Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients

Iberia v0.7 Base version
Mostrando 1-10 de 13 aportaciones
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Actualización: 20 DIC 2022 a las 8:38


-Minor map expansion around the foot of the Central Pyrenees with 1 new city for the Iacetani.

-Polished the Ebro Valley and the Aquitanian area of the 3D map: (more of the map will be polished in future versions)
-----Increased tree variety and sprinkled some smaller trees through the open areas
-----Fixed some floating/misaligned props and reflection/refraction of props near water, etc
—--Added cosmetic agricultural activity outside city walls
—--Cosmetic improvements to certain resource buildings. Tree stumps around lumber camps, larger flocks around certain livestock farms, etc
-----Smoothed out “pixelated” pieces of coastlines and riverbanks
—--Added ambient sound
-----Various other minor changes

-Also added ambient sounds to the Phoenician, Greek, Tartessian and Iberian areas that already received updates in versions 0.5 and 0.6. The remaining areas of the map will receive ambient sounds when it is their turn to be updated.

-Changed the locations of some river names on the strategy map so as not to overlap with miniature models of in-game buildings such as bridges (so they can always be properly read).

-Changed starting ownerships of two cities in the Ebro Valley to be slightly more historically accurate:
—--Bolskan changed from Iacetani to Suessetani.
—--Kelse changed from Ilergetes to Edetani.

-Created custom unit graphics for the Iberian and Tartessian faction groups, and also updated their fort/city guards, garrison, etc to match

-Added some of the new Iberian spearmen models to the Phoenician spearmen brigade pool

-Fixed a long-standing issue where faction emblems on unit shields would incorrectly render as entirely black. The white parts of faction emblems now finally appear white as intended.

-Slightly raised speed values of Peltasts, Thureophoroi & Berber Heavy Javelineers to be more consistent with other units.

-Removed deprecated ‘supply train’ skill from the military skill trees and added ‘improved forced march’ skill, just like in vanilla 3.3. (Military skill trees were accidentally based on an outdated version of the game)

-Several changes to descriptions, including various typo fixes and some other changes.
-Added “Bilistages” as a possible general name for the Iberians.

Actualización: 21 ENE 2021 a las 11:34


-Redesigned Greek brigade roster, since the Greeks in this mod are of a later time period and at a different location from those of Vanilla with a greater focus on flexibility rather than rigid phalanx warfare. (These changes only affect the Greeks in Iberia scenarios, not those of vanilla or other mods)
-----Removed Hypaspists and Phalangites
-----Added Thureophoroi, Thorakitai and Medium Cavalry
-----Replaced Macedonian Phalanx tech in the skill tree with Advanced Warfare, which unlocks the new brigades
-----Final tier of the companion brigade is now Thorakitai rather than Phalangites

-Added custom unit graphics for the Greek and the non-legionary Roman unit rosters
(Sadly the in-game models for the Roman legionaries (hastati/principes/triarii) are a bit fantasy-looking and don’t lend themselves to retextures due to the way they’re modelled and skinned. There’s no good way to fix them to be more realistic looking, nor are there any other in-game models that can be retextured and substituted for the legionary unless we abandon the scutum shield altogether which would be weird since it’s so iconic for the Romans. Custom models are possible, but very slow/inefficient to load through a mod .xnt file. I do have a custom model in another mod (Latium) and it works but extends the game booting time by 2 minutes. I have been trying to keep Iberia as a more accessible and closer-to-vanilla mod than Latium so I’m not keen on pushing the loading time in this case, but might still decide to do so in the future. Another option would be if a future update/DLC introduces a swordsman or spearman with a large shield to vanilla that could be retextured to a convincing enough legionary for this mod.)

-Removed anachronistic vambraces from Phoenician Heavy Hoplites and Noble Cavalry

-Added a custom tag/buff for the triarii to differentiate it from the hastati and principes. Only applies to this mod. Could port this and other custom buffs to a separate vanilla-mod if people are interested though.

