Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

51 件のコメント
Starfoth The Burgundy Silk Rug 2017年9月22日 19時02分 
I'm getting a Divided by zero error or something
Harkmagic 2016年11月12日 9時43分 
I'd be half temped to update this mod myself, as it shouldn't require much alteration. Just change/add a few values, but the last time I looked at it I couldn't make much sense out of the file and don't have to time to learn the scripting language.

Anybody with a little time or knowledge shouldn't have any trouble updating this mod.
agent89tuxedo 2016年10月19日 7時53分 
needed for rising tide so badly
Archeval 2016年9月11日 16時22分 
would love to see this updated for RT, it's incredibly useful :steamhappy:
samuel.handelman 2015年12月27日 16時15分 
Does this work with RT?
toki17755 2015年11月9日 6時44分 
does the range boost apply to orbitals as well? if it doesn't could you add the orbital units to the mod? also, is this mod compatible with rising tide?
Taije 2015年10月20日 7時59分 
Updated game seems more interesting now, a little tougher, which is good. Please update the mod if you can, was and is greatly appreciated!!! :steamhappy:
Cosmic Fox 2015年10月11日 21時22分 
Ashman, the balance isn't exact but it is the best of the series since the new programmers took over. I'm finding RIsing Tide to be a pleasure to play and very additive. Demo must not havent given it justice, though Im playing on sputnick lvl lol
Ashman  [作成者] 2015年10月9日 18時53分 
I might pickup Rising Tide if it gets a solid balance/AI patch, and it goes on sale. Just tried the demo and was still unimpressed. Still hyped that people are using my mod, and I've thought of making more changes to BE than just range units!
Harkmagic 2015年10月9日 17時32分 
Any plans to update this to include Riseing Tide units?
Ashman  [作成者] 2015年8月12日 20時34分 
Honestly I haven't played, or modded BE in awhile. I may come back to it if the upcomming balance patch, and Civ Bert vastly improves the core game experience.
Popitrekker 2015年8月12日 19時55分 
i was wondering is you could do somthing for the air units, bc as Calippya says they are wonderousley underpowered even at the higher levels. If you could give them a range boost or attack boost or someting that would tremendously help with city defense
MasBossGaleForce 2015年3月26日 17時56分 
I was thinking this that it'd be more helpful for the AI since I spam posiden or dreadnoughts and can litterally destoy a city in one turn even at 120 def, and than roll a redeemer into it no problem. even when the city is 3 tiles inland. hehe stupid coms use airplanes... which suck at all levels.
Ashman  [作成者] 2015年3月26日 17時49分 
I've always thought of city attack to be similar to static defenses in RTS games. They prevent rushes and allow your military units to wander around without babysitting your base. Other than throwing countless melee to short range units; like infantry, grunts, or zealots, you could out range the base defenses to take them out. If you're worried about siege weapons outranging your defenses, you need to counter them with fast moving units, or deploy similar siege weapons. Rovers, Aircraft, Artillery, or Ships would do the job in taking out enemy siege.
MasBossGaleForce 2015年3月25日 21時55分 
the only issue i see with this is that the tier 4 ships also get a range boost so they would have a range of 4, which is pretty realistic with todays missle cruisers, but cities can only attack 2 spaces away so maybe make cities have a bigger attack range?
BlackViper 2015年3月14日 17時19分 
Hello, could you please post link for external download?
Kresslak 2015年2月11日 0時01分 
Thank you, a great mod, was so annoying seeing hi-tech units off to a new star system and then.... no wait, we have a range of an archer.... What!
Chico Chico Chico 2015年2月8日 11時12分 
Maybe they reduced the range in BE because the gravity is stronger in Planet hehe.
captain5555555555 2015年1月22日 16時56分 
Makes sense, in Civ5 units could fire 3 spaces at the industrial age. How would industrial era tech be better than the tech sent to another planet?
Splod 2014年12月18日 17時26分 
This mod helps alot,Great mod!
Sims_doc 2014年12月6日 23時32分 
Much better.
CardboardKnight 2014年12月4日 3時50分 
i hate short range rockets i mean gunners have less range than archers did in civiliztion V
BLÀde 2014年11月12日 3時19分 
this is too OP now it was better when it was just missiles
Karnil Vark Khaitan 2014年11月10日 4時36分 
Uhhhh But they are allready storng in their own rights, I do believe they can handle to get close.
(Have not tried the new update)
Ashman  [作成者] 2014年11月10日 3時51分 
I've updated the mod to include the crowd favorites SABR, LEV Destroyers, and ships! Let me know if there are any major balance issues.
Wastetime(TMA) 2014年11月8日 6時34分 
why LEV Destroyer
Cynewulf 2014年11月8日 3時58分 
A warning for those who use both mods: This mod can conflict with the Enhanced Promotions mod. It is possible to upgrade yor siege units enough that their range 'wraps around' again to only 1 tile, making them useless.
Ramify 2014年11月4日 22時06分 
droneRIOT 2014年11月3日 14時45分 
I second what Lanancuras said :
SABR needs at lest one range upgrade too then, else balance issues!
CLSKayyo 2014年11月3日 3時27分 
Very very nice
SkeletonDZZZ 2014年11月3日 0時47分 
一个快乐的肥宅 2014年11月2日 18時34分 
very nice
Lanancuras 2014年11月2日 15時12分 
