American Truck Simulator
NitroModz SCS Forklift Piggyback [ABANDONED]
Комментариев: 137
qaaya 2 янв в 15:33 
I get it. If people re-uploaded my work for profit when I was giving it away for free I'd be mad too. I understand why you don't update this, even if it is unfortunate. Great mod either way.
[1CEE00]Smashtastic 5 дек. 2023 г. в 21:31 
okay so you abandon this mod because of people stealing?...but isnt that giving them a reason to use it now since you gave up on it. Now the stealers are gonna get the credit because you quit
[L-11] B. McGlocklin [F0031] 31 авг. 2023 г. в 19:48 
@Aspect Trucking Might as well, the creator fully abandoned 90% of their mods because of re-uploads from other people and refuse to work on them. If you are good at modding you may as well use the mod for whatever and update it at least to make the rest of their followers happy. As the creator refuses to update anything simply because a few people stole the mod, they aren't going to update it.
1977 Peterbilt 359 Long hood 20 авг. 2023 г. в 12:14 
"someone stole my mod so instead of reporting the stolen mod im gonna entirely abandon it haha" -nitromods
space 17 июн. 2023 г. в 9:45 

Hello, I know you’ve been over this a thousand times, but are you going to bring an update to this?

If not, do you mind if I update myself it for personal use only?
WolfGuy100 18 мая. 2023 г. в 22:03 
Why would you abandon mod if someone take your mod and reupload it somewhere else? That's how modding world is, there's no way to stop them from stealing your mod then upload it somewhere else. Instead of focusing on THAT, why not focus on making people happy by keep updating your mod?
East Coast Matt 26 фев. 2023 г. в 9:17 
love the mod, is there any chance you are going to update it?
Max Headroom 15 янв. 2023 г. в 8:17 
Either update the mod or delete it, asswipe
ryankostick2 20 окт. 2022 г. в 15:06 
azgoodaz i would have to agree on that one he/she should go and keep up on it and not let someone go and put a bad name and or have someone take credit for what he/she did thats bs if u ask me
azgoodaz 15 окт. 2022 г. в 9:56 
Kinda dumb for a modder like yourself to cease development because it got reuploaded to a fishy website. You have no control over that, not like any others who had paid mods done the same thing.
SuperTrooper 2 сен. 2022 г. в 7:03 
Wow what a great mod, definitely adds a different aspect to the game. Thanks for the great work.
HONDACBX1982 3 мая. 2022 г. в 11:57 
Only came across some of your mods today on Steam Workshop. What a brilliant job you've done! Hope we may welcome more of your work! It really adds to the realism level of an already brilliant game. Thanks a zillion.
space 25 апр. 2022 г. в 14:23 
@v.marando sorry, but you cannot
Rocco mate 24 апр. 2022 г. в 22:02 
can you drive the forklift
AlconburyBlues 23 фев. 2022 г. в 20:09 
@Nitrodax, understood. I hope you find a way to keep doing what you like. It really is good work. I feel awful that this whole ordeal got you so upset. Again, the offer is there to help you, if you wish. Just let me know.