-Nerfed Berber Archer range and damage to be like vanilla archers and not OP

-Polished the Greek and Iberian areas of the 3D map: (more of the map will be polished in future versions)
-----Smoothed out “pixelated” pieces of coastline
-----Increased tree variety
-----Sprinkled some smaller trees through the open, walkable areas
-----Fixed some floating/misaligned props
-----Added reflection and/or refraction to some props near the water that didn’t previously have it
-----Added some tree stumps around lumber camps, spilling into the walkable area
-----Added some custom mule props to inhabited areas
-----Increased cosmetic crop variety with custom crop types
-----Added cosmetic agricultural activity just outside city walls
-----Some other minor changes

-Found another historical river name (Udiva for the modern Millars/Mijares) and added it to the strategy map

-Added another crop graphic (lettuce) and sprinkled it into the previously updated Tartessian area, besides also being used in the newly updated Iberian area

-Added 4 more possible general names for the Berber faction group (Capussa, Lacumazes, Vermina & Mazaetullus), 1 for Celtiberians (Laros) & 1 for Iberians (Orsua)

-Roman AI generals spawned by event now have the new portraits and tooltips that they also have in the new campaign of the DLC-features add-on

-Barcid AI generals spawned by event now have their tooltips configured correctly

Actualización: 20 SEP 2020 a las 10:46

V 0.51b Changelog

-Fixed another camp (NNW of Ilunum) that caused a CTD when built
-The historic starting generals Indibilis and Mandonius for the Ilergetes and Ausetani respectively now have custom portraits and updated tooltips, to match their portrayal in the upcoming new campaign of the DLC add-on. (Subject to further change as development of that campaign progresses)
-Added 2 Iberian general names (Abelox & Amusicus)
-Some very minor corrections in a select few city tooltips

Actualización: 14 AGO 2020 a las 6:42

V 0.51 changelog

-Fixed a map bug where a specific camp would cause the game to crash when constructed
-Fixed Hastati missile damage which was accidentally 10 times higher than intended
-Replaced the custom unit buffs used by Javelin Swordsmen and Heavy Javelineers with slightly retouched versions from my Latium mod
-Re-exported faction icons and custom brigade/character portraits without mipmaps, which fixes a blurriness issue they had

Actualización: 8 NOV 2019 a las 11:08

V 0.5 changelog

-Minor map expansion in the eastern Pyrenees:
-----3 new cities
-----1 new faction
-----moved one of the "mountain pass" buildings used in invader mode in the DLC add-on
-Polished the 2D strategy map:
-----Added a dark border between land and water to reduce pixelation and make the whole thing look a bit more slick
-----Added names of tribes, rivers and other geographical features at various zoom levels, similar to the strategy maps in Hegemony: Rome and Hegemony: Gold
-Polished the Carthaginian and Tartessian areas of the 3D map: (more of the map will be polished in future versions)
-----A couple of rivers had the amount of bridges over them reduced because they were too close together and caused pathfinding oddities
-----Smoothed out “pixelated” pieces of coastline
-----Increased tree variety
-----Sprinkled some smaller trees through the open, walkable areas
-----Fixed some floating or otherwise misaligned props
-----Added reflection and/or refraction to some props near the water that didn’t previously have it
-----Added some tree stumps around lumber camps, spilling into the walkable area
-----Added some custom mule props to inhabited areas
-----Increased cosmetic crop variety with some custom crop types
-----Added some cosmetic agricultural activity just outside city walls
-----Moved the lumber camp west of Qart a bit southeast because it was too close to the nearby fishery, causing the positions of their tiles to jumble up
-----Some other minor changes
-Created custom unit graphics for Phoenician and Berber unit rosters (other faction groups will also get custom graphics in future versions)
-----Updated the Phoenician and Berber prop guard models to match
-Changed food production cycle of grain farms to be more historically accurate. Farms in most of the map now have their main harvest in summer (which was more common in the Mediterranean climate), but farms in the most northern areas with a temperate climate still have their main harvest in autumn as before.
-Berber noble cavalry can now also throw javelins
-Added custom portraits for certain historical Carthaginian generals
-Fixed all crop graphics across the entire map to correctly go through their growth stages rather than being stuck as black saplings
-Added catapults to Phoenician and Latin faction groups, and their skill trees
-Removed unnecessary military reforms from Latin skill tree, since in this mod they get access to advanced units by default
-Some other very minor changes

Actualización: 27 JUL 2019 a las 1:22

V0.41 Changelog

--Added XML formatting to all large tooltips so they have proper spacing/line breaks rather than being a wall of text.
--Minor changes to certain city names and tooltips
--For compatibility with the much more sophisticated and accurate Historical City and General Names mod (which now extends over the Iberia mod), Iberia's original (much less accurate and complete) city renaming script (depending on which faction owns it) has been removed. People who want the feature should now subscribe to the Historical City and General Names mod.

