Modify the Galaxy
Modify your Stellaris experience by checking out the many mods created and shared by the community, including tweaks to almost any aspect of the game.
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Coleção por ChagatuAlin
基于原版环境基础,包含了更多内容的基本模组合集扩展。 部分东西需要在游戏中的设置进行禁用与调整。 加载顺序需要配置文件 Based on vanilla game, included more content that not change too many parts. Some stuff need to be ban or adjust in option menu. Loading order require json files.
Coleção por Elizabeth
本合集整合了由dalao们制作的一些著名科幻作品(部分涉及科幻的也有)mod,持续更新ing 注:由于部分mod并不兼容NSC2mod,因此本合集并未采用,如您有需要,可以自行搜索订阅。 欢迎留言 交流群606062242
Coleção por 翡翠龙恶魔
一般开其他mod也会一起开的mod,可以优化游戏体验,又不至于与mod或者原版冲突 主要就是换UI,加船模,加补丁 然后夹带个人私货——36建筑槽,24飞升槽,不卡的工整奇观 mod排序就是从上到下的,要加的大mod放在中间,大概是工整奇观那个位置 就我个人而言,这一套mod中间加一些舰娘mod,或者科技扩展的mod,感觉都不错。
Coleção por 饭之律者
Apperu's Retarded Mod Collection
Coleção por Apperu
Stellaris version used: 3.10.4 Highlights: Species and Factions: Protoss, Terran and Zerg United Fleet, Abyssals and Star Wars Features: Co-op start in teams Performance optimization via Kasako's framework In-game difficulty customization Customizable Rule
MY Species Mod Collection
Coleção por Mortarch Of Blood
Just a small collection of species added into the game, and any changes made to them, such as extra clothing
Coleção por 合乎粥礼
自用 已排序 “!伞の产业革命”该mod加不进合集(“暂时不要用, 马上就要做出新版啦——by多多良小傘'Kasako”),单独订阅后置于播放集内第19号
[3.6] [中文] 自用原版遊戲風格擴展:RSS/SS與其他模組相容性之中文整合 update-230118
Coleção por mbf
筆記 3.6 230118 自用清單 主要是以在原版基礎玩法風格上增加遊戲性與補充內容,旨在體驗遊戲完整遊戲週期,並拓展終末危機過後的內容 前中期玩家較為強大,後期以個人實力(我就爛)來講相對平衡 本收藏都是以個人玩法為主,某些Mod並沒有包含全部內容,所以還是點進去Mod看看介紹為佳 不過因為相容性/修補補丁和中文補丁都已加入進此收藏內,因此基本上一鍵訂閱也OK 如果有裝Lustful Void和相關模組,建議放在Gigastrutural的下面,並且LV的RSS/SS補丁需放到RSS/SS和本體模組的下
Coleção por 風早神人
Saxon's Mods for Stellaris
Coleção por Saxon The Saxon mod collection is designed to enhance the game of Stellaris while maintaining the vanilla style and aesthetics of the game. The main focus is the mid- to late game economy which the mods expand upon by increasing t
XXL Stellaris Modpack 3.12.3
Coleção por Um$atz
Update v1.2.1 Modpack Patch for Stellaris Version 3.12.3 Removed A Deadly Tempest because it breaks the modpack, if this does not work try to switch to version 3.12.2 of Stellaris Bug-Fixes: -We fixed the problem with the machine appearance. Now you can pl
「OST」崩坏:星穹铁道(Honkai: Star Rail)
Coleção por Etherandir
自己制作并组合的崩坏星穹铁道-OST音乐包,不定期更新。 The 「OST」Honkai: Star Rail made and assembled by myself, updated irregularly. 以下合集物品为星穹铁道1.*版本所有已上线的专辑。 The following collection items consist of all the albums released by Honkai StarRail version 1.*. © 米哈游版权所有 © miHoYo all ri
Darkness9724's Stellaris collection
Coleção por Darkness9724
The mod load order is the same as in the collection. Support for Stellaris 3.12 To get this collection working with the 3.12 update, you should disable the following mods: Plentiful Traditions 3.x and it's submods The Zenith of Fallen Empires Acquisition o
Coleção por Mercury!