BTW, side note. There is a trailer like this down the street from my work. But instead of a forklift, they had a simple pallet jack jammed in the holder. Weird.
The Field Marshal 23 фев. 2022 г. в 12:12 
Toxic as ever you know so many people say the same thing would't logic dictate their is TRUTH to what we are saying, but then again one must first open their eyes to see the light.
Nitrodax777  [создатель] 23 фев. 2022 г. в 12:09 
"Radical beliefs" yeah, cuz wanting your stuff to be respected and not stolen for profit is RADICAL. Fuck outta here with that crap.
Nitrodax777  [создатель] 23 фев. 2022 г. в 12:07 
Alcon i specifically said not you, because it wasnt directed at you. That was just bad timing.
crazy93mustang 22 фев. 2022 г. в 8:06 
I wish i knew how to update this mod for continued use. My dad used to build these lifts from the ground up. Nothing in his bay in the morning but a blue painted frame awaiting assembly by 2 men, by the end of their work day it was being tested out back on the offroad course and always had to be able to pick theirselves up for transport. Really cool mod, if nothing else i will revert to be able to still use.
The Field Marshal 20 фев. 2022 г. в 9:17 
He won't update it and i don't think its got enough of a following for someone picking it up, maybe down the road someone will make a new one. But if you want take it and keep it up to date.
AlconburyBlues 19 фев. 2022 г. в 21:59 
@TFM, I'm cautiously optimistic.
The Field Marshal 19 фев. 2022 г. в 12:28 
Told you hostile towards the community and is delusional to his radical beliefs, he is mostly ranting at old posts in his massive rant so don't take it personal.
AlconburyBlues 19 фев. 2022 г. в 5:16 
Feel free to add me if you want help with anything. I normally mod for racing sims and flight sims. But my assistance is always offered. And I don't take credit for any of it. ;)
AlconburyBlues 19 фев. 2022 г. в 5:14 
Wow, I gave you a compliment, and this is the response I get? I'm truly sorry. I didn't say I didn't understand why you did it. I just said it was a shame you had to. I'm sorry if I enraged you. (I honestly don't know how I did.) I in no way said you should "get over it". I was just saying that's how I finally coped with it. Most of the modding I do is private, and I only share with friends now. (With the exception of a few trucks that some modders told me I can update for them.) I honestly like all your works and wish I could help (if you wanted it). I wish you the best of luck.
Nitrodax777  [создатель] 19 фев. 2022 г. в 2:35 
And before you try to come at me with some bullshit like "well you quit and said youre not updating it so you dont have to be here". Lets not forget this is MY workshop. I can come and go as i please, and do what i want. The fact that you are even able to still comment is because i allow it. I can turn off comments completely. I can individually delete your comments. Hell, i can even just wipe my entire workshop from steam like it never even existed. Dont try to come here like you can tell me what to do.
Nitrodax777  [создатель] 19 фев. 2022 г. в 2:21 
Like, i legitimately dont understand how ass backwards your logic can be and you somehow dont see that. This whole situation can be summed up with a 3 lined meme.
Community: If you dont like your work getting stolen, then just stop modding.
Modder: Okay. *stops updating mods*
Community: *Surprised pikachu face*
Because i really dont know what else you were expecting.
Nitrodax777  [создатель] 19 фев. 2022 г. в 2:10 
If your response is really just "well, get over it", THATS what makes this community toxic and absolutely insufferable. You continue to drive modders away by demanding complacency about THEIR stuff getting stolen and not caring when it does. Because thats just unfathomably sad that youre seriously telling modders "let your work get stolen or dont mod". But all youve done is moan in the comments about me rage quitting and not modding because im (in essence) literally doing what YOU told me told to. (not you Alconbury)
Nitrodax777  [создатель] 19 фев. 2022 г. в 2:10 
And modders who do paid/private work dont wanna pick this up because they all almost unanimously agree with me. Because the exactly thing im complaining about is LITERALLY the exact reason why they stopped modding publicly. Im not rage quitting, because i still mod. I just have no reason to share with any of YOU. Because why should i have to bust my ass to make quality mods, just to have people steal and reupload anything i make that becomes popular so they can make a profit off of my free work. Theres a reason why they only steal stuff like this, and not things like skins. Because they know theyre not gonna make any money off of skins. You dont care because its not YOUR shit getting stolen. Thats the reality. Because you really wanna say that me choosing to not update something that i made isnt fair to the community, but give 0 fucks about how people stealing my stuff isnt fair to me.
Nitrodax777  [создатель] 19 фев. 2022 г. в 2:10 
The community isnt torn around some deluded morality. That only shows how little you actually interact with the greater numbers of the community. The only reason why this hasnt been picked up is because NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO FUCKING MOD. The community is only divided between 3 groups of users, those who cant mod. Those who do publicly. And those that do paid/private. And i wanna say thats a maybe 7-1-2 split. The community has pushed away like 90% of the modders who did it publicly due to rampant theft and disrespect. Others in that percentage have left naturally because they just dont have time for the game anymore. The vast majority of remaining public modders dont wanna pick this up because they already have the stress of handling their own equipment. Others dont because it just doesnt interest them otherwise to dedicate time.
AlconburyBlues 19 фев. 2022 г. в 1:20 
It's really sad that you chose to abandon this mod. It's a really awesome addition.:steamhappy:

But as a modder myself, I know that my stuff will eventually end up somewhere else. It's just something you have to deal with. I used to get easily upset also.:steamfacepalm: But after a while, I just gave up. It's not worth the stress. I realized that I still want to keep doing what I enjoy. So I either made some of my mods payware, or just shared it with the community hoping that it will not get stolen. But I no longer get upset about it if it does. I just keep on trucking, so to speak.:steamthumbsup:

