The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Samling av Burning Heretic
This is primarily a collection of mods I wanted to share with a friend so we could both play the same "Version" of Skyrim.
Basic Enchancing Gameplay Tweaks and Fixes Mods
Samling av RedDeBlu
A handful of mods that don't drastically change the game, but rather changes little things here and there to improve the experience, such as interface, maps and markers, and making the horses abit faster and thus more useful just to name a few.
Just misc stuff
Samling av Adultratedhydra
I put this together for convenience of sharing with friends more than anything else.
Emil's Skyrim Mods
Samling av Emilinator
En blandning av gameplay och grafik mods. Behöver SKSE Lägg till detta i Skyrim.ini fMapWorldMaxHeight=160000.0000 fMapWorldMinHeight=120.0000 fMapWorldMaxPitch=400.0000 fMapWorldMinPitch=0.0000 fMapWorldYawRange=3600.0000 bWorldMapNoSk
Samling av Quiet Man 8
Xndr's Skyrim Collection
Samling av [x] xndr_78
Mods I use.
Tasteoclese's Skyrim
Samling av Tasteoclese
This is simply a collection of mods that I use for Skyrim. I created this collection so that I can direct friends to this rather than have them look for every mod individually.
Raketenvertreter's Best
Samling av Raketenvertreter
Assorted mods I play with.
Samling av Chip Chipperson
The mods I love and use.
my favourites skyrim mods
Samling av kisame
juste the mods i like....
Leadtorrent's Awesome Mods for Awesome People
Samling av Leadtorrent
Mostly mods that visually enhance the game without any noticable (at best slight) drop in FPS.
Personal current stuff
Samling av Phearlock
Personal collection of stuff.
Silverdragon's Skyrim Tweaks
Samling av SilverWolf68
Modules that I subscribe to that improves Skyrim gameplay.
Zarkana's Recommended Mods
Samling av jsc940
Mods that I personally use and recommend.
jdorush collection
Samling av Pingu
for my friends.
Stuff every High-End Gamer should get first
Samling av ChestnutJester
ATTENTION! You need the Skyrim Script Extender for several of these mods! Use SKSE or else it will crash! This collection showcases what i consider the must-have graphical mods (many of them first released before the workshop). I simply cannot play without
Nyurena's Favs
Samling av NyuRena
Some great mods that vastly improve the game for me.
Din dins collection of goodness
Samling av gorin
This has goodery in it.
Immersive skyrim
Samling av Rad Wagon
This collection aims at improving skyrims enviroment with items like forests, villages, npc, lighting, textures and other smaller generics for improved gameplay.
Ratisar Skurim
Samling av Ratisar
ну как бы
Skyrim Mods
Samling av Cyanide
* Simplicity Personified *
Samling av Haya-jii-san
Some simple mods for the average RP-er Enjoy ...
Samling av Byeohazard
A couple sound mods for dungeons and the wilds, quest log improvement. The UI mod (skyui) and world mod Tytanis ( a world mod that I downloaded from skyrimnexus and was not available on Steam) were recomended by PC Gamer magazine staff. I am u
Samling av Seven Slider
The mods that give a new gameplay style
Samling av Cowjuicer
Things I want to use.
Odds and Ends - other mods to enhance the game
Samling av MothmansLight
These are various mods that can be added to enhance random parts of the game such as interface or even horses.
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