Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Showing 1-18 of 703 entries
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LGR's Mandatory Skylines Mods [OLD]
Collection by TheLGR
My go-to mods for Cities Skylines, due to being either too useful, fun, or pretty to ignore. Things that simply make the game even better to play, and are therefore mandatory for me!
FLUXtrance's [Fluxburgh] Mod/Asset List
Collection by Flux
Please, only "subscribe to all" if you're dead-set on getting "Fluxburgh" to open. Half these mods/assets aren't updated anymore due to how old this list is - the only reason this list is still on the workshop is for those of you whoe would like to open th
FLUXtrance's [Rhinestone Island] Mod/Asset List
Collection by Flux
This is a collection of all the mods & assets used in my "Rhinestone Island" series on YouTube! Please Note: While I'm currently running all of these mods/assets at once without issue - I can't guarantee the same for you. This is only intended to be a list
BEAM Top Mod Collection
Collection by Beam
This collection contains my favourite mods, which I use for my let's play series on my youtube channel. I will do my very best to keep it updated. | Diese Sammlung beinhaltet meine Lieblingsmods, die ich auch für mein Let's Play benutze. Ich werde mein Bes
Collection by SF
辅助类工具,最大限度不影响原版内容。 Additional Key Bindings 附加按键绑定 在 Option - Gameplay - Shared 里面添加了更细致的按键绑定,比如选择建造道路的方式,划定的区域种类等。 All 25 Areas purchasable 全部25块地可购买 由原版的上限9块地,增加到25块。 Ambient Occlusion 环境光吸收 相当于SSAO,可以增加一些边缘部分的阴影,让画面更充实。在游戏中按下F8进行设置。 ChirpFilter 小鸟过滤器 把丢钱
Beautiful mods
Collection by nlight
A collection of awesome graphics mods which make Cities: Skylines look better. Will keep adding mods as they are developed.
Mods that work with After Dark
Collection by T​​​P​​​B
This is a collection of Mods that work with After Dark and don't conflict with eachother. It's my personal pick out of all the mods in the Mod Compatibility guide that I think will work well together. It's by no means an exhaustive collection and you'll fi
Cities Skylines UBERMOD Pack v 1.3 (29/08/15)
Collection by Brodaty
=== Cities Skylines UBERMOD Pack === What the flack is this?! CSUMP is a huge set of mods created by me for my friends, but also other users of Steam. I decided that I do not want to send individual modifications for my friends. I'll send them the whole pa
Cities Skylines After Dark Confirmed Working Mods
Collection by Biffa
A list of mods that are confirmed to work in Cities Skylines: After Dark. Most of these are also used in my own YouTube series in my town of Biffashireton - you can find me here I will also keep this list updated as new co
CleaveTV's Mods
Collection by Cleave
These are mods I've found to be interesting. Use at your own risk. I will not provide user support for any mods.
Silvarret's Dutch City Mods
Collection by Silv
Mods used in my Dutch city.
Mods To Consider
Collection by Leo Mystic Magic
These are a list of mods that I have found that I may or may not use in the future. They are mods I will consider when I do play the game and will see if they are updated later on.
Cities: Skylines MUST HAVE list
Collection by HeadStrikeR !
A selection of mods, assets and all the good stuff i think compliment the Skylines experience.
Los Cryloss Assets
Collection by лд чонгука
Beautiful Cities - from 5 Top Tips video
Collection by TinyPirate
The mods and assets described in Pirate & Fade's 5 Top Tips video on making your Cities: Skyline's cities beautiful.
Absolute must-have mods
Collection by Kliekie
This collection is the the base mod package every player should have. Includes mostly just stuff to make the gameplay better.
Biffa's "Biffshireton" Cities Skylines After Dark Collection
Collection by Biffa
This collection includes all the mods & assets I will be using in my current Cities Skylines After Dark playthrough, with the city Biffshireton. You can find me here - :-)
Collection by mechax
For my own use, a collection of soviet stuff.
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