The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Empire's Pride
79 Kommentare
Gaming-Sentinel 17. Nov. 2018 um 7:51 
it is fun but it would go from 4.5 to 5 stars if there was a better story:steamhappy:
Basioni 5. Juli 2018 um 22:18 
Haha back for seconds
Bethus 5. Apr. 2018 um 21:04 
Nice mod. Short but very nice. I liked.:steamhappy:
Cheesychicken 3. Feb. 2017 um 19:00 
that would be awesome if u did make it!!
Cheesychicken 3. Feb. 2017 um 18:59 
make one mod for destroying the thalmor embasy by a battle like completly level the whole thing to show not to mess with the empire again and for banning of talos worship.
Replicant#3502 11. Aug. 2016 um 8:55 
i like this mod a lot , but i don t understand why are trolls in the battle ,but no matter this is my favorite battle mod :steamhappy:
TrevorBid 17. Juli 2016 um 3:37 
@electricspark2 - I don't think that it would make much sense for the Stormclocks. Partly because they JUST got done fighting a civil war, and because the Thalmor and Aldmeri dominion VASTLY outnumber the Stormclocks. The people of Skyrim and Ulfric would know that it would not be wise to piss off the Thalmor even more. So no, I don't think that you should do a Stormclock version.
EngineerGaming 4. Apr. 2016 um 18:33 
can you make a version for stormcloakers?
Phosmin 9. Feb. 2016 um 13:36 
I have a question, How do I get to the ship to get there? XD I went to Dawnstar but nothing was there. Unless I gotta go somewhere else? :v
nywolfspirit05 6. Okt. 2015 um 18:13 
Wish it was a bigger mod, killing the Thalmor always brings me great joy. Great mod though:)
Basioni 27. Sep. 2015 um 22:21 
I agree with O'Malley!
O'Malley 24. Juni 2015 um 8:02 
Well done, a modder in the making. Enjoyed and rated. Thank you.
Apolloe 23. Juni 2015 um 9:09 
Good work, Finnally the empire can kill that corrupted group. Down with the stormcloaks, down with the Thalmor. (there should be a stormcloak version too),
Faust 30. Mai 2015 um 15:25 
Nice mod...if you could keep the content going and make the quests and areas even bigger then in this mod. It would be a very nice quest mod.
nancylebriar 5. Apr. 2015 um 12:55 
As far as it goes..the mod was nice. It needs a little more to explore through though. It was clean and neat but the buildings were nearly empty. Don't get me wrong . It was fun but lacked much to do. I would loved to have explored the extra ships and found something new--not seen in regular Skyrim. Maybe the towers could hold a secret--- Maybe a magical cown from a High King in skyrim, some magic of the Elves unseen before. These are all just suggestions and not meant as a put down. I thank you for sharing this with everyone.
Br0G4mer 1. Feb. 2015 um 10:05 
☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over the workshop
/ \ so he can take over
DreadnaughtVCN 30. Okt. 2014 um 16:15 
I enjoy any mod that kills dominion or Thalmor. Nice work. Also would you mind if I posted this to be a reccomended mod for war with the Aldmeri Dominion mod? :falkwreath:
Adi123 3. Aug. 2014 um 7:59 
I can't get in the towers...
76561198038433839 28. Juni 2014 um 10:12 
yeah kill all stormcloaks
cyberphoenix311 22. Juni 2014 um 8:11 
Finally, a mod that will humble those nosey Thalmor. Who needs Talos when you have Ysmir coming to help the Empire come in, kicking butt, and taking names? Sweet!
smr54 25. März 2014 um 12:41 
Does this require Dragonborn DLC?
Karl Franz 13. Feb. 2014 um 14:31 
I think you should do a stormcloak version.
