The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

More Hunting
37 comentários
Kor 17 fev. 2019 às 16:19 
Wumbrax just about kills any immersion one could build up.

Remove it, ffs.
TipToeInDaSnow 26 nov. 2017 às 15:45 
Fix your tags.
Xin Atom Surge 6 abr. 2016 às 3:09 
If only you could mod or edit the amount of experience gained based per dual fireball hit, sword slash hit or arrow planted in the animal, and make it more fun to grind them for fur and gold. That'd be something. Less time spend leveling.

I would love to play a non modded honest game of skyrim on adept or higher...

I just dunno hooow. lol.. people can do that and be pro.
Alkalineer  [autor] 4 abr. 2016 às 19:34 
@Jodos No problem! Looking back the wolf boss was a bit overdone, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Xin Atom Surge 13 mar. 2016 às 20:56 
Thanks creator of this mod... I've been looking for something similar. And it comes with bonus content. a Prized elk and Wolf Boss. I hope it works the way it's intended to work.
Alkalineer  [autor] 22 mar. 2015 às 20:04 
LMAO @acidhail I completely forgot about that omfg i cant beleive i put this like a year ago omg :') shits fire fam >>>>
acidhail 22 mar. 2015 às 11:37 
ey heres my mod. while youre at it check my mixtape, shits fire yo xD
SleepDeprivedPanda 20 mar. 2015 às 19:47 
The king of Bored 5 dez. 2014 às 21:42 
mango 5 dez. 2014 às 16:15 
:Deer: :Ohdeer: :huntdeer: :falkwreath:
Mattacoose 5 jul. 2014 às 1:21 
Does this improve the respawn time from the original 10 days?
Alkalineer  [autor] 29 mar. 2014 às 20:01 
@[BLC] (2) GodLessGold Thanks for the ideas, Although this mod isnt supported anymore! Sorry, Its just that ive been busy, and stopped pumping out updates for this, and other mods of mine. I give anyone permission to steal this mod, and/or edit it in any way, and upload it to the workshop/nexus to their liking. As long as skyrim gamers have a better hunting experience, do with it as you please, this goes for anyone else! :) Good hunting!
Bob 29 mar. 2014 às 15:24 
Sabre Cats, Snowy Sabre Cats, Snowy Bears, Bears are also rare, maybe up their spawn rates too, also adding passive wolves wouldnt be bad, thanks for reading my ideas!
Bob 29 mar. 2014 às 15:22 
i was just scrolling through every mod for skyrim on steam and was looking for some kind of bosmer hunting animals mod, this one seems exactly what I wanted, cant wait to load up the game.
BucketHatRealAss 21 jan. 2014 às 17:35 
keep up the great work :) u should add more hunters too
Alkalineer  [autor] 16 jan. 2014 às 21:14 
Ahh, thanks @canis39 :) Glad youre enjoying it! Thanks for clarification too, i was playing around with it, and couldnt find how the drops were messed up, hahaha! Good gaming, man!
canis39 16 jan. 2014 às 20:31 
As it turns out I don't think it's this mod at all, it's a mod called "Enhancement". It's actually a pretty solid mod but not all that useful for hunter characters because it messes with the loot/pelt drops for animals. "More Hunting" is back installed for me and I am loving it, great job!
Alkalineer  [autor] 16 jan. 2014 às 18:04 
Ahh, sorry about that @canis39 It was a development error, but ive stopped working with workshop, so i guess its something that youre just gonna have to deal with, my bad, again. Ill post that bug in the description though.(:
canis39 12 jan. 2014 às 9:36 
I found the Prized Elk and received 5 elk pelts. And I definitely notice more elk and deer in the wilderness. But when I kill them...I don't get pelts or antlers. I get things like mushrooms, flowers, jazbay grapes, etc. Is this just me?
Bean$ 10 dez. 2013 às 15:54 
that is awsome
MomBanger69 12 nov. 2013 às 15:28 
nice im always looking for somthing like this but it should add more hunters and other animals
~MysticalKitty~ 28 out. 2013 às 6:56 
dude great mod!
TheRealSlimSucchini 20 ago. 2013 às 11:56 
simple but helpful
craigie1874 3 ago. 2013 às 3:52 
Oh man this is awesome, I am taking a break from my MMO, LOTRO and getting stuck in about my first non MMO PC game, I have been taking my time with my new character and just been hunting around the starter areas gaining sneek and bow skills, so you can imagine my joy at finding this MOD!! Thank you very much for taking the time to do this.Superb. Nice one!
Alkalineer  [autor] 28 jul. 2013 às 0:52 
glad this helps! :B1:
Sullivan 27 jul. 2013 às 13:39 
This mod makes it easier to smith cause omfg im impatient and this helps alot.
Riciop 15 jul. 2013 às 15:10 
I fear that this mod increase fuckly the amount of bears in the wild.
PunisherLex 3 jul. 2013 às 9:29 
@RedOblivion i can agree with that it also helps me with that frostfall mod
Red Oblivion 2 jul. 2013 às 4:12 
this mod is PERFECT for finding these elk pelts for the"build your own home mod"
Alkalineer  [autor] 25 jun. 2013 às 14:27 
Thanks Dudley(:
dudley2far 25 jun. 2013 às 10:35 
good job.
dudley2far 21 jun. 2013 às 10:58 
i think this an awesome mod.please if possible make a few more.
Alkalineer  [autor] 5 jun. 2013 às 16:59 
lil_bish 5 jun. 2013 às 8:35 
could you add more foxes and rabbits and deers/elk in the plains of whiterun
Alkalineer  [autor] 4 jun. 2013 às 17:50 
Will do!
Archadies Leafwalker 4 jun. 2013 às 16:57 
May I see the legendary wolf in a screen shot please? Thanks! Oh, awsome mod! Rated up, fav and sub.
冷酷な悪魔 4 jun. 2013 às 11:44 
More pictures, but all in all sounds great!