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Shining Orb Prequel

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Tổng số thành tựu: 6
Bạn phải đăng nhập để so sánh những chỉ số này với của bản thân

Let there be light

Light up all the torches in the cave.

Reach level 20

Make sure we are ready for everything. We should train to be strong enough, so we may defend what is precious to us.

Secret identity

Stay undercover as long as possible. Do not revel yourself in the first level of the temple.

Tools make the man

Music is an art, but it's easier to work with great instruments. If only the hidden music instruments could be found. Then it would be a simple task to impress the crowds.


Prove that you are a true RPG completionist by solving all the secondary quests before fighting the final boss of the prequel.


Get a perfect score in the music contest.