The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Ysolda's Make-Over
7 Kommentare
Zeplix 25. Jan. 2018 um 19:46 
here is a glitch whenever i make a new skyrim account my character is outside of cart and it says cant go this way or something and i cant come back anyway u can fix this?:steamsad:
Vitri5 22. Aug. 2013 um 2:45 
do you have curse client because there is a mod on there that did it to me
Egg 3. Juli 2013 um 16:31 
yeah. They're two different colours, completely. its hilarious but not good for rp
Cavalier  [Autor] 2. Juli 2013 um 19:43 
O.o are you talking about the neck thing?
Egg 2. Juli 2013 um 19:12 
her face doesnt match her body XD
Cavalier  [Autor] 23. Apr. 2013 um 17:48 
Working on it, added pics to my other mod.
MnemonicMonkeys 23. Apr. 2013 um 15:12 
pics, man, always pics