Leadwerks Game Engine

Leadwerks Game Engine

Experimental water rendering
"- SSR / Cubemap combination for reflection
- complete postprocess based on raymarching"
4 comentarios
Josh 22 NOV 2019 a las 3:06 
I am curious, why ray-marching and not tessellation?
Josh 22 NOV 2019 a las 3:05 
I would be interested in seeing it in action, and possibly licensing the code from you, if you are interested. I'll be at a conference next week for some military sim stuff and I think they would be interested to see this also.
klepto2  [autor] 20 NOV 2019 a las 22:39 
It runs at 20 fps here on my laptop with integrated intel 620. It should run much faster than this with a normal gfx card. i am currently cleaning up the code and will send it to you if you're interested.
Josh 20 NOV 2019 a las 2:32 
How's the rendering speed?