FiveLimbs 18. Jan. 2014 um 11:45 
awesome mod man, really cool, i hope u make more, or expand on this one
sawyer.larson 7. Sep. 2013 um 16:44 
you should make it so if you side with stormcloaks then its them attacking not the empire... then maybe id download it
Gol Zin Viing 4. Juli 2013 um 11:40 
``Who needs a machine gun when you know the Cyclone shout learned in Dragonborn...The empire could have saved themselves the effort and just sent my PC to take these vermin out....Two shouts complletely cleared the Beaches leaving nothing but broken and battered ( and tornado twisted) Thalmor Bodies,,,,,even the Trolls were twisted....the walkway to the Thalmor commandan's office was cleared with 1 shout....Thalmor sent flying everywhere....I just HOpe they try and re-take the island but after that defeat I doubt it. Good work!
Dovahyol 19. Apr. 2013 um 7:55 
(srry for bad Englisch) Cool mod, maby next time a bit bigger and more detail, but besides that i enjoyed it.
littlet11man 10. Feb. 2013 um 11:55 
If you win will the Thalmor get the heck out of Skyrim?
Nicolas Hawk 19. Dez. 2012 um 20:55 
i see ppl showing off as usuall i keep saying in comments lol we are all overpowered XD man ppl still want to show off lol
Gol Zin Viing 11. Nov. 2012 um 22:22 
Well that was a fun 1 minute rfight....How long could it last when My character was carrying a dwemer assault machine gun) Unsucribed for now until you do more with this
d u c c 28. Okt. 2012 um 8:07 
ZOMFG FINALLY! THOSE THALMOR WILL TASTE MY DRAGONBONE! (No, that does not mean what you may think it means. I actually have dragonbone swords and armor .-.)
mzattage2 20. Okt. 2012 um 18:06 
Nice mode. I did get stuck in the basement though. Don't really understand that part.
Lazy Skeptic 20. Okt. 2012 um 7:17 
"And The Voice he did wield on that glorious field
When great Tamriel shuddered with war
Mighty Thu' um like a blade cut through enemies all
as the Dragonborn issued his roar"

Thanks man, we really need more mods like this, where epic Dovahkiins can just go and fight glorious battles, when dominating bandits simply gets too boring.
dragonwoodkeeven 19. Okt. 2012 um 14:11 
Great battle! Thanks!
Governer Workshy 15. Sep. 2012 um 16:53 
Could you please make it so that you can go back after a certain amount of time and fight them again?
Neetshot 15. Sep. 2012 um 3:02 
I never turn down the chance to kill some Thalmor. Ill try it when i get a computer i can play skyrim on.
Ybot 13. Sep. 2012 um 12:12 
Fun idea!!! Good map!! Shame it was too easy...
Level 59, i walked through, if you could up it a bit that would be cool!
Oakpear 9. Sep. 2012 um 17:36 
Restoring the peace!
Thx, great mod !! :)
george_goodew 5. Sep. 2012 um 23:54 
it looks good nice job
kestrel 5. Sep. 2012 um 9:57 
THIS is the empire i want.
jal856 4. Sep. 2012 um 23:07 
Was an entertaining mod, Can't wait to see more added to the mod in some time. Maybe more Thalmor to slay ;D
The Stormcloaks, true sons and daughters of Skyrim!
Lenni420  [Autor] 2. Sep. 2012 um 0:06 
And thanks again! (especially for the video) I actually planned to expand this, but I'm quite busy at the moment...
opiji 1. Sep. 2012 um 21:41 
Hey, I did a video showcasing your mod! Do what you will with it (I'd actually appreciate it if you threw it up there with the images, but it's not like I'm going to check.)
a12boom 1. Sep. 2012 um 18:00 
I really enjoyed it, I completed it under 5 minutes, but It was still good. Do you play to expand on this quest like adding a storyline that would see the return of General Tullius and Legate Rikke? 4/5
shua (shhh-wah) 1. Sep. 2012 um 16:38 
where is the ship u take to get to the outpost?
DemonDino 1. Sep. 2012 um 15:20 
Finnaly im Empire But I wanted to shoot tullious in the head once we beat ulfirc i thought tullious would go and say '' Now that weve beaten the sc Its time to fight the thalmor '' THANK YOU!!!
frostywall 1. Sep. 2012 um 13:37 
WIDE_BOI 1. Sep. 2012 um 12:25 
For the glory of the Empire!!!
Ancient Armadillo 1. Sep. 2012 um 12:24 
Finnally! an easy to find war mod! THANK YOU!