The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Black Mage Armor
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Update: 11 jul 2014 om 20:02

Version 3.2
- Renamed version Final to version 3.1, yay!
- Removed Black Mage Focusing Gem from automatically being added to in the inventory and instead made it craftable.
- Changed the functionality of the Black Mage Focusing Gem, it now acts as an override for any smithing perk requirements if you do not wish to meet them. It can be crafted with an empty common soul gem.
- Cloth versions of the armor are now available under the Misc section of the forge right away.
- Light Armor versions now require either the Black Mage Focusing Gem or Steel Smithing/Advanced Armor Smithing/Glass Smithing to craft.
- Heavy Armor versions now require either the Black Mage Focusing Gem or Orcish Smithing/Ebony Smithing to craft.
- Light Armor Steel Plate and Ebony will now gain the Matching Set perk bonus.
- Added a new Cloth Circlet with a special texture for the Archmage version.
- Added new Cloth and Light College Robes and Boots, as well as a Hooded Scarf and Armwraps.
- Redid some textures completely, resized some textures, and left textures uncompressed for the sake of quality. File size is increased again as a result, but there should be very little to no performance impact.
- Renamed things again due to me not liking the previous naming conventions done by past me. This is the last time...Probably.

Update: 28 jul 2013 om 15:50

Version 3.1 - Fix
- Compressed the .bsa using SMCO[], decreased the file size from 100mb to 50mb.

Update: 28 jul 2013 om 13:26

Version 3.1 - Fix
- Fixed some keywords in the .esp that incorrectly marked some light armor as heavy and some gloves as boots.

Update: 8 mei 2013 om 2:07

Version 3.1
- New Light/Heavy Ebony - Black Archmage Armor.
- New Light/Heavy Plate - Black Archmage Armor.
- Black Archmage Robes are now Cloth and Light.
- Steel Plate Armor now has a Light version.
- Naming scheme changes.
- Crafting material requirement changes.
- Armor value changes.
- New chest added to the Archmage Quarters; requires Archmage Key to open and has pre-enchanted Black Archmage Chestpiece/Hoods.
- Version of Light and Heavy Chestpiece/Hood that show up in the chest are based on the player's level. Cloth version will always be the same.
- Upon installing or updating, the Black Mage Focusing Gem will automatically be added to your inventory. The Gem allows you to see Black Mage Armor crafting recipes in your blacksmithing window; remove the Gem and you will no longer see the recipes.
- Black Archmage Armor will become available for you to craft as soon as you've become the Archmage of Winterhold.
- Cleaned the Black Mage Armor.esp

Update: 16 nov 2012 om 0:41

Version 3.0
-Added new Light and Heavy Ebony Mage Armor sets under the Ebony section of blacksmithing, crafting materials for both sets are on par with the Daedric Set. Statwise Heavy is on par with Daedric, Light with Dragonscale.
-Added new Cloth Black Archmage set, complete the Winterhold College questline and you will find pre-enchanted boots, hood, and robes in your quarters. Ability to craft unenchanted versions will also be unlocked upon becoming Archmage.
-Removed blacksmithing perk requirements for crafting the sets.
-Slight increase of crafting materials on Light/Heavy sets to compensate for no perk requirement.
-Obtaining the Advanced Armor perk for Scaled Black Mage/Plated Black Mage sets or Ebony perk for Ebony Mage sets will still allow for bonus to upgrading.
-New ground mesh for Scaled and Plated Black Mage Cuirasses.
-Tweaked Plated Black Mage set textures, now with more shiny.
-Fixed some issues with Hood/Mask normal textures.
-Fixed issue with Hood where light reflection was slightly pink.
-Tweaked other various textures ever so slightly.

Update: 26 jun 2012 om 0:29

Version 2.1
- Readded original hood meshes and textures in Cloth and Light Armor variations.
- Slight tweaks to Heavy Armor values.
- Slight tweaks to some textures.
- Added a new mask. Can be worn with either hood variation, it has no armor rating but can be enchanted.

Update: 23 mei 2012 om 1:04

Version 2.0
- Light and Heavy armor values, crafting values, and tempering values all tweaked to be more in line with their positions in the Steel Section.
- There are now 3 different versions of the Black Mage Armor; Cloth, Light, and Heavy.
- New boots, gloves, and hoods for Cloth and Heavy. New gloves and hood for Light.
- New robed breastplate for Light and Heavy.
- Cloth now under the leather section of your blacksmithing window.
- Light and Heavy are now Scaled and Plated; and require the Advanced Armor perk to craft and improve.

Update: 18 feb 2012 om 19:21

Version 1.2
- Added optional armorless version under the Misc section of your blacksmithing window.

Update: 14 feb 2012 om 19:21

Version 1.1
- Fixed bug caused by creation kit that made first person female models show the incorrect textures.

Update: 13 feb 2012 om 4:37

Version 1.05
- Added missing keyword to chest. People will no longer react as if you are naked.