Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Customize your city!
Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Biffa's New Tealand Mod & Asset Collection (2021)
合集创建者 Biffa
PLEASE READ the FAQ below (most people still won't read....!) :P Biffa's New Tealand Mod & Asset Collection (2021) for my YouTube series - :-) FAQ: 1) The map I use is Seahorse Islands Ar
Biffa's Mod Collection (Updated July 2019)
合集创建者 Biffa
Biffa's Teaport YouTube Series Mod Collection
合集创建者 Biffa
This is a collection of the mods I am using to build the city of Teaport on my channel at :-)
[Bilibili] 天璇OvO 大都会实况模组
合集创建者 CalvinYC
我是天璇OvO,B站up主,欢迎关注~ 此合集为大都会实况用到的模组,供大家参考。 不建议新手一键订阅,订阅不会用的模组只会给自己带来烦恼!
A City Planner Plays City Builders - Bluffside Crossing
合集创建者 City Planner Plays
Ever wonder what mods I'm using to make my YouTube Series - Bluffside Crossing? Look no further! All of the modes from the series can be found here!
Biffa's "Start a New City Like a City Planning Pro in Cities Skylines!" (2022)
合集创建者 Biffa
Biffa's Start a New City Like a City Planning Pro in Cities Skylines! (2022) This collection is accurate as of today, all updates and changes will be provided via a Load Order Tool xml which can be downloaded from my Cities Skylines discord: https://discor
Biffa's British City Build - MODS (2022)
合集创建者 Biffa
All the mods for my British City Build as seen on my YouTube channel! Enjoy :-) Please see the "Biffa's British City Build - ASSETS (2022)" for most of the assets:
Teaville City Build Collection
合集创建者 Biffa
This is a collection of the Mods I am using in my Teaville City Build series
Biffa's USA City Build - MODS (2022)
合集创建者 Biffa
All the mods for my USA City Build as seen on my YouTube channel! Enjoy :-) Please see the "Biffa's USA City Build - ASSETS (2022)" for most of the assets: TBC
Newmarket Mods
合集创建者 YUMBL
Mods used in YUMBLtv's "Newmarket" city build on YouTube.
合集创建者 YUMBL
Current Mod List for
"Lazy Packs of Mods" -- You don't need to worry about incompatible!
合集创建者 M.S.Referee
(English Language)This is my "Final List" of mods collection which I create my mods based on. That means when I'm doing all my mods, I enabled all of them at same time. So this is why I said: "You don't need to worry about incompatible!", because all of th
Biffa's Cities: Skylines Project Dam Snow (Frostea Citea)
合集创建者 Biffa
This is a collection of the mods & assets used in my Cities: Skylines Project Dam Snow (Frostea Citea) series on YouTube.
Chilled Builds collection
合集创建者 Flash
Chilled Builds one click collection My best go at keeping an up to date collection of mods. These break regularly with updates so know this may not be up to date
CityWokCityWall's Essential Mods & Assets
合集创建者 citywokcitywall
合集创建者 Onlylove
>------停更------< MOD功能简介 1、First-person Auto-walking 1.0 第一人称视角 2、Ability to Read Relight必需物件 3、Relight 色彩平衡 即滤镜 4、Camera Positions Utility 相机位置(1.保存存档时保存当前相机位置 2.可保存相机位置供以后使用 3.禁止与建筑物发生碰撞~即视角可穿过建筑物 4.更近距离查看建筑物) 5、Cinematic Camera Extended 电影摄像机(可自定义拍摄动画)
My Favourite Asset--中国特色包
合集创建者 Alanbai
中国特色社会主义合集 合辑里面有基础mod和中国风格的建筑/小区/prop等等,作为一个初级造景党或者想还原祖国大好河山的同志,你可以订阅! I think these assets have "Chinese Style",so if you want to build a real Chinese city,you can sub them! These are the symbol of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the China with
Core Enhancements
合集创建者 CIMMN
Sometimes we want the simple things. We don't want to add thousands of assets to a map and watch it go crazy. We just want to have a baseline experience, but with quality of life improvements that make the game more fun by removing the hassle. That's what
Compatible mods skipped from PazarCity collection
合集创建者 StayHungryStayFoolish
Lot of mods, with short explanations! This is not a "one-click" collection! However these mods are compatible with the latest software version (Treasure & Hunt DLC patch), and you can subscribe to them, as an alternative or as an addition, but I do not use
Biffa's "Vanilla Snow" City Collection (2021)
合集创建者 Biffa
PLEASE READ the FAQ below (most people still won't read....!) :P Biffa's "Vanilla Snow" City Collection (2021) for my YouTube series - :-) FAQ: 1) The map I use is Ecania's Shire - Sn
All Mods (updated)-2020/04/23
合集创建者 stmSantana
All MODs. (Notation of date in Japan : YYYY/MM/DD) Including MOD that is no longer working now . Another list All Musics I think that Music (CSL) Mods don't suit the purpose of this list so I moved them to another list.
My in-game mods
合集创建者 MaxFX
These are the mods I use in-game. - This collection contains the most recent versions of the mods I like to play with. - All mods are compatible with both the latest version of the game as well as each other. If you're allready subscribed to mods that are
合集创建者 Yuuki_CHN
本合集中的MOD皆支持中文 请勿盲目订阅MOD,按需订阅,过多MOD会使游戏卡顿/无法启动等 以下为MOD简介: 1. Ploppable RICO Revisited 1.1.1 用于放置超过4*4的民用建筑,可将地表更改为住宅/商业/工业等(建议不要自己该,可能会出错),工坊中建筑名称带RICO标识的建筑可通过该MOD放置。 注意:若订阅此MOD,请退订Ploppable RICO 2. Loading Screen Mod 将在下个版本加入中文(已向作者提供汉化),敬请期待 用于更快速的进入游戏,可以
合集创建者 Onlylove
1.First-person Auto-walking 1.0 第一人称视角 2.Ability to Read Relight前置组件 3.Relight 滤镜(自定义颜色矫正,内置7种常用滤镜)---快捷键:Shift + Alt + L 4.Camera Positions Utility 相机位置(1.保存存档时保存当前相机位置 2.可保存相机位置供以后使用 3.禁止与建筑物发生碰撞~即视角可穿过建筑物 4.更近距离查看建筑物) 5.Cinematic Camera Extended 电影摄像机(可
Cotesud-Kinney Mod List
合集创建者 Gabrielium
I use these mods while creating my newest city, Cotesud-Kinney. Better branding image coming soon.
50 Mods / Balanced
合集创建者 X [SGaming]
All mods are working correctly and updated. If you like what you see, please leave a like :) - Thank you for all Modders and Devs making this possible and contributing to Cities Skyline community.
Biffa's Mods
合集创建者 Grim Death
合集创建者 agusingnavy
Essential Gameplay Modpack
合集创建者 JJ
ESSENTIAL GAME ENHANCERS: Mega pack of mods that I will most likely always be using as well as LUT's and other graphic or visual mods.
[Bilibili] 天璇Merak 纯路网存档必备模组资产合集
合集创建者 CalvinYC
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