Actualización: 20 DIC 2017 a las 3:57

V 0.4 changelog
-Expanded map, added 27 cities.
-Added 5 new playable factions (all Celtiberian)
-Added a faction-specific objective to all factions
-Added 1 other faction “under the hood” which is only playable with the invader add-on.
-Added 2 new historical/mythological starting generals
-The companion brigades for the mod’s Greek and Latin factions use the Somatophylakes and Cohors Amicorum names respectively again.
-Changed some of the factions groups’ prop guards to use the new Illyric prop guard type.
-The various faction groups no longer all use the default Gallic type of the “general” prop guard (appears in some forts)
-Greeks and Phoenicians now use the new Greek type of the sparring guard props.
-Added props to an empty farm between Scalabis and Ebora
-Added script tags to all forts
-Changed the Barcid and Roman invasion events to not spawn with DLC-only units, so the events will work properly if DLC isn’t installed.
-Fixed some typos here and there
-Fixed atlas bug for Vaccaei and Vettones shields that were using only the top half of the image
-Fixed a bug in the city rename script that confused Bevipo for Belikiom

Actualización: 14 JUN 2017 a las 14:16

Actualización: 14 JUN 2017 a las 14:03

0.3 Changelog:

-Expanded map, added 33 cities
-Added 1 new faction group (Lusitanians)
-Added 5 new playable factions (1 Aquitanian, 2 Celtiberian, 2 Lusitanian)
-Added 1 other faction “under the hood” which is only playable with the invader add-on.
-Changed starting city for the Celtiberian Confederacy
-Added historical/mythological starting general options to factions for which I could find a suitable candidate.
-Certain cities will now change their name when being conquered by a specific faction group.
-Added three extra general names to the Tartessian faction group.
-Lowered AI Turduli’s aggressiveness value to make them more likely to fall to AI Lusitani.
-Changed Abdera’s name to Abdrt (will change back to Abdera if conquered by Greeks or Latins)
-Changed the generals of the Barcid and Roman invasion events to match the new starting generals for those factions
-Improved the companion brigade script so it is now compatible with other mods with such scripts and doesn’t override vanilla’s companion script
-Fixed pathing bug that made an area near Mentesa Oretana impassable.
-Added another gate to Mendiculeia to remedy a bug where units heading southwest from Mendiculeia sometimes exit on the wrong side of the river
-Slightly rearranged some house props in Mendiculeia near the new gate
-Added more reflection/refraction to some waterside houses of cities in the east of the map where some houses that needed it were missing it
-Fixed some floating props in the Northeast of the map
-Fixed some minor spelling errors

Actualización: 4 MAR 2017 a las 2:56

0.22 Changelog:

-When playing as anyone but Carthage, there is a new event in which the Carthaginian Barcid family invades Iberia and assumes control over the Carthaginian colonies.
-Changed the conditions for the Roman invasion to spawn (except if you’re playing as Carthage). They will now spawn only after the Barcids have invaded, as a sort of miltary response. Also fixed an old bug in their script.
-Roman invasion now gets some more money and a free starting army. (Barcids get the same)
-AI Carthaginian Colonies is now less aggressive. Until they get taken over by the Barcids, who are more expansionist.
-Taking Mastia as Carthage in the Carthaginian event chain now renames it to Qart-Hadasht.
-Reverted buff for javelineers (apparently the buff they got in vanilla 3.3 was unintentional as well)
-Minor changes to map along northern edges near the Pyrenees to facilitate land invasion routes for the invader sandbox
-Made Aquitanian archers less common as mercenaries as with Berber archers now available they are no longer the only archer unit.
-Added some trees to the visible bit of Africa at the Strait of Gibraltar
-Added 4 new factions, though none of them will ever appear or be playable without the Invader add-on. I added them “under the hood” to the base version so that submods that alter factions will not need separate versions to be compatible with both the base version and invader add-on.