Steam Greenlight
포함하는 아이템: "Oozi: Earth Adventure"
이 검색 쿼리 저장
1-23/23개 항목을 표시 중
Indie Royale Greenlight Picks
모음집 작성자 Indie Royale
This collection includes all Greenlight games previously featured in Indie Royale bundles that are not yet on Steam. Please consider supporting their creators by voting them up. If you're interested in featuring your game in an u
The Power Collection
모음집 작성자 Palpek
One of the oldest collections on Greenlight - created among the very first 3. Games picked by gaming enthusiasts on SA forums and SA irc channel. Only the best of the best, hand-picked and voted on by the community. Living and frequently updated!
October 29th Batch of Greenlight Titles
모음집 작성자 Spitko
This is the collection of titles Greenlit on October 29th, 2013 and offered worldwide distribution via Steam. These titles were selected on the same criteria we have been using in the past: Votes in Greenlight give us a hugely valuable point of data in gau
모음집 작성자 magikogaming
To list all the platform games submitted in Steam Greenlight. Leave a comment if you find any platformer that is not in the collection. If you like it or simply think it is useful, please rate and favorite, thx.
Polskie GRY na STEAMA
모음집 작성자 jan12jan12jan
Pomóżmy polskim produkcjom dostać się na STEAMA
The Ex-BLIG Collection
모음집 작성자 Ergo Me Smart
The Ex-BLIG collection is made up of all (or as many as I could find) the XBLIGs (Xbox Live Indie Games) that can be found on Steam Greenlight. All of the games in the collection can still be bought for the XBox for 80, 240 or 400 Microsoft Points, and are
Not On Steam Sale Collection
모음집 작성자 Crunching Koalas
Not On Steam Sale: Flippfly is pleased to announce the “Not on Steam Sale”, a collection of indie games from around the world, all on sale for one week at a 25% or greater discount. None of these games are currently available on the S
Polskie Gry Niezależne
모음집 작성자 1ndie World Crew
Pomóż polskim produkcjom na Steam! Obecność na Steamie dla niezależnych deweloperów bardzo często niezbędna do odniesienia sukcesu. Zachęcamy Was do wspomagania małych rodzimych twórców swoimi głosami. Chcemy Waszymi głosami wspomóc rodzimych twórców i wyk
Gorgeous Games
모음집 작성자 Dahmok
This is a collection of Indie games that I personally think are visually gorgeous. They don’t need to have the most advanced graphic engines or the most snazzy eye candy. These are games that are artistically and conceptually beautiful even if they are mad
모음집 작성자 n'Ging
Kijib's Awesomesauce Picks
모음집 작성자 kijib
The most awesomesauce games of Greenlight! Help make Steam better and vote for these games!
모음집 작성자 /) L I E N K I Y
CPG Nerd Rage Collection
모음집 작성자 Curdle_Sanders
Official Collection of the Podcast Nerd Rage found at The cast hosts scan Greenlight multiples times a day and find the true nuggets in the mound of games that is Greenlight The cast host also try to reach out to developers of g
Awesome Games You Should Rate Up
모음집 작성자 =D Joe Mama
NOTICE: I do not edit this collection anymore unless requested, I havn't since a month after Greenlight started. Keep in mind the view rate of this collection has massively declined so I'm not ruining anyone's chances. The best games I've found. Updated as
Wspieramy Polskie Gry Niezależne
모음집 작성자
Wspierajmy naszych rodzimych twórców! Od samego początku portal pisał i wspierał polskie gry niezależne. Zakładając tą grupę, chcemy pomagać twórcom tych gier, gdyż bez naszej pomocy mogą nie odnieść sukcesu. Oddaj głos, Ciebie nie kosztuje to n
Polskie gry na Steam Greenlight
모음집 작성자 Crunching Koalas
Knight Greenlight Selection
모음집 작성자 Knight
This is, simply, the list of games that called the attention of a person who have been playing all sort of games since more than 20 years and who seeks quality, originality and, above all, fun. Besides being a "veteran" gamer, I'm a member of the videogame
Greenlight Spotlight |
모음집 작성자 Lell
These are games that have been featured on the Greenlight Spotlight YouTube series, a series dedicated to bringing the most interesting Steam Greenlight games to your attention.
GettysTube Greenlight Collection
모음집 작성자 Getty
This collection includes all Greenlight games that have been featured on the GettysTube channel. Please consider supporting them by voting them up.
Big Bad Goat's collection of potentially awesome games a.k.a. games I want to keep track of
모음집 작성자 Big Bad Goat
Created because I would surely forget about them otherwise.
ThtzWhtSheSed's Gamez
모음집 작성자 Deplorable Gamer
I'm a huge fan of old school console and indie games. I like games that bring me back to my childhood. I play a lot of Terraria and Minecraft and would love to see more games coming out that put their own spin on the open world, sandbox, crafting genre. Th
Games I hope to be greenlit
모음집 작성자 `ƒƒ´ C!ruTron
A collection of games I have from indie bundles that I bought in the past and I wish to be launched in Steam.
모음집 작성자 piachu_1987
페이지당 표시 개수: 9 18 30