(BTW, a lot of modding that I do is not for this game. That's why you don't see a lot of work from me yet here.)
The Field Marshal 18 янв. 2022 г. в 12:14 
Any modder knows that a warning like that only invites it to be re-uploaded, he chose to have a rage quit blaming the entire community not just the people who took it and re-uploaded it, he chose the route he drove down now the community can either let it die or someone else picks it up and keeps it going that's all that's left at this point.
Kiop305 18 янв. 2022 г. в 6:19 
@The Field Marshal I understand exactly why he quit this mod, he's had several mods that have been reuploaded, with a warning on all of them, saying, "****I will cease updating this mod if it is reuploaded/stolen in any way, shape, or form, to any other website outside of Steam without my permission.****"
The Field Marshal 31 дек. 2021 г. в 13:02 
Not that i know of community is torn around a deluded morality to let it die, hostility towards the idea of someone picking it back up, and overall squeaker rage quiting. Welcome to pick it up if you have modding experience the original creator has already rage quited at the community so i doubt he cares.
biomek7 31 дек. 2021 г. в 12:38 
i just noticed this was ABANDONED.... has someone else picked up this mod?
The Field Marshal 29 ноя. 2021 г. в 12:21 
it was a collidable prop on the back of the flatbed but if you are meaning if it actually came off and unloaded things then no that would have required custom animations, though now the mod is dead so if you do know how to mod you could pick it up and try and animate it.
Angels_fall_first 29 ноя. 2021 г. в 11:44 
Does this forklift actually work or is it merely a prop?
The Field Marshal 13 окт. 2021 г. в 22:07 
Just pick up where he left off on it I'm sure modder's can take the assets somehow and update it he already handed in his resignation to it and is not interested in continuing it at this point that's the only course if you want it, personally I like the idea of forklifts hanging off the back never seen that here in Canada.
[T.P.G]Taz 13 окт. 2021 г. в 21:17 
abandoned :steamsad:
Sgt. CowBoy 28 сен. 2021 г. в 17:33 
i know you abandoned this but is it possable to make it the 45-48ft spread before fully abandoning it please
The Field Marshal 23 сен. 2021 г. в 14:46 
i agree with you.
HookerHeels 23 сен. 2021 г. в 14:31 
And as for the mod theft, it sucks. But you knew damn well it would be stolen. Quit acting like you're surprised it got uploaded elsewhere.
HookerHeels 23 сен. 2021 г. в 14:30 
Fuck this entire comment section. Fuck simulator modding in general. All everyone does is argue.
The Field Marshal 22 сен. 2021 г. в 13:55 
"you spammed the comments so many times i got annoyed reading them and just had to say something.. now go sit in a corner kid" clearly you need to go sit in a corner and shut up because you clearly lack any ability to read, if you did you would see those SpAmMeD cOmMeNtS you like to put it were of an argument with someone else not spam learn not to but into someone else conversations unless you have something to actually ADD TO IT, but a flame warrior like you wouldn't know that that's why you decided to burst in here with your mouth stuffed with your foot thinking you would look so awesome barging in to something (something already finished) when in reality you just look like a little fortnite rage-quitiing squeaker streamer with no intelligence.
The Field Marshal 22 сен. 2021 г. в 13:55 
"i can tell how un informed you really are in this world lol" clearly i know more than you do but i'll bite do tell what does you're little brain think knows more than me here right now hmmm? because no one has clearly shown evidence to confirm that the only reason VIPER (for one) quit was mod bootleggers, as for outlaw my argument still stands sturdier than your pillow snowflake safety fortress there is no clear evidence provided that states that to be the only reason life could have gotten in their way who knows that's their business not ours.
The Field Marshal 22 сен. 2021 г. в 13:55 
Take this as an example you have a 21 year old mod maker from South Korea suddenly just disappears no word as to why doesn't say anything it just looks like his mods are now abandoned.

Deluded Expectation O iT's CaUsE hIs MoDs GoT StOlEn OoOoOoOoOo >:O.

Reality South Korea force conscript’s men from the ages of 18 to 28 it's mandatory for 5 years service unless they leave the country, which in a way i can both see pros and cons to that but that is not an argument for here.
Gcode6969 22 сен. 2021 г. в 0:10 
These comments lmfao,, Field Marshal i can tell how un informed you really are in this world lol, not even vipers truck but ya know outlaw and viper both have only quit on it now the best version is and will be for awhile hatreyu gaming you spammed the comments so many times i got annoyed reading them and just had to say something.. now go sit in a corner kid
The Field Marshal 9 сен. 2021 г. в 17:12 
wills gaming: pick it up n mod it to work the original person decided to go on a rage quit at the entire public so at this point its free game to who ever wants to pick it up where he walked out, would be welcomed too.
Jake 9 сен. 2021 г. в 14:27 
looks real cool!
wills gaming 9 сен. 2021 г. в 9:04 
would be great if the beacon on the forklift worked with the beacons on any trucks that pull the trailer.
The Field Marshal 23 авг. 2021 г. в 17:19 
Read your own previous comment it was nothing but attacking Uncle_D and now your attacking me with pathetic insults stop acting like an eight year old squeaker admin from a GTA RPG server if i am in charge of the latrine then your whats in the bowls of it Mr. smart mouth, you presume to say i went 0-60 what do you think your comment is clearly you need to acknowledge your abusive and toxic antics. Secondly the mod maker attacked me clearly you need to learn restraint a wise word of probably meaningless advise "think before you open your mouth, it will save you from putting your foot in it".
Checkmate, king me, sank your battle ship, game over.