Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

15 Kommentare
captianbacon69 8. Juli 2022 um 11:15 
phd flopper does nothing whos who glitches you out the map and theres 2 windows on a 1 window challenge..... 0/10
tj_jellyfish28 9. Juni 2022 um 4:45 
one of the shield part in in pap room on the wall
fluffysoda2 1. März 2022 um 11:42 
to easy beat in in 5 rounds
rip x 25. Aug. 2018 um 19:04 
someone help
rip x 25. Aug. 2018 um 18:55 
I can't find all the parts to the shield
Sauce 16. Juli 2017 um 11:23 
This was a very good looking map and a very fun map to play!
i beat it without jug on my yuotube channel check it out
Loli police 2. Juli 2017 um 7:49 
how to donlowd this ?
anime girl with programming book 2. Juni 2017 um 5:06 
How did you port thr DIY 11 to zombies? I can't figure out how to port any of the MP weapons into ZM?
大橙橙橙子好好吃 1. Juni 2017 um 22:40 
6000 to end the game that isnt good map design fix it
Brendin. 30. Mai 2017 um 18:30 
i cant find all the parts to the sheild
Yᵤₛₕᵢₙ 23. Mai 2017 um 7:20 
good one window challenge :D found the perfect one that is made with a couple days and no 2 hours :D
adrienmathias2001 27. Apr. 2017 um 15:32 
j'ai regardé tes tutos sur le mod tools et j'ai donc 2 problemes

le 1er etant le fait que sur ma carte les zombie ne sortent que par une seule fenetre les autres,ils spawnent dedans et restent/ne sortent pas

le 2eme etant le fait que malgré avoir suivi les etapes du teleporter et recommencer suite a des erreur , a chaque fois le lanceur me metteit une erreur de script ou bien quand j'avais une bonne combinaison le jeu me metteit un rapport d'erreur comme un crash

sinon beau travail
Mr karabz 15. Apr. 2017 um 13:20 
he mispelt the title
Sidzzz 28. März 2017 um 11:48 
Considering it's merely a box map, it's pretty good. Nice detailing and feature packed, but unfeasibly and ridiculously easy. I suggest you make the shootable easter egg a little harder and drastically increase the Buyable Ending, I mean seriously there is close to no consequence in a 6K Buyable Ending!