Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Your own custom apocalypse
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GMF's addon collection
Collection by YEAH
This is my collection of all L4D2 addons i use. you can check out my channel - sfm videos ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC1FlpEmfZJ2a4afL_RfaTg?view_as=subscriber )
L4D2:TR - Main
Collection by F4T
Collection by 碌碌无为
Collection by 海绵宝宝
此合集无任何红字冲突 - 此合集包括R18模组、美化模组、功能模组 R18警告!!! - 【所有人物替换】 :万华镜系列、巧克力与香草 - 【所有普通感染者替换】 :40种R18人物模型 - 【所有特殊感染者替换】 :魅魔Witch、草神烟鬼、龙王口水怪、康纳Hunter、小埋猴子等 - 【所有武器替换】 :枪械(变身器、小人枪等)、近战武器(仙女棒、封印之杖、星杖等)、投掷物(植物大战僵尸模型、R18图片)、部署弹药箱 - 【其他更改】 【音乐】:亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音、可莉机关枪音效、演唱会R18音乐
二次元向mod(Two-dimensional to mod)
Collection by 萌新大哥哥
替换的内容有绝大部分的地图材质(额外的地图主题黑色狂欢节和死亡中心),绝大部分地图的天空材质,滤镜,全部枪械替换,全部生还者替换,全部近战武器替换,连跳插件,隐藏近战准心,简体中文管理员指令,替换生还者死亡姿势, 对抗模式特感黄色视角替换为生还者视角,小部分特感替换,小部分特感背景音乐替换,大部分特感攻击音效替换,特感特效替换,投掷物替换,血液替换,血液特效替换,渐变喷漆,医疗物品替换,燃烧特效替换,玩家血量ui替换(不包括主界面ui和暂停菜单),加载图标替换,安全室过关图片替换,真实的火焰反光效果以及一些
Improved L4D2 Graphics 2023 Update
Collection by Darks32
English: Well, here is a small collection that I did, where is some Addons that leave the look of the most beautiful and enjoyable game, without changing much the standard of the game! 2020 updated Portuguese: Bem, aqui está uma pequena coleção que eu fiz,
Left 4 Dead 2 Remake Full HD (4k) Collecion. Back 4 Blood
Collection by DylanOG
Para una Mejor experiencia Descargar todos. Todos son compatibles entre ellos sin ningun error. (en su momento, recordar que L4D2 se actualiza aveces y los addons de workshop también) Para los de PC de gama baja les recomiendo que des-instalen el que cambi
Graphics Collection
Collection by FPS Graphics & Gaming [YouTube]
Majority of these mods are from the Left 4 Dead 2 Remaster 2023 Collection made by F4T https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2904572528&searchtext=
Graphics Overhaul
Collection by Wuhan Sick C*nt
This is a graphic overhaul collection, due to their being not many dedicated collections of it. All of these mods are compatible with eachother This does not include weapon textures, as I know people may want their own Download for re-textured walls, floor
Left 4 Dead 2 Remastered
Collection by Heister
This collection improves textures and reanimates items and weapons. A strong drop in fps was not noticed and everything was selected so that there were no conflicts and repetitive mods. Tank Attack and Concert changed to tracks from metal band Dethklok, as
Amel's Collection 2016/8/21
Collection by Amel
1. delete your all addons 2. all subscribe my collection 3. enjoy! I'm using all this addons lalest edit 2016/8/21
The REAL Realist Pack for L4D2
Collection by vk
Getting bored of the ol' L4D2? The REAL realism pack for left 4 dead 2 is here, It includes a ton of workshop items to enhance your game and make it look more realistic, giving a different vibe from what L4D2 is used to be, including new animations, models
Collection by 真·勇者
Silver's Mods Selection
Collection by Silver
Silver's Mods Selection! Custom selection of Visual enhancements mods: - without conflicts between each others - only flawless mods selected - collection will be increased with every new mod that pass my tests :D
Left 4 Dead HD Pack
Collection by Liriodendron
A collection of addons that provide a noticeable graphic improvement to the game. All are improved retextures or remodels, and none are obnoxious or take away from the game's overall feel.
