection by mbf
筆記 3.6 230118 自用清單 主要是以在原版基礎玩法風格上增加遊戲性與補充內容,旨在體驗遊戲完整遊戲週期,並拓展終末危機過後的內容 前中期玩家較為強大,後期以個人實力(我就爛)來講相對平衡 本收藏都是以個人玩法為主,某些Mod並沒有包含全部內容,所以還是點進去Mod看看介紹為佳 不過因為相容性/修補補丁和中文補丁都已加入進此收藏內,因此基本上一鍵訂閱也OK 如果有裝Lustful Void和相關模組,建議放在Gigastrutural的下面,並且LV的RSS/SS補丁需放到RSS/SS和本體模組的下
Darkness9724's Stellaris collection
Collection by Darkness9724
The mod load order is the same as in the collection. Support for Stellaris 3.12 To get this collection working with the 3.12 update, you should disable the following mods: Plentiful Traditions 3.x and it's submods The Zenith of Fallen Empires Acquisition o
Collection by 風早神人
Collection by Laureys
合集描述 问题描述 For my laziness, there is no English translation of the introduction, I am sorry.(temporarily) 本合集创作时严格遵循了CC BY-SA3.0协议 2024.2.24 本合集拒绝 任 何 出卖工坊作品获利的行为 致敬以下为我的创作提供了帮助的创作者: 玄冰深雪、ALγCE、伞伞、Al-1S(未完待续) 寻人启事 如果有谁见到了ALγCE,请务必告诉我一声,非常感谢 合集里的mod顺序即为可正常游玩
Fallout Collection for me
Collection by lenierdw
enclave yk
Эпическая сборка с русской локализацией V3.11.3
Collection by Fresh_Limon
Моя мини сборка для игры на ноуте, тут и гига структуры и acot. Можно еще кучу модов надстроить сюда, так что ее можно использовать как фундамент. Качайте, играйте и наслаждайтесь! Load Order for Irony mod manager В архиве лежит json файл для Irony и локал
Collection by 翡翠龙恶魔
一般开其他mod也会一起开的mod,可以优化游戏体验,又不至于与mod或者原版冲突 主要就是换UI,加船模,加补丁 然后夹带个人私货——36建筑槽,24飞升槽,不卡的工整奇观 mod排序就是从上到下的,要加的大mod放在中间,大概是工整奇观那个位置 就我个人而言,这一套mod中间加一些舰娘mod,或者科技扩展的mod,感觉都不错。
Collection by 雨丁子
Collection by atom
本合集的宗旨是流畅且舒适的游戏体验! The purpose of this collection is smooth and comfortable gaming experience! 本合集优化了游戏UI界面,来确保用户交互的体验。加入了更多悦耳的科幻风BGM,让游戏更有沉浸感。 This collection optimizes the game UI interface to ensure user interaction experience. Added more pleasant sci-f
Collection by 愉杯
除了后方(括号内几选一的)的剩下全部不冲突 MOD按顺序介绍 UI Overhaul Dynamic:原版游戏内UI大修 Neuro-Sama Advisor: Neuro 顾问语音 Tasty Maids: Vanilla 美味女仆:香草味 ! Immersive Loading Screens:同样是加载图 ! Immersive Beautiful Universe !:游戏内银河美化 ! Dark Blue UI ironman:美化整体UI ! Immersive Simple map UI !:
Collection by Egocomedis
Descr: The assembly is pretty heavy. Can be very laggy late in the game if you have a weak computer. Load order: Load Order Optional: I highly recommend using the Irony Mod Launcher Attention! When creating a game in a galaxy with 1000 stars and 15 empires
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