Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Collection by creepyeyes
This is a collection of buildings and assets that I find fit into a certain "Post-cyberpunk" aesthetic, which is to say; futuristic, maybe a little brutalist, in a world of over population and mass production, but not inherently dystopic. If it wouldn't se
Seenu (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
Welcome to the official mod & asset collection for the Cities Skylines YouTube series: Seenu. Read me. No, seriously! This collection was put together specifically for this project and you are free to pick and choose what you like, however, bear in mind th
Chratos - A Ilha
Collection by Chratos
Nessa nova série de Cities Skylines iremos fazer algo inédito. Como seria construir uma metrópole no meio do oceano em uma ilha totalmente isolada sem nenhuma conexão rodoviária ou ferroviária com o estrangeiro? Conseguiremos garantir o fluxo de passageiro
Keralis Season 3 : Assets
Collection by Keralis
Collection by 南城五里
【抖音,B站,西瓜】视频连载系列:城市天际线第①季 ; 说明:本资产合集均为【无名岛】短视频连载系列存档内所使用的大部份资产;
Breakwaters & Tetrapods
Collection by Ronyx69
Planned City Assets
Collection by Silv
Captain Soap's Assets Collection
Collection by Captain Soap
All my assets in one place. Be sure to subscribe to the linked collections as well!
New Windsor - Assets Collection [1/2]
Collection by Pres
This is the first of two asset collections for my New Windsor YouTube series. COLLECTION 2/2: NOTE: If you don't have a great computer and 24GB+ of RAM, I recommend that you pick and choose
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