Have you taken the Supremacy (Prime) SABR into account? In vanilla Beyond Earth it is the siege unit with the longest range, but if you'd give Minotaurs and Devastators the same range as a Prime SABR you could ruin the balance.
Ashman  [作成者] 2014年11月2日 2時34分 
Siege units already get +10% up each tier, and you can even pick perks that increase this bonus. As for damage, they are on par with rangers but need to set up before firing, and I believe they have a lower strength value so they are easy to dunk with soldiers or rovers if you can get them close enough. One thing I did notice in a AI game is that they will happily use the improved range, but still park them 2 tiles away from a city when attacking it. I may have to tweak the AI. I'm playing a Supremacy game (Though Evolve Alpha is taking all my time!) so I can see if the later supremacy ranged units need a range increase. I think I'm going to buff the LEV Destroyer with +1 range since it is a giantic floating battleship (But not the LEV Tank), and increase the range on the Tier 2 Cruiser by +1.
Yzaxtol - Mike 2014年11月2日 1時45分 
to help balance the mod, the units will probably need to be reduced in strength but compensated with a +% to attacking cities like they eventually did with siege weapons in civ5
Ashman  [作成者] 2014年11月1日 17時52分 
Which mods are you using Action Bastard?
TVYLLA 2014年11月1日 13時52分 
Does not work for me. Likely a conflict with other mods.
capinzombie 2014年10月31日 18時36分 
This looks cool
Vibby 2014年10月31日 16時07分 
@egyptndrgn There is also a unit that can get a range of four. It is a supremecy unique unit.
Vibby 2014年10月31日 16時04分 
Anyone here find siege units usless in general? I just make some phasal transporters and use them for one turn over an enemy city ( You do need the enemy to be somewhat close by) and then warp all your most powerful melee units. I was playing on Gemni (Or however it is spelt) and it was a piece of cake. I even let one of the Ai's to prosper for 300 turns before crushing them into paste!
Ashman  [作成者] 2014年10月30日 20時45分 
And that was my orignal thinking Strategia, that and the fact that rangers had the same attack power early on that is was pointless to field missle rovers! I'm still looking into more feedback as to how the AI handles it, although from what I've played so far it seems pretty timid. That and Firaxis still hasn't correctly balanced AI with the 1UPT (One Unit Per Tile) combat rules. I'm still looking into the later tier siege units, Affinity units (Maybe the destroyers but not the LEV tanks on the purity side) and trying to decide when to increase the range of naval units, possibly tier 2 or 3. Once I start increasing the range on units other than siege I may rename this mod. I'm also above 1,000 subscribers which is pretty exciting to me!
Lena 2014年10月30日 13時48分 
Finally, these things become useful. I was just in a game where the AI stacked a bunch of defensive buildings on its cities to bring them up to 70-80+ strength, making it impossible to attack them until I got enough Purity points to get my Wardens to range 3. Until then, anything that strayed within the city's range just got pasted instantly. It's even worse than Catapults in V, at least those things can generally survive one or two hits.
Ashman  [作成者] 2014年10月29日 14時48分 
Thanks for the reminder Kickstart, I'll have to look into Affinity Specific Units at a later time. Indirect Fire may need some tweaking, as I think it's a nice game mechanic for line of sight, and gives the player something to think about when mobilizing their army. Maybe I'll tie it into the tier 3 or 4 upgrades if I can, but then I'll have to replace the perks with something else.
Lulu 2014年10月29日 10時49分 
Could you do this to ships too ? :O
BLÀde 2014年10月29日 7時18分 
good now i can target them mofo worms better!
Fry McFly 2014年10月29日 6時56分 
Whats with the Special Units with attack Range from the 3 Affinitys? Like the walking Robots. Will they get also +1 Range? If not this Mod maybe unbalance the whole Game.
What i really wanna have is a Mod that dissable the Range Malus from Hills or Woods for Range Units. - Thats so annyoing. I have Sci-Fi Units but they cant shoot through / over Hills or Mountains.
egyptndrgn 2014年10月29日 6時08分 
I did note one or two units with 3 range, but didn't pay attention to any other buffs or potential upgrades, but still like the idea of a basic ranged unit having the farther reach.
Rykhath 2014年10月29日 5時33分 
I like this Good Job, becuase when I first played a few games unmodded I always thought to myself why don't I have better is future tech..
Ashman  [作成者] 2014年10月29日 4時02分 
I'll have to do more looking into how this mod plays out in the mid to late game. But as of right now all tiers should be getting range 3 at tier 1,2 and 3. Harmony gets a range of 4 right off the bat with their tier 4. Purity can select the +1 range when not moving perk. Having 5 range siege units might be terrifying! :ccskull:

I may also look into range increases for ships as well, but not at tier 1.
egyptndrgn 2014年10月29日 3時41分 
Not a bad idea. I haven't finished a game yet, so I didn't know if that was an upgrade later or not.

As an idea, maybe do it for the third and fourth tier upgrades to the missile rover? Keeps it a bit more in line with the progression from Civ V from catapults to artillery and rocket launchers...