The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Teutonic Myths and Legends
16 kommenttia
boron92 31.3.2015 klo 2.46 
@prgrohmann The saga of Gudrun and Brunhilde, the saga of Sigurd the Dragonslayer and the beowulfsaga are germanic sagas. The beowulf saga is a anglo-saxon saga, but the two tribes were germanic, even after they emigrate to the british isle.
All other sagas are nordic-germanic, though our ancestors had the same mythology and the same religion.
biggestmexican 10.3.2015 klo 2.06 
My girlfriend's no gamer but very Icelandic & LOVES that you made these books. I couldn't buy them this time though. Thanks again.
Altbert  [tekijä] 6.7.2013 klo 16.08 
The Nords were a germanic people too!

Sorry, no Tamrielization will be done! These are legends and sagas, so nothing real world!
anvil2011 5.7.2013 klo 21.12 
I think it would be better if you Tamrielized all these books. Real world things turn me off.
Hårvarg 14.6.2013 klo 13.14 
it is some norwegian sagas to
Altbert  [tekijä] 1.5.2013 klo 12.19 
I am sorry, but I really don't know which of these sagas are germanic. As far as I know all of these sagas where known throughout all teutonic peoples more or less, whether germanic or not.
Lord Splatterknight 1.5.2013 klo 6.44 
whitch is the germanic sagas because I dont know so mutch of my ancestors
Peeper 1.3.2013 klo 23.52 
Cool! Thanks much.....again!
Altbert  [tekijä] 1.3.2013 klo 15.18 
@pelle_torsk: Icelandic Sagas have been added!
starmorey 28.2.2013 klo 15.25 
Which one deals with Frankish mythology? They're my anscestors and I'm danged proud of it.
Peeper 28.2.2013 klo 2.36 
Thanks for addint the Prose Edda, just saw that last night and subscribed.
MartyMcMeme 27.2.2013 klo 14.15 
oh i thought it was the monster and book and quest type of thing
Altbert  [tekijä] 27.2.2013 klo 13.39 
@pelle_torsk: recently added the Prose Edda!!
Altbert  [tekijä] 27.2.2013 klo 13.12 
@usgonzo: these are just books without any pictures in it. I could add pictures with book cases, but I think that's pointless.

@pelle_torsk: at the moment working on Icelandic sagas.
Peeper 27.2.2013 klo 12.18 
Thanks again for adding these books.
MartyMcMeme 27.2.2013 klo 12.13 
could you add som pictures