Imperial Projects
151 megjegyzés
xXsLaYeRXx1412 máj. 15., 7:36 
hey, any update on when this mod may be updated?
THE FORCE máj. 9., 4:05 
philosophert márc. 17., 1:09 
That would be awesome. Hope you do!
grimthenecromancer márc. 15., 1:13 
yes please :'(
xXsLaYeRXx1412 febr. 19., 12:22 
yooooo, it might be coming back?
Smug  [készítő] febr. 10., 22:18 
Wow its been 2 Years! Ive been looking at the Code and have been thinking of Updating/Reworking this, no ETA yet, but Its something Im going to be working on!
foxconnor272 2023. dec. 9., 6:42 
Mod still works for me. Ave Imperator!
quipenn 2023. okt. 11., 17:04 
does this mod still work?
truelove101992 2023. okt. 10., 20:31 
Thin the mod is dead anyone good at modding feel like making a fan fork?
Basilisk 2023. máj. 14., 17:07 
The stuff here still works last I checked, so I doubt much would need to be changed if there ever is an update. So to anyone looking at this, the mod should still work fine, the megastructures still function.
Specimen 7 2023. márc. 31., 0:01 
i don't think the dev is going to keep the mod up to date
Eragon PYRUS 2023. márc. 30., 9:15 
Rockandroll547 2023. márc. 19., 8:01 
Anyone know if this mod will be updated at any point to 3.7?
LoneWolf7X7 2023. febr. 22., 20:32 
So i know this is outdated. But It works fine for me. I know it says its required but I don't use gigastructures and it seems to be fine
Willem 2023. jan. 22., 15:39 
@LynxQueen This mod's close to a Year out of date.
LynxQueen 2023. jan. 22., 15:26 
No idea how to build any of these despite passing them
CTH2004 2023. jan. 12., 10:09 
this is neat, could someone explain what each one does as spoilers (Thanks!)
Ash19256 2023. jan. 10., 13:05 
Absolutely interested in seeing when this updates.
Walrus 2023. jan. 2., 7:31 
update pls
KKillroyV2 2022. dec. 30., 16:56 
Commenting here so I know if/when this mod gets updated, I loved using this in my games so here's hoping.
ColdSpaCe7 2022. dec. 15., 11:51 
truelove101992 2022. nov. 5., 12:10 
Love this mod, hopefully the update comes soon. Props to you for a great mod.
Smug  [készítő] 2022. szept. 21., 14:29 
Eventually (TM)
Valtiel_The_First 2022. szept. 21., 13:11 
any plan for an update?
Smug  [készítő] 2022. szept. 12., 3:42 
The Tyanki one is just general stellaris stuff, the Engineering guild is not a very direct reference to something, but it does reference something, regrettably i have completely forgotten what
Ave Imperator 2022. szept. 12., 0:28 
@Smug What was the inspiration for these megastructures? Some of them are obvious: the Throneworld is Asimov's Trantor, 40k's Terra, Star War's Coruscant, etc. The Biolab seems to be just your usual evil empire stuff. The Hyperlane Beacon is fairly obvious. The other ones though I have no idea, especially the Engineering guild, it seems like a reference to something but I have no idea what.
GuardianForce 2022. aug. 29., 16:01 
Does this mod work with current version of stellaris
Sunconure11 2022. aug. 29., 12:18 
Well, I had tried, and did run into crashes, so maybe some mod conflict or something else that needs to be fixed?
Smug  [készítő] 2022. aug. 22., 7:32 
Im glad to hear it is still mostly functional then, i do think some pandemic function related things are slightly broken however. I havnt tested it, it could be mostly fine.
THE FORCE 2022. aug. 22., 6:30 
What doesn't work? I been using in 3.5.
Qillin 2022. aug. 18., 7:52 
Take your tim :]]]]]
Smug  [készítő] 2022. aug. 10., 4:31 
Sorry, as of current i do not have the time to update this mod
SMmania123 2022. aug. 9., 17:57 
@Smug maybe this month for that update?
Smug  [készítő] 2022. júl. 1., 7:47 
Yes, eventually.
Rockandroll547 2022. júl. 1., 2:24 
Do you think we will get a 3.4/3.5 update for this mod?
Saber 2022. jún. 2., 21:07 
is there any documentation? Built the tiyanki structure but it just gives some resources.
LoneWolf7X7 2022. máj. 22., 3:17 
Does anyone know if this works with 3.4?
Mondo Barrel 2022. máj. 15., 17:10 
does this work 3.4 cause that would be awesome
ZwergenPiste 2022. máj. 14., 4:56 
ah okay, thanks!
Smug  [készítő] 2022. máj. 13., 16:42 
you need to be emperor of the galactic empire to build these, after passing galactic community resolutions for each one
ZwergenPiste 2022. máj. 13., 13:45 
What is meant with "Unlocked through the Galactic Empire"?
Smug  [készítő] 2022. febr. 26., 21:58 
i presume yes
DrRitterstein 2022. febr. 25., 5:14 
This should probably work in 3.3 right?
jonnyblade38 2022. febr. 4., 21:46 
Smug  [készítő] 2022. febr. 1., 22:05 
Updated to 3.2!
のあ 2022. jan. 14., 4:10 
update PLS!!
Porter 2021. dec. 7., 18:54 
oright got it thank you
Porter 2021. dec. 7., 4:54 
is there a plan to update the mod or is gigstructures planning to add this to their list of megastructures and features
Naraxa 2021. nov. 30., 18:35 
Is there any plan for an update in the near future? This mod's really cool and the megastructures are a great fit for the Imperium
evildonut100 2021. nov. 27., 15:08 
REALLY want an update :)