排序采用IMM排序,官方那个启动器太垃圾已经放弃了 1zScRltiijF5jr1kBAalf0g?pwd=leg7 自用合集,只能保证没有排序引起的错误,贴合原版扩展,在保证稳定性的前提下对游戏的方方面面都做了扩展,涵盖特质飞升起源科技事件等等等等,因此后期的缓慢无可避免,难以接受的话除了UI和框架类mod其余的都可以随意删改,请确保自己删改的时候将目标mod 的附属mod一并开启或关闭,以免发生闪退等问题。 在此给出通用mod排序规则,想自己做合集又苦于不知道排序规则的可以以此为参考起手,如非mod特殊
The Merger of Rules 3.X
Coleção por Inny [The Merger]
List of supported mods for the Merger of Rules 3.X
Coleção por 愉杯
除了后方(括号内几选一的)的剩下全部不冲突 MOD按顺序介绍 UI Overhaul Dynamic:原版游戏内UI大修 Neuro-Sama Advisor: Neuro 顾问语音 Tasty Maids: Vanilla 美味女仆:香草味 ! Immersive Loading Screens:同样是加载图 ! Immersive Beautiful Universe !:游戏内银河美化 ! Dark Blue UI ironman:美化整体UI ! Immersive Simple map UI !:
Эпическая сборка с русской локализацией V3.12[ОБНОВЛЕНО]
Coleção por Fresh_Limon
Моя мини сборка для игры на ноуте, тут и гига структуры и acot. Ждем обновления больших модов. Можно еще кучу модов надстроить сюда, так что ее можно использовать как фундамент. Качайте, играйте и наслаждайтесь! Load Order for Irony mod manager В архиве ле
Stellaris 40k
Coleção por ByHonor
Warhammer 40k
Secondary Origins compatibility patches
Coleção por Reyzel
A list of patches for Secondary Origins (the required amount of patches would be way smaller if has_origin was a scripted trigger). More patches will be added eventually.
Coleção por Laureys
合集描述 问题描述 For my laziness, there is no English translation of the introduction, I am sorry.(temporarily) 本合集创作时严格遵循了CC BY-SA4.0协议 本合集拒绝 任 何 出卖工坊作品获利的行为 致敬以下为我的创作提供了帮助的创作者: 玄冰深雪、ALγCE(谢谢)、阿伞、Al-1S等 合集里的mod顺序即为可正常游玩的顺序!
Triple the defense budget.
Coleção por 黑虎
Coleção por atom
本合集的宗旨是流畅且舒适的游戏体验! The purpose of this collection is smooth and comfortable gaming experience! 本合集优化了游戏UI界面,来确保用户交互的体验。加入了更多悦耳的科幻风BGM,让游戏更有沉浸感。 This collection optimizes the game UI interface to ensure user interaction experience. Added more pleasant sci-f
Coleção por 雨丁子
Fallout Collection for me
Coleção por lenierdw
enclave yk
Coleção por 任性傲娇❤奶茶喵
【可联机】自己玩1.1.8.58(我玩着不冲突,冲突就自己调) —— 简介:自己联机的时候用的,方便好友直接导入使用。 MOD的默认排序就是我个人自己的默认排序,如果冲突可以自己调试,但我玩着没什么太大的问题。 此外,有些MOD我自己玩的时候是会关掉的,比如之类这种比较强大且过于打破平衡的MOD。当然,你们也能开,不影响联机什么的。 - : 【单球流作弊建筑】:强度过高,直接虚空产物资。 【美味女仆增强】:让女仆可以被判定为和,能够适配所有国策。但是因为会和冲突的原因,所以我关掉了,选择开。 虽然这两个可以
Coleção por Dr. Addiction
此合集旨在提升原版环境下的游戏体验。任何额外内容(如果有)都被设计为尽可能地贴近原版风格。 This collection aims to enhance the gaming enjoyment of vanilla content. Any additional content, if present, is crafted to closely align with the vanilla style as much as possible.
Original game expansion and optimization(原版游戏拓展优化)
Coleção por Viscount von Preußen
English is not my first language, so the following statement may be strange. Attention: The collection contains data and mechanism modifications to the original game, which may slightly affect balance. All MODs in the collection have tried to avoid modifyi
Gigastructural Engineering - Compatibility Patches
Coleção por Elowiny
A collection of patches to ensure compatibility between Gigastructural Engineering and various other mods. If you know or made another one that isn't on the list, feel free to DM me about it.
Stellaris 原版优化MOD收藏合集
Coleção por 焱淼
Stellaris 机制拓展MOD收藏合集 : 包含实用船模、额外舰船组件、ACoT系列(可选超越原版的神秘δ、α、γ 科技)、At War系列(各种独立优化)。 以及:霸主DLC的更新;new星际贸易DLC;new行星多样化DLC;new远古遗珍DLC;笑 :) 更多机制拓展MOD信息精简到 → 更多机制拓展MOD介绍 (跳转预览列表) Stellaris 的原版优化MOD的更多信息精简到 → 其他未在合集的优秀原版优化MOD记录 ;可能是由于兼容问题,或者是作者已经不再支持,更可能是有更好的选择了(鸡肋
Coleção por Elivicti_
本合集为包含少女前线衍生群星模组的个人自用模组合集 注意: 所有模组已排序
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