Steam Greenlight
Containing item: "Planet Explorers"
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Showing 61-90 of 96 entries
Collection by /) L I E N K I Y
Games I Like
Collection by thepronto
Games I have dreamed of playing or think I will like
Collection by Space Jesus
Collection by Randor95
Games like minecraft - Sandbox/survival
Collection by C4Chaos42
A collection of games that look, feel and/or handle like minecraft. Link to some non-steam games included here: (Link contributed to collection by Samm)
Fun Games on the spot, Free to Play fun
Collection by Jakeulous
This collection is about the "Great" games that I prefer Purchasing them and Playing them for long Hours. These Games in my Collection is greatly hand picked and graphically "AMAZED" me for it's status of Development and Publishing... I myself, hope that y
GoodShowSir's Greenlight Collection
Collection by justinleego
Fragger's Greenlight Collection
Collection by Fragger
A collection of games that I believe look awesome and deserve to be greenlit!
Check 'em out!
Collection by StrikerT
These are all pretty much all the games I've been looking into and want to share.
Voxel games on steam
Collection by Ninjaneer
These games let you build and destroy like Minecraft. These games show promise in continuing the development of voxel based games.
EpicBundle Steam Greenlight Collection
Collection by EpicBundle
Greenlight favorites list
Collection by MasterPlum
games i want to play!
Collection by Tom
Horror survival games i look foward to playing and recording =3
Greenlight Favorites
Collection by 0369
Awesome games that I want to play on steam someday.
Grand Adventures
Collection by Vesp
Over fields, mountains, skies, seas, these games capture the heart and soul of adventure.
Collection by OmniSlash
Sandbox like Minecraft.
Sandbox Games
Collection by Khorne
A collection of interesting Sandbox Games maybe coming out on Steam. Find all the sandbox games we are following on: Website: Facebook: Google+:
Collection by Li0N
World Building Games
Collection by FreaKing
Minecraft is just the start. These other games take building in a virtual world to the next level.
Greenlight Games I Will Most Certainly Buy
Collection by DuhMadDawg
Just a bunch of games I want to keep track of and will probably buy. They will probably vary in type but most will be picked because they remind me of personal favorites from the past or are something I am truly intuiged by and have never seen.
Games that are cool
Collection by ⎛⎝Un Poeta Ciego⎠⎞
Cool stuff for cool people
Collection by daniduuk
There you go..
Collection by Todd Howλrd.dll
A collection of the games we need..
Voidkit's collection
Collection by ZanniT13
Just games i like
Collection by borvid
The question isn't "what are we going to do," the question is "what aren't we going to do?"
Da Collection of Promising Things
Collection by Afangide Urizael Karsh't
The Greats
Collection by pruitt_desmond
My collection are all the games I enjoy the most and they are also the home of my gaming family.
Procedural Exploration
Collection by splatterpop
Randomized or procedurally generated worlds to get lost in. Games that focus on wandering, discovery, and experimentation. Please let me know if there's a game that should be added (or removed).
one in a million - INDIE GAMES
Collection by bar.pys
My collection will show the Indie games which are worth playing- obviously this is only MY OWN opinion. The opinion was made after having played alpha/beta/whatnot version of those games so its not based purely on the description/videos but actuall gamepla
Steam or Vapor series ~ Season 1
Collection by ZephyrAM
A collection of the Greenlight games that I've covered during my Steam or Vapor video series. The videos themselves are basically first impression types of gameplay, with me only occasionally playing the game before if it looks to take a bit of learning. F
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