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The Devil's Face

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The gateway to the underworld

As your soul traverses the gates of the underworld, Anubis awaits, ready to embrace and guide you on your profound voyage.

Is it merely a dream?

The realm of the deceased appears akin to a haunting nightmare.

This looks really bad

The malevolent grasp of the underworld's demons envelops me, as the weight of my transgressions becomes unbearable to bear.

Unholy lands

Now, the soul descends into the darkest depths of hell, where light is extinguished and hope becomes a distant memory.

Unveiling the Magnitude of Sin

Among the multitude of sins that can jeopardize your eternal salvation, one stands out as truly unforgivable.

The court

The concept of the Seven Deadly Sins dates back to early Christian teachings and represents a list of vices that are considered particularly destructive to the human soul.

Holy Nails

The crucifixion nails hold deep religious and symbolic meaning for Christians worldwide. They represent the sacrifice and suffering of Jesus, who willingly endured crucifixion for the redemption of humanity's sins.

The crucifixion

The crucifixion is a powerful symbol of hope and the transformative power of God's grace.


The scourging of Christ serves as a poignant reminder of the immense suffering and sacrifice that Jesus underwent for the redemption and salvation of mankind, highlighting his unwavering love and commitment to his divine mission.

The choice

Choosing between two paths reflects our values, character, and free will. The decision poses a moral dilemma, requiring careful thought. It emphasizes the importance of making conscious choices and being accountable for their outcomes.

The path to enlightenment

The journey towards enlightenment and wisdom, as revealed in the ancient Anubis scriptures, is arduous, demanding one to relinquish beloved treasures in pursuit of its attainment.


In Greek mythology, hubris was often depicted as a tragic flaw that brought about the downfall of individuals who challenged or defied the gods.


In spiritual and philosophical traditions, humility is often seen as a pathway to wisdom, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with the divine or higher power.

Our efforts are finally yielding progress.

The enigmatic chambers lie ahead, tempting me with their hidden secrets, yet I find myself hesitant to unravel the depths of that knowledge.