Cally3D Survivors + L4D2 Remastered Collection
Collection by Pentol
This collection brings you mods to make the base game look and feel much better as well as also replacing all 8 survivors (both crews) with models from Cally3D. Here are the list of survivors and who they are now: First Crew: - Coach --> Frenni - Ellis -->
尸特律1:成为人类 (Law of the Dead 1: Become human)
Collection by 韦子能
稳定: 一键订阅所有无冲突可联机 风格: 主打“恐怖、压抑”的游戏环境,这样的环境中更能引发我们对于人性善恶、道德伦理等方面的思考。让玩家联机享受游戏乐趣过程,同时能够品味到游戏的人文内涵 视频: https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1iL4y1p7sh 剧情: 第一章 尸特律 这是宇宙监视者所窥视到的,另一个平行宇宙发生的故事。 在美国南部,乔治亚州的萨凡纳4名灰色社工机器人。本应跟其他同类一样一生服务人类,在社区用到报废后弃入回收站翻新,再来一次相同的人生,却因一场意外改变了命
Enhancement Collection + ReShade Full Version
Collection by .cL | briel ®
Esta es la alternativa Full de Enhancement Collection + ReShade Lite Version ¿Que Contiene? -Mejora Las Animaciones de Todo el juego tales como Armas, Objetos etc -Mejora las Texturas de todo en el Juego a 2K ya que el motor gráfico no soporta 4k y puede t
Collection by 铃沐夏
可一键订阅所有 不突出,如出现闪退,请点视频推荐设置,之后不要更改任何一条设置,还是不管用的话就把页池内存改成低 【N卡滤镜参数】色调0% 色调强度0% 温度-20% 亮丽40% 使明朗0% 明亮度-100% HDR调色0% 泛光0% 曝光10% 对比度70% 亮点0% 阴影0% 灰度70% 【8月11日新增写实滤镜参数及4个材质和1个光效】 使明朗0% 明亮度-60% HDR调色100% 泛光30% 曝光0% 对比度0% 亮点100% 阴影0% 灰度–30% 色调0% 色调强度0% 温度-5% 亮丽40%
project real world
Collection by Ferretsshadow
this project will breath some life into the game. it's the goal of this project to bring the true grindge and realism into this game. that includes graffiti, rust, dirt, mold, etc. on models and textures to give that real lived in feel to the world that ha
Collection by LIGHT CYλN
Collection by 牛牛炸了
L4D2 R18 二次元
Collection by S.JASON
Total Horror
Collection by Robogineer
A collection of mods that aims to make the game feel scarier. This mod is a total conversion of Left 4 Dead 2, including: + New looks for all 8 surviviors + A new set of weapons, complete with new sounds + A new group of scarier enemies + Various, darker w
Addons Favoritos
Collection by МаЯоLа® (✌゚∀゚)☞
Aqui tem uma lista de Mods que gosto e uso. Alguns Mods muito bons não pude adicionar nesta lista pois seus autores os removeram.
Collection by 沐枫
无冲突,感谢各位创作者 Tips: 碧蓝档案主界面背景音乐(mod id:2915335334) 请找到 Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\workshop\2915335334.vpk,将其移动到 Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons 下,以保证进入游戏mod立即生效 关于测试地图进入方式,需要打开控制台输入map tumtara回车即可进入 由于闪退问题,移除了prop fix系列,如有需求请到мяFunreal的合集自取 Custom Cross
Muh Immersion
Collection by CarcinoGene♱icis♱
Does who are addicted to MUH IMMERSION! like me just install the one of the muzzleflashes first then the fixes or 600+ sounds first then enhanced audios then weapons sound and lastly the HD retex.
HD Game
Collection by NeneroG
The Best Works For L4D 2
Collection by PenguinRanger
Just for myself
R6 Siege Hazmat Survivors
Collection by Miyumi
Converting the L4D1 survivors into a Military Hazardous Material Team trying to rendezvous with other military units. This collection includes my fixed Rainbow Six Siege - Article 5 mod and several weapons mod from different mod authors that I think goes w
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