Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Oggetto contenuto: "旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-B2"
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中国城市 Chinese city
Collezione di midori
中式城市资产合集,一点点完善中。 part 2:
旧城住宅项目Chinese Old Apartment Project
Collezione di kamibito❀
本人资产处女作,国内旧城住宅。希望各位喜欢。 This is a collection of Chinese old town styles. 此为扑通楼,去find it里搜索old即可
Sichuan Province
Collezione di Two Dollars Twenty
All the mods and assets I am using in my Cities Skylines series: Sichuan Province. PLEASE NOTES - This collection is constantly updating and changing as this is the collection I use for my series. Cities Skylines: Sichuan Province
Collezione di kamibito❀
Collezione di m4gic
Chinese immigrants brought this rich culture into enclaves in major cities throughout the world. Recreate a historic late 19th / early 20th Century "Chinatown" district in your large city, complete with modern buildings that continue to celebrate and honor
Collezione di liujiaxin285628
My Favourite Asset--中国特色包
Collezione di Alanbai
中国特色社会主义合集 合辑里面有基础mod和中国风格的建筑/小区/prop等等,作为一个初级造景党或者想还原祖国大好河山的同志,你可以订阅! I think these assets have "Chinese Style",so if you want to build a real Chinese city,you can sub them! These are the symbol of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the China with
Collezione di GLI
Theme Style - South Korean & Japanese
Collezione di Skibitth.YT
DESCRIPTION: This collection contains all JAPANESE & SOUTH KOREAN + extra TAIWANESE building assets that are on the workshop. RELATED: Follow this link to go to the ASIAN THEME STYLE collection where you can find more buildings fitting the asian style.
Asian Growables compiled by Filzbiber
Collezione di Filzbiber
Collection of buildings from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Hongkong and some other (mainly east) asian countries. WARNING: Do not subscribe to all items in this collection, unless you have AT LEAST 16GB of RAM. Otherwise your game might not work
Residential 中式小区
Collezione di Mr. Dragons
Residential 中式小区
Collezione di 一只咸鱼
Collezione di LYKing_
Collezione di shulinbao
Collezione di Rainbowgalaxy
Collezione di Eys.北山
此合集包含世界各式高密度住宅模型,其中有大量欧式、中式建筑,请大家取用。 This collection contains all kinds of high-density residential models in the world, including a large number of European and Chinese buildings, please take them.
Nimbus Asset List
Collezione di nine gems
Collezione di 帕梅罗2017
帕梅罗小镇目前订阅的资产合集,更新于2019年月7月25日。 b站连载地址:
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