Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

Ghost Goat
1,023 件のコメント
jrsttheman 4月28日 20時23分 
Geneosis  [作成者] 4月21日 2時27分 
@Dplayz32: That is the small button on the oppisite side of "Start" :) If you use a XBOX one controller it must be one of the small buttons in the center, not sure which of them.
Dplayz32 4月20日 0時02分 
what button on an xbox controller is "back"?
caisonlandrum22 4月10日 16時09分 
caisonlandrum22 4月10日 16時00分 
@hrvoje.dorotic can you show a pic of that goat?
Geneosis  [作成者] 2月21日 9時05分 
@BlueTruckJr: Did you install the mod correctly and select it in your mutator list?
BlueTruckJr 2月21日 8時25分 
it not work for me how fix
IronBoyMark10 2023年9月5日 19時01分 
hrvoje.dorotic 2023年8月19日 11時27分 
dorpenguin 2023年4月29日 18時13分 
its a ghoats
Sqwimble McWimble 2022年10月6日 13時07分 
@Geneosis Ah, so it's Share for Dualshock then, since that's the equivalent.
Geneosis  [作成者] 2022年10月6日 12時35分 
@Wubbyzvat: I'm not sure sorry... All I know is that on a XBox controller it's the small button opposite to the Start button.
Sqwimble McWimble 2022年10月6日 11時36分 
What's the back button for Dualshock4?
Geneosis  [作成者] 2022年8月7日 0時32分 
@abbimunster: Were you in ghost form when you tried to do it? And if yes what key did you press after licking the human you wanted to possess?
abbimunster 2022年8月6日 18時24分 
i cant posses a human
Geneosis  [作成者] 2022年5月2日 9時00分 
@squigglydig: What does nothing? Did you change some key bindings maybe? What you need to do to become a ghost is the Baaa while in slowmotion.
Rammelton 2022年5月1日 19時01分 
does nothing.
Geneosis  [作成者] 2022年4月27日 11時13分 
@lucy: Did you install the mod correctly, selected it in your mutator list thne pressed the correct keys to become a ghost?
William 2022年4月27日 10時45分 
it does nothing to my goat
Uzi Doorman 2022年1月21日 12時08分 
ah nvm I was just being an idiot
Uzi Doorman 2022年1月21日 12時02分 
The mod seems to be broken
junkbot090 2021年12月28日 9時51分 
sounds cool
cechinelraziel7 2021年11月3日 8時36分 
Very incredible :pleased:
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年10月3日 1時51分 
@xtalpistol: Did you install the mod correctly and selected it in your mutator list?
LivingMythical 2021年10月2日 13時12分 
I like it but i ckant get it to wrcke
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年8月12日 2時01分 
@Travis182: This is not a bug, read the easter eggs part of the description ;)
Travis182 2021年8月11日 16時51分 
oh and it stays until you possess another thing
Travis182 2021年8月11日 16時47分 
i looked at the mutator and its called the goast
Travis182 2021年8月11日 16時42分 
i found a bug, if you possess one of the goats that bow and un-possess it you turn into the real ghost mutator
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年7月30日 1時06分 
@SnoopyPoopy: That's the point XD Why else would you want to be a ghost?
SnoopyPoopy 2021年7月29日 15時40分 
can the ghost go through walls?
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年6月26日 9時02分 
@Wiskandila自我: No idea, try to apply the solutions for that in the FAQ (link in description).
Wiskandila CS.PRO 2021年6月26日 8時42分 
ım download but game is not open why
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年5月31日 9時59分 
@briefcase: Hmmm I know the whole map is surrounded with a "kill sphere" and if you exit it your body is usually destroyed and you lose all of your mutators... So maybe the ghost goat let you go through that barrier, but if you call your body out of the sphere with you it will still be destroyed, leading to the situation you noticed XD
briefcase 2021年5月31日 8時53分 
found a weird bug. if u go into ghost form and fly to, like, the top of the skybox, try to summon your body, it will fail, and the galloping sounds will stop for a second. then, if you go back down to the ground, you'll be unable to summon your body but you will be able to exit your ghost form and become another ghost
briefcase 2021年5月23日 15時50分 
oh, and there's this weird box below a rock near the helvete tunnel
briefcase 2021年5月23日 15時49分 
few things i noticed in goatville with this mutator while beneath the map:
-the hole is long and cone-shaped and has a big gray circle engulfing the center
-most of the buildings dip well below the ground, including the ones that you can't normally access
-the goat castle is below a hill near the fight ring
-the hillbilly, car, and truck have their destroyed forms driving right beneath them under the map
Lambda Man 2021年5月10日 17時10分 
@Geneosis I came back here just to say hi btw theres nothing going wrong just wanted to say hi so... "Hi" :steamthumbsup:
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年5月2日 1時46分 
@Pezos: Hmm that's weird, other mutators abilities should not transfer to the ghost... But maybe Sonic Goat was made a little differently so that works for it ^^
★NL★ Pezos 2021年5月1日 19時42分 
@Geneosis If I use you're Sonic goat Mutator I run faster as a Ghost, Neat.
Lambda Man 2021年3月12日 10時13分 
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年3月12日 9時29分 
@MimpiDreams: Did you select the correct mutator in your list?
Lambda Man 2021年3月11日 20時27分 
@Geneosis it says its not out of date but then I do F + 1 then nothing happens.
Lambda Man 2021年3月11日 19時16分 
@Geneosis its also the only mod I installed.
Lambda Man 2021年3月11日 19時14分 
@Geneosis It also dosn't work I do F + 1 and nothing happens.
Lambda Man 2021年3月11日 19時13分 
@Geneosis Ohhhh
Wait then what is?
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年3月11日 9時41分 
@MimpiDreams: Well I guess you are asking for update because your game displayed a message saying that you have outdated mods installed, right? What I mean is that this mod is not the one causing this message to appear :)
Lambda Man 2021年3月10日 18時31分 
@Geneosis what do you mean by this mod is up to date too?
Geneosis  [作成者] 2021年3月6日 4時00分 
@MimpiDreams: This mod is up to date too :)
Lambda Man 2021年3月5日 19時03分 
Update it