The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim Utopia
12 Kommentare
thomasfulton0505 31. Juli 2013 um 20:58 
I haventy tried this yet and am new to pc games but I know a lot of work went into this so thanks
lazyshmuk 8. Okt. 2012 um 19:27 
Yeah, I tried that out just a little big ago. That's what it was.
possmchicken  [Autor] 8. Okt. 2012 um 19:11 
I believe I know what you are experiencing, and I will add that to the description. If you do not own Dawnguard and have the Dawnguard Unofficial patch enabled, the game will crash after the Bethesda Logo. Thanks for the reminder.
lazyshmuk 7. Okt. 2012 um 22:56 
After installing all these, my game crashes after the Bethesda Logo? I can try turning some mods off to isolate it, but could it be the Unofficial Patch? I'm not sure which one would be causing the menu to fail.
possmchicken  [Autor] 4. Okt. 2012 um 11:34 
No problem. Hope everything works for you.
bidithal 4. Okt. 2012 um 10:56 
i have deleted all my saved games this morning and everything seems to be fine now played bout 3 hrs and no issues will subscribe again to real wildlife mod to see if i have the issues again if not will work thru this collection adding one at a time see if i get the same problem again . cheers for your help :)
possmchicken  [Autor] 4. Okt. 2012 um 10:18 
Yeah that's an interesting one. Even when you turn off the mod, the animals are still in the game, which is really weird. I'll look more into it, but I haven't seen this before.
bidithal 4. Okt. 2012 um 2:48 
downloaded nvidia inspector and limited my fps to 60 no good, tried 45 fps still no good, it is just the animals that are suffering from this bug , i cant kill or loot certain animals and aggresive animals cant attack me they just follolw me about. With it being only certain animals (some deer i can kill and loot some i cant some deer have animations others dont same goes for other animals) i am leaning towards it being an issue with a mod but cant understand why it still occurs when i unsubscribe to all mods . i have even deleted and reinstalled the game and the issue persists :( . i thought that limiting my fps would help but its not yet will try a new game and see if that helps (not sure if my saved game that i am playing is whats causing the issues whilst the mod is disabled
bidithal 4. Okt. 2012 um 0:09 
that could be the case thankyou quick question how would i cap my fps
possmchicken  [Autor] 3. Okt. 2012 um 13:16 
Look at the note at the bottom of the collection description. This may be what you are experiencing.
bidithal 3. Okt. 2012 um 2:36 
the real wildlife mod has caused issues with my skyrim cant kill any wildlife now, most have lost movement animations and glide over the ground when i do kill them they stay stood up and cant loot them . this problem is still occuring with the mod disabled
DaveyAlpaca 28. Sep. 2012 um 16:31 
Most of the mods are amazing and make the game work great, good collection.